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I never saw this coming regarding Dareus's play....

Kipers Hair

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Dareus is not a problem. Players often drop off when they have personal stuff going on. Suh is under pressure in Detroit for having an off year - he's not dominating like he did before. Dareus is probably distracted and more deeply affected by his brother's tragedy than football fans realize...and the play of everyone around him in 3 horrid games has not helped.


they have played 5 games, 3 of them blowouts. Stats are going to be skewed and the whole picture will not be in full view.


i thought dareus was our best player vs the chiefs.

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Uhm...He's the lowest rated DT in the NFL. I don't think Peter King writes like Jerry Sullivan to sell papers and the simple fact is Marcell has sucked this year - excuse or not. If his psychological state is impairing his play, scratch him until he gets right. People have to stop denying there is a problem and deal with it....like the rest of our D, he is wildly underperforming.

Scratch the whole Damned Defense then eh?
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Scratch the whole Damned Defense then eh?

You can drop every single player and the DC. Get a High School coach and 11 random defense camp casulaties that are not on a roster and they could not do any worse than the last 6 QTRs of NFL football.


Not that I am proposing we do that. Just that the defense has been record breakingly bad for a franchise that has has some terrible terrible teams it really says something.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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I put this on wanny, the guy doesn't know how to scheme...he's a dinosaur and needs to be fired...


Dareus will be fine, he's just going through a rough time because of the death of his brother...I remember my first break up and how hard it was for me to even eat let alone be active, i think he's going through the same thing only on a much larger scale.

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Dareus is not a problem. Players often drop off when they have personal stuff going on. Suh is under pressure in Detroit for having an off year - he's not dominating like he did before. Dareus is probably distracted and more deeply affected by his brother's tragedy than football fans realize...and the play of everyone around him in 3 horrid games has not helped.


they have played 5 games, 3 of them blowouts. Stats are going to be skewed and the whole picture will not be in full view.


i thought dareus was our best player vs the chiefs.

Go back and read KOK's post(a few back), and then come back and tell me the play of Dareus is not troublesome.

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Remember...... the guy is dealing with very recent tragedy in his family. There are no 'rules' for how one copes with those type of things. He may not be all that 'into' his job right now. I know he makes millions etc, but he is also human.


My sympathies for his loss, but he wasn't playing well before the tragedy.

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A few thoughts:


- Dareus is a big athletic monster who knows how to play football. If we can't get production out of him we're not using him the right way.


- Mario Williams will get it together and be a dominant player for years to come. For a power rusher who relies on his handwork, a wrist injury can be debilitating (and last for weeks or even months). It's often not a matter of choosing to play through pain, sometimes the body just won't allow it.


-If we had gotten JJ Watt there's no guarantee he'd be playing here like he is in Houston. We might be complaining about how much he sucks.

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Just saw Charley Casserly talking on the NFLN about the Bills defensive line woes...pretty disheartening. I thought Dareus was well on his way to becoming a very good player last year...Casserly insists "if you watch game film" it is obvious that there is something wrong with Mario's arm strength...mentioned that Mario's "hand work" is usually outstanding, but it isn't happening this year. He also said our secondary is experiencing lots of "mental lapses", and our (Wanny's) unwillingness to blitz more often is not helping things...I know this is all stuff we have seen/noticed, but that is the first time I have seen anyone on a national level breakdown our defense, other than just saying it is "woeful" or "hopeless" or "pathetic" etc etc


If we lose Dareus to malaise, we are more !@#$ed than I thought...


And casserly really knows Mario's game inside and out. Huge statement with credibility. That's not the typical talking head on a player he's only heard passing comments about.


A few thoughts:


- Dareus is a big athletic monster who knows how to play football. If we can't get production out of him we're not using him the right way.


- Mario Williams will get it together and be a dominant player for years to come. For a power rusher who relies on his handwork, a wrist injury can be debilitating (and last for weeks or even months). It's often not a matter of choosing to play through pain, sometimes the body just won't allow it.


-If we had gotten JJ Watt there's no guarantee he'd be playing here like he is in Houston. We might be complaining about how much he sucks.


Yes. (Although dareus may just need some time to get his head square)

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I'm going to ass-u-me you're not asking about Fitz.


If you're asking about Tanny two words.... "Man Crush"


Yep, Tannehill been bragging him for two years, I really wanted him here but when Mike Sherman got hired as OC I knew he was going to the phins :cry: .


BTW, Landshark would be a cool name for the fish or tiger shark or Killer whales any thing but a cute cuddly dolphin. Also hate those pastel colors too, they need to get some new uni's with some darker colors :sick:

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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A few thoughts:


- Dareus is a big athletic monster who knows how to play football. If we can't get production out of him we're not using him the right way.


- Mario Williams will get it together and be a dominant player for years to come. For a power rusher who relies on his handwork, a wrist injury can be debilitating (and last for weeks or even months). It's often not a matter of choosing to play through pain, sometimes the body just won't allow it.


-If we had gotten JJ Watt there's no guarantee he'd be playing here like he is in Houston. We might be complaining about how much he sucks.


Nope, Watt has more pride than that to let a measly wrist injury stop him.


Mario needs to change up his game if his wrist is bothering him that much, he can use the hump move, rip, swim and spin if he can't engage directly with his hands.

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Watched a sack by Von Millet the other night who outside rushed and dipped his shoulders lower than the linemans waist on cut to the QB.. Guy couldn't get a glove on him. I had to watch it 3 or 4 times to see how he got his pads so low.. Pretty impressive..


Saw the exact play you're talking about, pulled the move on Sebastian Vollmer, it was really incredible. Couldn't believe how low he got and still maintain balance. Incredible balance.


There were a LOT of people here who thought that Von Miller would be another Aaron Maybin.


As far as Dareus, I would like to see the actual posts from those people expressing their reservations about drafting him. I really don't remember any posts advising not drafting him and in fact I thought that his selection was unanimously lauded around here.

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You can't really blame much on any of the Def players this year when Wanny is putting them in bad schemes that set them up to get blown away. If I was on that D, I would have gotten hurt by now. I'm sure that if we loose this week to AZ you'll start to see a growing injury list on the D. If we don't come out and flat out dominate this game defensively, I still say we replace DW. The playbook that he is using from the 90's is worthless in today's league.

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Nope, Watt has more pride than that to let a measly wrist injury stop him.

No offense, because you're normally pretty solid, but that's just !@#$ing stupid. I hope you're joking. Perhaps you've never had a tendon injury in your wrist, but there are injuries (I'm not necessarily saying Mario DOES have one of these, but I have) that no amount of toughness can do anything about. If you've ever done Aikido wrist holds you'll know vaguely what I'm talking about. it's not a matter of a guy letting up because he doesn't want the pain; it's a matter of the body not doing what the mind commands it to do.


Also dude, the point about JJ Watt had nothing to do with injury, it had to do with the fact that a players success can be severely affected by scheme, training, and position. It's not a coincidence that so many players play poorly here and excel elsewhere.

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