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What The Republican Party Needs To Do

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You quoting the Bible:


"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10



11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread,

But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. Proverbs 12:11



you've left out a few. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/15/jesus-quotes_n_898695.html#s308894&title=Luke_41619
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You quoting the Bible:


"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10



11 He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread,

But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. Proverbs 12:11

When speaking with liberals, it's more constructive to use their source material:


1936 Soviet Constitution, article 12 states: "In the USSR work is a duty and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.”

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I missed the quote where it said give all my money to the government so they can dole it out to people to vote for them.


It urges me to give to the poor, not give it to the pharasies who are wicked and evil.

you really believe that on the whole, republicans are adhering to His teachings on the poor more closely than democrats? self delusion is a scary thing.
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"He who restricts my freedom can kiss my ass"


-Rob 24:7


you really believe that on the whole, republicans are adhering to His teachings on the poor more closely than democrats? self delusion is a scary thing.

We've been over this, & yes, Jesus never said "steal from thy working neighbor & give to thy lazy neighbor."

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you really believe that on the whole, republicans are adhering to His teachings on the poor more closely than democrats? self delusion is a scary thing.


Really so tithing 10% is bad, but giving 10% more to the government to take 50% in management fees and giving the rest to their poor electorate is being a better Christian?


So having thugs at the election booth breaking your arm to vote for the right person is good, but having a free will is bad.


You really don't understand the Bible if you really believe that a rich person must give everything away. What it is saying that work hard and you'll be rewarded. But you have to understand everything you have God gave you and be more grateful to God than the money itself.





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Really so tithing 10% is bad, but giving 10% more to the government to take 50% in management fees and giving the rest to their poor electorate is being a better Christian?


So having thugs at the election booth breaking your arm to vote for the right person is good, but having a free will is bad.


You really don't understand the Bible if you really believe that a rich person must give everything away. What it is saying that work hard and you'll be rewarded. But you have to understand everything you have God gave you and be more grateful to God than the money itself.





I don't Jesus would approve of either party.

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"He who restricts my freedom can kiss my ass"


-Rob 24:7



We've been over this, & yes, Jesus never said "steal from thy working neighbor & give to thy lazy neighbor."

nope, he never said that. he said give away everything to the poor and do it willingly. a far cry from what most of us do but much clos

Really so tithing 10% is bad, but giving 10% more to the government to take 50% in management fees and giving the rest to their poor electorate is being a better Christian?


So having thugs at the election booth breaking your arm to vote for the right person is good, but having a free will is bad.


You really don't understand the Bible if you really believe that a rich person must give everything away. What it is saying that work hard and you'll be rewarded. But you have to understand everything you have God gave you and be more grateful to God than the money itself.





so if you believe that all of our talents are gifted, including those which produce wealth, don't the wealthy have a mandate to care for those less gifted?


Mot my party. But I know he wouldn't approve of the muslim in the whitehouse.

keep it up...you're the reason the republican party is destined for continued failure. they'll soon be realizing that and showing you the door...
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nope, he never said that. he said give away everything to the poor and do it willingly. a far cry from what most of us do but much closso if you believe that all of our talents are gifted, including those which produce wealth, don't the wealthy have a mandate to care for those less gifted?

It's a bit of an overstatement, but if you want to draw party lines, the R candidate this year gave far more to charity than the D. And not only is there a difference between charity & coerced redistribution, but there's also a big difference between helping the helpless & helping the worthless.


Further, I've yet to hear how the Dem policies are helpful to young and minority people looking for gainful employment.

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It's a bit of an overstatement, but if you want to draw party lines, the R candidate this year gave far more to charity than the D. And not only is there a difference between charity & coerced redistribution, but there's also a big difference between helping the helpless & helping the worthless.


Further, I've yet to hear how the Dem policies are helpful to young and minority people looking for gainful employment.

and you're the judge of who is worthless? charity giving is a small sliver of the safety net. look back and see how well poor folks did and how long they lived before dem sponsored and repub stymied medicare and social security came into existence. but only the worthless died early needlessly, right?
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nope, he never said that. he said give away everything to the poor and do it willingly. a far cry from what most of us do but much closso if you believe that all of our talents are gifted, including those which produce wealth, don't the wealthy have a mandate to care for those less gifted?


keep it up...you're the reason the republican party is destined for continued failure. they'll soon be realizing that and showing you the door...


No he never said that. He said the problem with the wealthy is that they look to their wealth first.


Second yes God gifted us each with talents, which is why he actually looks on the poor of society as being the ones who are not using the talents God gave them to succeed. They are so enamoured with everyoneelses wealth they can't get off their fat ass to actually toil. As the Bible said, he who doesn't work, doesn't eat.


Actually the GOP would rather have more people like me, but I have issues with some of their policies as well which is why I don't belong to any party, but my own.

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i say both. why the artificial limit of one?


Read this:









VI. We are united in our common belief in Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets. This threefold purpose is the source of our unity in the Tea Party Movement.


We reject the idea that the Tea Party Movement must all be unanimous in our specific policy views in order to win. We recognize that the current situation requires we come together in confederation to achieve the MANY MUTUAL GOALS we all seek to accomplish.


We recognize that the current situation requires that we concentrate on the many things we have in common rather than those few things about which we may disagree.


We are the Tea Party Movement of America and we believe in American Exceptionalism.


We believe that American Exceptionalism is found in its devotion to the cause of Liberty.


We believe that Liberty is based in rational self-interest, in freedom of thought, in free markets, free association, free speech, a free press and the ability granted us under the Constitu¬tion TO DIRECT OUR OWN AFFAIRS FREE OF THE DICTATES OF AN EVER EXPAND¬ING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WHICH IS AS VORACIOUS IN ITS DESIRE FOR POW¬ER AS IT IS INCOMPETENT AND DANGEROUS IN ITS EXERCISE.


We believe that either fate or history has chosen this Country to be a beacon of freedom and prosperity to the whole world because of America’s belief in and vigorous defense of political and economic Liberty. The United States has been the instrument of Liberty against the many tyrannies that have threatened the people of this world.


The Tea Party Movement rejects the idea that America has to apologize to a far guiltier world that has been largely unappreciative of the sacrifices made on their behalf by the brave and noble members of our Armed Forces, whose sacrifice and patriotic service in our defense makes all else possible.


The Tea Party Movement rejects the imposition of “transformational change” performed on our Nation by smug elites who call themselves the “educated class”.


The Tea Party Movement understands that our Nation is NOT the same thing as our government and that America is much more than simply a militarily and economically powerful State.


The Tea Party Movement sees America as something exceptional, as something unique, as something that came into existence to fulfill the hope of all previous generations that longed for freedom.


It came into existence because it is more than simply a country with land and population and riches and armaments. America came into existence because LIBERTY is an eternal con¬cept in the mind of both God AND Man.


The United States of America came into existence because Mankind needs freedom the same way it needs food and air and property and security and love.


And what is freedom other than the RIGHT to be free of the tyranny of Government and the elitist, self-styled aristocrats who seek to run it at our expense and to our detriment?


The Tea Party Movement will fight this danger to our Liberty as long as its members have breath in their bodies.


When America didn’t exist men and women were compelled to invent it, BECAUSE MANKIND CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT FREEDOM AND STILL BE FULLY HUMAN.


To this goal we mutually pledge to each other, as our Founding Fathers did over two centuries ago, our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.



February 24, 2010

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