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I've been gone awhile ...

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I have no clue, and to be honest, I didn't notice that until just now. I swear, I only have this ID, never created any others, and never signed in to TSW with any other ID. That's weird though.

It is strange.


Mayans no doubt. Trying to get the inside scoop on our imminent destruction....

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I doubt very seriously that you have this correct. It is very easy to end posting privileges.


OK, one positive vote for moderation.


IF someone stepped forward to moderate PPP then you could have different rules here. If I moderate PPP I will handle it like the rest of the board.

No thanks, we're good. Most of the people who need to be moderated are run off pretty quickly anyway.

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Well, I've received multiple requests to moderate this forum. Not me personally, but the moderators have been asked repeadedly to moderate PPP.


So, you (the collective you) tell us, is that what you want??? You can't have it both ways, either we moderate this forum or we don't. Personally I don't have the time or desire to, but I will if that's what the users want. But...I won't distinguish between one forum and another. Either we/I moderate this forum or we/I don't.


So, exercise your rghts and vote; it is November after all. Apologies to tgreg for hijacking his thread.



(If you decide that you want moderation here the first step will be to lock all existing threads so that you start from scratch)

We don't need no stinken moderator.


And certainly not one of your ilk. :D

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Moderators walking into this forum is like a sherrif walking into an old western town. It aint gonna end pretty for the Sherrif.


Who complained? Who else? A lib who came here to start a fight, most likely then accused someone of racism, got destroyed for using that bull **** tactic, then pulled the typical lib-Alinsky move of curling up in the fetal position and crying "victim!!!!!!!!"

Oh please. I say bring it bitches! I have been spanking your conservative pansy asses all over PPP.



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And his s*** don't stink. I was going after JW? Fill me in. All I've ever done is call him a drunk, which he freely admits.

Sorry man, I deal with too many incidents to be able to have total recall on one that long ago.

All I can tell you is that it occurred on June 23rd and was recorded as "insulting wawrow again" and resulted in a 24 hour timeout.

My guess is that I was trying to nip something in the bud before it got to the point where our AP source left like TGraham and far more importantly, Lori Chase did because they got tired of being insulted and harrassed.

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How about you two three mooks take the bickering to another of the 20 threads where it would fit in, and leave this one to figuring out how the people who use this forum would like it moderated, if at all.

Edited by Simon
accounting error
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Many [most] of his posts are at 3am ET. Last call Wawrow.

Amateur? Last call is 4am


How about you two three mooks take the bickering to another of the 20 threads where it would fit in, and leave this one to figuring out how the people who use this forum would like it moderated, if at all.


The whole point of this forum is to make fun of people who run to mommy to fight their battles.

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Sorry man, I deal with too many incidents to be able to have total recall on one that long ago.

All I can tell you is that it occurred on June 23rd and was recorded as "insulting wawrow again" and resulted in a 24 hour timeout.

My guess is that I was trying to nip something in the bud before it got to the point where our AP source left like TGraham and far more importantly, Lori Chase did because they got tired of being insulted and harrassed.

I know I never called him out on anything about the Bills because he knows 100x more about them then I do and I would be a fool not to admit it. But when he claims city dwellers are somehow superior to those in the suburbs he's fair game.

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How about you two three mooks take the bickering to another of the 20 threads where it would fit in, and leave this one to figuring out how the people who use this forum would like it moderated, if at all.

I'm voting by naming westside a bigot, a thief, and a fool. I'd prefer not to be banned for it, so I'm voting no.

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