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What The Republican Party Needs To Do

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Lets take the example of Romney's definition of middle income. It is the same as Obama's, yet he gets torn apart. Don't take my word for it, this article came from the HUFFINGTON POST of all places.


ok, you win, that's not cool. Strike that quote. There's so many more that I didn't include.


Here's one by the great Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, not really referring to politics: "face reality as it is, not as it was, or as you wish it to be"

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ok, you win, that's not cool. Strike that quote. There's so many more that I didn't include.


Here's one by the great Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, not really referring to politics: "face reality as it is, not as it was, or as you wish it to be"

Joe Biden. I can always depend on him to bring light to a subject. :lol:


I live in a town that is almost exclusively white. I am surrounded by whites who work the hell out of the system. Doesn't make it any less bad, and I fail to see how race has anything to do with this debate. Freeloaders are freeloaders. They come in all colors, shapes, and creeds.

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I'm gonna preface this by saying, IMO, the stereotypes of conservatives are not limited to racism, but include hard stances on immigration, abortion, gay marriage, helping the poor (via gov't programs), education, etc.


Rush Limbaugh, commenting on a black student beating up a white student on a school bus: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”


Glen Beck: “America’s border crisis. Rape, drugs, kidnapping, even murder. It is beginning to look a lot more like a border war…. Every single illegal immigrant is guilty of a crime, every single one…. Every undocumented worker is an illegal immigrant, a criminal and a drain on our dwindling resources.”


The Romney Campaign after he told Dick Gregory that one of the goals of his healthcare plan is to make sure that those with preexisting conditions can get coverage: “Governor Romney will ensure that discrimination against individuals with preexisting conditions who maintain continuous coverage is prohibited.”


Mitt Romney, on a host of subjects:


"I'm not concerned about the very poor."

"Go home and call 211." - to a Louisiana woman whose home was destroyed by Hurricane Isaac

“We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance.”

“Middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less."

"My dad, as you probably know, was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico... and had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot at winning this. … It would be helpful to be Latino”

“Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.”


rather than pick apart these quotes, please remember it's all about perceptions...

To your original point, no I don't think those comments created the racial divide. Virtually everything listed there is taken completely out of context, and run unchecked ad nauseum by the Dems & leftist media. Plus, none of that, w/the exception of Beck's comment, pushes a racial divide (the Limbaugh piece was wholly satirical).


Thes perceptions are created when the words are manipulated and interpreted for the ignorant masses. The fact that you're using "you didn't build that" as the sole counterbalance to cooments taken out of context says it all. Romney's 47% was taken even more egregiously out of context & run repeatedly in ads. The difference is every supposed journalist & news anchor across the country didn't take to the airwaves to make sure everyone knew just how out of context they were. And then we've got the countless other examples of Romney taken out of context ("I like to fire people") like the ones you already mentioned.


I agree the Republicans need to do the things I listed in the OP, but caving into the welfare state mentality and prescreening every word to make sure the media can't lie about them isn't the answer. And if they do the things I've mentioned & minority groups still vote as a block, what does it say for them?

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Figuring that someone (what a surprise, it's you) would make that specious argument, I added in there that little nugget about the Asian American vote.


73% of Asian Americans (the most wealthy and most educated demographic group in the country) voted for Obama.


In 1992, 62% of Asian Americans voted for George H.W. Bush.




Asian Americans comprised 2.4% of the electorate in 2008.


They comprised 3.9% of the electorate in 2012.




If what I'm saying is not correct, and there isn't a collective dissatisfaction amongst minorites with what is perceived to be GOP efforts to marginalize, trivialize, and disenfranchise - how do you explain the Asian American vote?


Their story isn't reconcilable with your stereotype oops....thesis.


What I said about Trump, Coulter, Limbaugh, You, Sununu, etc is the reason. If it's not fixed, and your vision governs the direction of the party, there will be a worse reckoning in 2016...because the minority population is growing faster than the extant majority.


Hang out with some black folks outside of LA and get a clue.


Really easy to build the minority population with executive order and no accountability. Any jackass can do it, as you saw last year. No kidding it screws the GOP. It also screws the country, but let's not get caught up in details, okay?


There is only one truth you need to know about all of this: you better drop down and pray that Obama doesn't FUBAR this economy any worst than he has. (And yes, I know this is all someone else's fault because he reminds everyone every day that NOTHING is his fault.) But it's his economy now. The current pace of growth and employment is not going to make things better. It's simply not.


And if this economy doesn't get going soon, the takers will come for him, too. And you don't want to be around when the takers get pissed.

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To your original point, no I don't think those comments created the racial divide. Virtually everything listed there is taken completely out of context, and run unchecked ad nauseum by the Dems & leftist media. Plus, none of that, w/the exception of Beck's comment, pushes a racial divide (the Limbaugh piece was wholly satirical).


Thes perceptions are created when the words are manipulated and interpreted for the ignorant masses. The fact that you're using "you didn't build that" as the sole counterbalance to cooments taken out of context says it all. Romney's 47% was taken even more egregiously out of context & run repeatedly in ads. The difference is every supposed journalist & news anchor across the country didn't take to the airwaves to make sure everyone knew just how out of context they were. And then we've got the countless other examples of Romney taken out of context ("I like to fire people") like the ones you already mentioned.


I agree the Republicans need to do the things I listed in the OP, but caving into the welfare state mentality and prescreening every word to make sure the media can't lie about them isn't the answer. And if they do the things I've mentioned & minority groups still vote as a block, what does it say for them?

My original point was that the conservative media, the campaign and the candidate, to some degree, had an effect on reinforcing those stereotypes. Clearly those comments like I used as examples, just like the leftist media, weren't entirely to blame.


I also didn't mean that "you didn't build that" was the sole counterbalance; just an example how context works both ways, on both sides. IMO, I don't think every supposed journalist and anchor believed the 47% was taken out of context. Romney and his campaign didn't help the situation by first saying it was "not elegantly stated", and then saying he was "completely wrong," but that's a different topic.


As long as you keep talking about the welfare state mentality, why the media is the real culprit, and the like, there's no prayer that a conservative will win the White House, because you'll lose the minorities, as well as most young people and women. The social conservative purity requirement is also a huge factor. FWIW, prescreening every word isn't the answer either. Reaching out with sensible policies (e.g. pathways to citizenship for some illegal immigrants, tolerance for gay marriage, etc.) and messages make all the difference.

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My original point was that the conservative media, the campaign and the candidate, to some degree, had an effect on reinforcing those stereotypes. Clearly those comments like I used as examples, just like the leftist media, weren't entirely to blame.


I also didn't mean that "you didn't build that" was the sole counterbalance; just an example how context works both ways, on both sides. IMO, I don't think every supposed journalist and anchor believed the 47% was taken out of context. Romney and his campaign didn't help the situation by first saying it was "not elegantly stated", and then saying he was "completely wrong," but that's a different topic.


As long as you keep talking about the welfare state mentality, why the media is the real culprit, and the like, there's no prayer that a conservative will win the White House, because you'll lose the minorities, as well as most young people and women. The social conservative purity requirement is also a huge factor. FWIW, prescreening every word isn't the answer either. Reaching out with sensible policies (e.g. pathways to citizenship for some illegal immigrants, tolerance for gay marriage, etc.) and messages make all the difference.

I could be wrong, but I think we probably agree on this issue more than we differ. My main problem with the conventional wisdom is that I think equating opposition to the welfare stare with bigotry is dishonest & insulting.

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Really easy to build the minority population with executive order and no accountability. Any jackass can do it, as you saw last year. No kidding it screws the GOP. It also screws the country, but let's not get caught up in details, okay?


There is only one truth you need to know about all of this: you better drop down and pray that Obama doesn't FUBAR this economy any worst than he has. (And yes, I know this is all someone else's fault because he reminds everyone every day that NOTHING is his fault.) But it's his economy now. The current pace of growth and employment is not going to make things better. It's simply not.


And if this economy doesn't get going soon, the takers will come for him, too. And you don't want to be around when the takers get pissed.

Again, you realize the majority of takers are not only white, but also reside in Red States, right?


And this term "takers", and the fact that it's the new buzz word of the Tea Party is a further symptom of how far out of touch the extreme wing of the GOP has come with the rest of the country. Spin this however you like (and I know you will), but the fact remains you're continuing to use race-baiting terms to describe why your guys lost rather than looking in the mirror and seeing where there the true problem lies.


It lies in the heart of the conservative base. They've been co-opted by the religious right and it forced an entire generation of republican voters (myself included) out of the party -- possibly forever.

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Really easy to build the minority population with executive order and no accountability. Any jackass can do it, as you saw last year. No kidding it screws the GOP. It also screws the country, but let's not get caught up in details, okay?


There is only one truth you need to know about all of this: you better drop down and pray that Obama doesn't FUBAR this economy any worst than he has. (And yes, I know this is all someone else's fault because he reminds everyone every day that NOTHING is his fault.) But it's his economy now. The current pace of growth and employment is not going to make things better. It's simply not.


And if this economy doesn't get going soon, the takers will come for him, too. And you don't want to be around when the takers get pissed.


Never read Atlas Shrugged did you? The takers and government has a lot more that they can take. When you start getting into the mindset that everyone has the same things regardless of how much they contribute to society then we're !@#$ed.


You have 5 kids and you sweep floor, well that 100K for you.


You have no kids, but just invented a 100 MPG fullsize SUV with ll the safety features, well thats 20K for you.


You want to donate to your church, charity, etc.... Tough ****, do without a meal or two because you cannot give government money to religious organizations. And since everyone is paid by the government, it's all government money.

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Again, you realize the majority of takers are not only white, but also reside in Red States, right?


And this term "takers", and the fact that it's the new buzz word of the Tea Party is a further symptom of how far out of touch the extreme wing of the GOP has come with the rest of the country. Spin this however you like (and I know you will), but the fact remains you're continuing to use race-baiting terms to describe why your guys lost rather than looking in the mirror and seeing where there the true problem lies.


It lies in the heart of the conservative base. They've been co-opted by the religious right and it forced an entire generation of republican voters (myself included) out of the party -- possibly forever.


Has the GOP been co-opted by the religious right or the Tea Party? You can only pick one.

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Again, you realize the majority of takers are not only white, but also reside in Red States, right?


And this term "takers", and the fact that it's the new buzz word of the Tea Party is a further symptom of how far out of touch the extreme wing of the GOP has come with the rest of the country. Spin this however you like (and I know you will), but the fact remains you're continuing to use race-baiting terms to describe why your guys lost rather than looking in the mirror and seeing where there the true problem lies.


It lies in the heart of the conservative base. They've been co-opted by the religious right and it forced an entire generation of republican voters (myself included) out of the party -- possibly forever.


Really Top 10 unemployment states in the nation (meaning those collecting free money from the government). Only 4 voted for Romney. The other 6 voted for Obama. Also, 2 of them are the largest 2 states in nation and each by themselves alone comprise more people than those in the 4 southern states.



41 NEW YORK 8.9

43 GEORGIA 9.0








51 NEVADA 11.8

Edited by VABills
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Never read Atlas Shrugged did you? The takers and government has a lot more that they can take. When you start getting into the mindset that everyone has the same things regardless of how much they contribute to society then we're !@#$ed.


You have 5 kids and you sweep floor, well that 100K for you.


You have no kids, but just invented a 100 MPG fullsize SUV with ll the safety features, well thats 20K for you.


You want to donate to your church, charity, etc.... Tough ****, do without a meal or two because you cannot give government money to religious organizations. And since everyone is paid by the government, it's all government money.

Atlas shrugged. If romney won it would be lord of the flies here.

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How about a different way of looking at it. By racial group:



Adult males - 8.9 per cent

Adult females - 8.0 per cent

Teenagers - 24.2 per cent

White population - 8.0 per cent

Black population - 16.2 per cent

Hispanic population - 11.9 per cent

Asian population - 7.0 per cent


In that group young teenagers, Blacks and Hispanic voted overwhelming for Obama are the ones getting crushed by unemployment and are takers. Again, the 47% know who they are and are happy being takers.

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Inexcusable laziness and aversion to self-sufficiency is not a racial issue, it's a scumbag issue. Withold all funds, and starve them out. It's cheaper to dig unmarked mass-graves.


You quoting the Bible:


"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10


11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread,

But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. Proverbs 12:11



They have the two percent


When did it become 2%. I thought it was one. See now Barry is changing it already.

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You quoting the Bible:


"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10



11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread,

But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. Proverbs 12:11


Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant

than pretend to be somebody and have no food. Proverbs 12:11


Diligent hands will rule,

but laziness ends in slave labor.


The lazy man does not roastb his game,

but the diligent man prizes his possessions.





When did it become 2%. I thought it was one. See now Barry is changing it already.

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