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True State of the Franchise


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The losses are frustrating but to be honest they do not even really make me upset anymore, I just laugh them off....same ol' Bills.


I think the reason for this detachment is because i know deep down there really is not much this franchise can do to fix things.


In order to compete in the NFL you need a Franchise QB and a good Head Coach. There is always the potential we can land a franchise QB via the draft. But if that QB does not have Head Coach who can groom him and put him in a position to succeed, his career will probably be derailed.


In regards to landing a good Head Coach, I believe that is not possible because no established Head Coach/top Coordinator will come here under our current ownership situation. I know, i know....it is only one of 32 jobs, but to date all of the established coaches have declined the offer to interview, and lot of top coordinators as well. If I was a top coordinator for a contending team, and the Bills were my only Head Coaching offer, I'm not so sure I would want my potential only shot at being a head coach to come in a situation which I did not feel I had a strong chance to succeed.


To his credit, Ralph ponied up money this offseason to help us compete for a playoff spot.....but what he fails to realize is that unless and until we clear up our future ownership situation, we will never be able to get a coach who will be capable enough to lead us to the playoffs.


All of us known the problems with this team (Betting the farm that Fitz is an NFL starting QB, Wanny's lack of adjustments, Chan's pass happy play calling despite a lack of personnel).....but even if we "addressed" all these issues in the short-term....we would just be trading in one retread head coach/inexperienced coordinator for another and would be in the same place again in 3-4 years.


I used to hate Bye Weeks growing up, now i wish we could have Bye Seasons until we find out if the Bills will be in Buffalo long-term or not.

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Ha ha ha ha ha


That's funny




I Hope the Bills trade Freddie Jackson. He deserves to be on a better team.


Yeah, I feel for F-Jax and Kyle Williams. Truly wasted talent.

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I, for one, hope that Nix and Gailey stay next year, and the year after that until we have new ownership. That way, I can focus on constructive and meaningfull Sundays with my two small children instead of the clown show that is the Bills...

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I, for one, hope that Nix and Gailey stay next year, and the year after that until we have new ownership. That way, I can focus on constructive and meaningfull Sundays with my two small children instead of the clown show that is the Bills...


Yeah, thankfully God spared me the pain of the 2nd halves of the NE and SF games. I DVR'd them and once I found out the score I didnt even bother....was nice to save 3-4 hrs of my time.

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I agree 100% with the 1st post. Thats exactly how I feel. The highs after a victory are still great... But Im not let down after a loss at all. I have a smile leaving the game as I had a fun day and expected them to lose.


I believe also they cant/wont get anyone because to some degree Brandon/Littman/Overdorf have a say in the football product. Any strong (see also: Good) GM/Coach personalities would never agree to that position.

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Someone needs to stand up and be a leader on this team - if it is a "scrub" so be it. The "starters" on this team are joke with the exceptions being the O-line (ONLY unit playing hard even with injuries to starters), the RBs and maybe a WR. We need more vocal leaders and I don't really care who they are. The Bills are the laughing stock of the NFL and for some reason 90% of this roster is OK with that. Being the laughing stock should piss off every player on this team, but most of them could care less - Taking plays off/ "lack of execution" makes this obvious.


Watch the missing rings about the Bills - Darryl Talley got pissed off about knock knock jokes people were saying about the Bills - he didn't want to be the laughing stock of the league. I really think he was the catalyst on D, the leader that helped make it change.


In 1990 Levy pulled his starters out of the game in Miami when they were being blown away - its about time Chan shook things up, I don't think he has the nads to do it.



Edited by Azucho98
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There will have to be something to sell tickets this next year. This year we got Mario. The year before Darius. The year before that Spiller (who is worth the price of admission), and the year before that I think it was Owens. The list goes on and on. It seems to always keep us guessing but accomplishes nothing.

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