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Who wants to see a change?

How many want to see a change now?  

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  1. 1. Who to fire during the Bye week?

    • Fire the GM & HC & DC NOW?
    • Fire the HC & DC
    • Have Nix make Gailey fire just the DC?
    • Wait until the season is over and fire the entire staff?

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Doesn't much matter what you do the rest of the season. We might as well ride out on the horse we rode in on. There isn't another coach on the team qualified to be an improvement over Chan. There isn't a better quarterback on the roster, or he'd be starting already. Fire Chan after the last regular season game and move on...albeit three years late.

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Wannstedt has been the DC for 7 games. I know the D has been horrific and I wonder about some of the schemes he's been calling, but I don't think we should jump off the ledge just yet...but they better change something quickly.


And as Kyle Williams made clear this week, THE PLAYERS AREN'T GOING WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO. Unless that means to you that Wanny is a bad teacher, it's really not on him.


They are learning a new scheme - this almost always takes a full year to fully adapt.


Meanwhile, the DL people are whining about is helping the team to be on pace to more than double the team sack total for last year.


People complain that Wanny isn't blitzing enough? Please see above - they ARE getting a pass rush w/o blitzing. 12th in the league in sacks - you can look up hurries and tell me the sacks are an aberration if you want.

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Remember back in the day, all we had to do was fire Tom Donahoe and everything would be ok? Well, that Mike Mullarkey team was the best Bills team of the decade. We didn't know how good we had it.


It seems that it's always a GM that needs to be fired, or Greg Williams or Dick Jauron or whoever the current lousy coach is, or the DC or the OC or both of them. Last year we all thought that we just needed to fire the DC and promote Wanny, then get a couple of good players and we'd be "there" at least on defense. Guess what? That's exactly what was done and we continue to stink.


I wonder if it isn't something bigger than any one of those pieces. Is there an atmosphere throughout Ralphland that makes guys think that mediocre is good enough? How is it possible that other franchises can turn it around when they're bad and we can't? If you don't count the Kelly years, how many years has Buffalo fielded a competitive team in its 50+ years? Very few.


We're a minor league franchise, and our entire season consists of the winnable games against the other minor league teams like the Titans and the Browns. If once in several years we beat one of the major league teams, it's like a miracle. I still feel the afterglow of last year's victory over the Patriots. How pathetic is that?

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I don't think we can keep making changes every 3 years. I'll buy into Ralph's reason for sticking with Jauron for one more year, even though that wasn't the right time to implement such a policy.


I'm tired of the disappointments as much as everyone else, but there has to be some continuity. I did vote for firing Wannstedt, but only because there was no "none of the above" option. I've always had the feeling that we need to give the staff some time. Yes, some of Gailey's play-calling and game management has been suspect, but more often than not, it's good.


Wannstedt has been the DC for 7 games. I know the D has been horrific and I wonder about some of the schemes he's been calling, but I don't think we should jump off the ledge just yet...but they better change something quickly.

When you hire someone / team new to paint your house and when you look to see how much they did the first few weeks... its horrifically bad. The worst paint job you have ever seen in the 50 years you have had your house painted!


Now, do you give them some time to see if they can improve or let them finish the job? Should you let them finish and it remains a botch job your going to need to fire them anyway and hire someone else to repaint it.


The logical choice in my view would be to fire them asap and then hire someone competent to finish the job. The Bills have a LB coach on the team who has had past experience as a DC, several years experience as a DC in fact, and could replace the worst DC this Buffalo Bills team has seen in its 50 year history. The Bills knew George Edwards was bad his first year, historically bad. Then gave him another year to prove it.


Dave Wannstedt has already proven he is a worse DC then George Edwards. Don't forget Wannstedt was hired in 2011 to help Edwards run the defense, how did that turn out?

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Didn't mama ever tell you not to believe everything you hear and read. :doh: It is not like they are running some 11 DB defensive scheme that no one has ever heard of. A 4-3 base defense is something most of these players have seen throughout their football playing days. It's not that complicated.

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Dave Wannstedt has already proven he is a worse DC then George Edwards. Don't forget Wannstedt was hired in 2011 to help Edwards run the defense, how did that turn out?


In 2010 when Edwards was DC before Wannstedt arrived the Bills ranked 24th in yards (361.6 per) and 28th in points allowed (26.6)


In 2011 with Wannstedt "helping" the Edwards led D ranked 26th in yards (371.1 per) and 30th in points allowed (27.1)


In 2012 with Wannstedt taking over the reigns the D ranks 32nd in yards (424.1 per) and 31st in points allowed (32.4)



So basically Edwards was better off without Wannstedt and without the influx of draft picks and FAs the Bills have acquired in the past 2 years.


Beware of the "how much worse can it be" attitude because as these numbers show, it can always get worse.

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Dump the stache and throw tarvaris into the lineup

What you have to remember is no matter how much the Bills have sucked this season, Gailey and Nix are telling themselves that they are only 2 games out of first in the AFC East. They aren't going to blow it up by firing WannaBe or throwing in a wildcard like T-Jax (particularly after the last game, points were scored by the Bills). In their minds they are still in the thick of it. If the Bills drop the next 3 that may all change, but for now I'm sure they are not in the blow it up mindset at all.

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How many times must it be noted that ownership, i.e. management, is directly responsible for this failure? The culture at OBD is a reflection of the owner, who while elderly, remains ultimately responsible. Unfortunately, I don't think any of RW's handlers have the nerve to tell him that firing anyone will make for an interesting employee search. And who's going to lead it? Brandon again? The other 31 teams have to laugh when Brandon gets involved on matters like that.

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What you have to remember is no matter how much the Bills have sucked this season, Gailey and Nix are telling themselves that they are only 2 games out of first in the AFC East. They aren't going to blow it up by firing WannaBe or throwing in a wildcard like T-Jax (particularly after the last game, points were scored by the Bills). In their minds they are still in the thick of it. If the Bills drop the next 3 that may all change, but for now I'm sure they are not in the blow it up mindset at all.

Good point, and true enough. Looking at it from a pure standings standpoint they have reasons to keep things the same regardless of how bad the defense has been.


I suppose an eternal optimist could look at the standings and think 3-4 could easily become 12-4 should some miracles occur. NVM that the 227 points against is 2nd worst in the NFL second to only the Tennessee Titans (238) who just beat the Bills @ Buffalo.


I realize the fans are pissed at the way the team has performed, (particularly on defense) and want to see a change BEFORE the season is lost as usually when an area starts out badly it doesn't improve. Just look at the last two years. Plus the fact that wannstooge refuses to blitz, refuses to change packages or run stunts and move the D linemen around looking for miss matches.


While the FO thinks things can get better without making any changes. Clearly most fans don't see things getting better on their own and want to see change to save the season. I suppose I had better adjust my thoughts to strictly think about the up coming draft if there are no coaching changes made. :bag:



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What you have to remember is no matter how much the Bills have sucked this season, Gailey and Nix are telling themselves that they are only 2 games out of first in the AFC East. They aren't going to blow it up by firing WannaBe or throwing in a wildcard like T-Jax (particularly after the last game, points were scored by the Bills). In their minds they are still in the thick of it. If the Bills drop the next 3 that may all change, but for now I'm sure they are not in the blow it up mindset at all.

I think you're right. That's probably the mindset and justification to just sit on their hands.

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