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Dexter is baaaaack

Clippers of Nfl

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i agree this season was kind of weak, but not sure how they could have done it differently based on the previous seasons. I did like how Dexter put the finishing touches on Deb. I really thought Dexter was gonna go be with Hannah...hell who wouldn't??? why leave that behind...not me....plus leaving his son...but he did say he tried for ever to feel like everyone else, now he couldn't wait to get rid of that feeling....I do see a spin off coming where Dexter becomes a lumber jack in the northwest and rids the area of illegal poachers much like he did with serial killers...he'll be a hero to the untamed wild.....




The more we talk about this show the more I'm hating this season.

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Dexter is Pinocchio. He was always trying to become human but when he finally started to feel like a real person, he hated it. Did you notice that there was almost no inner monologue last night? No ghost Harry, either. This was to show that Dexter had transformed.


I didn't feel wholly satisfied with the ended but I rarely do. "The Office" ended this year and that one was fine. Breaking Bad is ending next week and I'm hopeful. I liked that Dexter blew up last year with Deb finding out. But where it went from there was probably a difficult story to construct.


I'm glad that they showed Dexter in the great north woods rather than simply showing the wreck of "Slice of Life". That would have been awful.


PS Wasn't Astor supposed to get the minivan?

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This season last season was pretty awful. I had high hopes that something might actually happen this, final, season...but just more of the same, right up to the final minutes...Miami metro, it appears, is stocked with the most incompetent police officers ever...still wondering what the whole point of Matzuka's long lost daughter story was... I am guessing that was just thrown in the story to give Matzukah something to do the last season...but it was just a sill waste of time. Madison Burdge is a hotty, and we did get to see her ta-tas...but that story went absolutely nowhere.


For me, the show only got progressively worse after the second season...a great concept that was poorly executed... good riddance Dex, you wore out your welcome about three seasons ago..."Weeds" is probably the only other series, in modern tv, that I can remember really liking and, and then hating myself for watching it somewhere along the way...

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I just can't help but think how awesome it could have been if they had put some effort into it. I remember message boards online a year ago talking about new FBI characters and such, and everyone was speculating that something would go down where Dex would either get caught, or someone would rat him out, or whatever. That was so appealing to me. What would happen if you had a character that, for the most part, people were empathetic to, contrasted with a Miami public who would hear about a serial killer among them. The public would obviously not have the benefit of "knowing" Dexter and his code, whereas we the viewer would. That would have made for compelling viewing, IMO.


Instead we just have Dexter pretty much moving the pieces all around at will yet again...chasing down some serial killer...trying to keep his relationship with Deb under control...blah, blah, blah...we've seen it already..multiple times.


And I agree about Matzukah, Buftex...obviously a popular character for some comic relief, so clearly they just needed some pointless filler story line to keep him on the show.


Really a shame...the raw materials were there for something so much better.

Edited by ajzepp
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I agree with others who say the finale sucked.


So many bad things.


Like how he could just turn off her life support and have no alarms going off and how he could just wheel her out of the hospital and load her on his boat. I’m also sure that Quinn would have gone back to visit thinking that Deb was alive.


Also, how did Dexter survive that storm? How did he create a new identity for himself because surely he could be living as Dexter Morgan working for the logging company.


What came of the PI guy who Hannah injected horse tranquilizer in? He knew Harrison was with her and that she was going to Argentina so why would he not continue to pursue her?


Why leave Harrison with a wanted serial killer when he is supposed to have his best interests at heart. Obviously the kid wont live a regular life.


Also, upon Dexter’s “death” wouldn’t someone be looking for Harrison so they can place him with Astor and Cody’s grandparents?


So many loose ends. The show gave the impression that it tried to wrap everything up in one episode when lots of these issues could have been addressed during the course of this drawn out disappointment of a season.

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I thikn the show just lost its' way...the writing just got sloppier and sloppier. The whole concept of the show is pretty far-fetched to begin with, but early on, they almost had you believing that it could happen...the opening sequence to of the show, Dexter fixing breakfest, Dexter chewing his breakfest, Dexter getting dressed, Dexter tieing his shoes...he was much more meticulous early on...he would think of every angle before acting...it is almost like the show was such a big hit, it kind of wrote itself after a while, all attention to detail was cast aside.


I remember a few seasons ago, there was one where Dexter set up a "kill room" in an airport...how believable is that? Not very...more and more, the show just insulted the viewers intelligence....like "hey, we know your gonna watch, so why bother with a well thought out script?" Like they were just mailing it in... I have not read all the books, and don't intend to, but I can tell you the first two are superior to the series in every way. The lack of development of any of the characters was brutal...Quinn was a different guy every episoed, just going by the same name, and being played by the same actor. The Matzukah character, was okay as a bit player, but giving that there was never any attempt to develop characters in any way, the attempt to flesh him out with the "long lost daughter", at the last second, was just silly and pointless. This show could have been so much better with some effort.

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I thikn the show just lost its' way...the writing just got sloppier and sloppier. The whole concept of the show is pretty far-fetched to begin with, but early on, they almost had you believing that it could happen...the opening sequence to of the show, Dexter fixing breakfest, Dexter chewing his breakfest, Dexter getting dressed, Dexter tieing his shoes...he was much more meticulous early on...he would think of every angle before acting...it is almost like the show was such a big hit, it kind of wrote itself after a while, all attention to detail was cast aside.


I remember a few seasons ago, there was one where Dexter set up a "kill room" in an airport...how believable is that? Not very...more and more, the show just insulted the viewers intelligence....like "hey, we know your gonna watch, so why bother with a well thought out script?" Like they were just mailing it in... I have not read all the books, and don't intend to, but I can tell you the first two are superior to the series in every way. The lack of development of any of the characters was brutal...Quinn was a different guy every episoed, just going by the same name, and being played by the same actor. The Matzukah character, was okay as a bit player, but giving that there was never any attempt to develop characters in any way, the attempt to flesh him out with the "long lost daughter", at the last second, was just silly and pointless. This show could have been so much better with some effort.

It just seems like this last season especially, the writters sort of gave up and just wrote things on the fly, and did things that wouldn't lead anywhere except fill time and give an actor some more screen time. Things felt like they came out of left field, like first taking out the brain surgeon, then a few episodes later, he's back and is someone else, and now he is Vogls son, etc. I found the season felt like it had no plan or direction, like they just threw episode story lines in a hat and picked things randomly
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It just seems like this last season especially, the writters sort of gave up and just wrote things on the fly, and did things that wouldn't lead anywhere except fill time and give an actor some more screen time. Things felt like they came out of left field, like first taking out the brain surgeon, then a few episodes later, he's back and is someone else, and now he is Vogls son, etc. I found the season felt like it had no plan or direction, like they just threw episode story lines in a hat and picked things randomly

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So many mistakes were made in the final season that there was no way to have a good ending. Trying to give Dexter emotions when he's supposed to be emotionless was their first fatal mistake. That pathetic look he had on his face acting like he cares really got on my nerves, too. I couldn't wait for the show to end.


What made this show entertaining in the beginning, IMO, was his dark humor. That was all gone this year. Replaced by an "in love" Dexter.


If it were up to me the finale would have ended with Dexter on Deb's table. That would've been cool.

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Someone on Twitter posted some excerpts from an interview with producers/writers of the show. They said that they had been planning the "Death by Dexter" for Deb since the beginning, but they weren't sure how to do it. Honestly, this makes me hate it even more. Who, if anyone, has been a tougher biatch than Deb? She's taken it from damn near everyone and come out the other side. She gets attacked and nearly killed by Rudy...then blondie nearly takes her out...then she gets SHOT by the brain surgeon...so for them to give her such a crap fate is just completely disrespectful to the character. Hell, QUINN knew how tough she was...why didn't the writers? Deb deserved a better death. If you want Dexter to do it, then great....put him in the middle of Deb and blondie again, but this time let the scales tip in blondie's favor where Dex has to reluctantly put Deb down. I dunno, but don't throw Deb into a coma from a gunshot wound that "missed everything important" and let her go out in a state of complete incapacitation and impotence....lame....LAME as hell.

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  • 4 months later...

I agree with others who say the finale sucked.


So many bad things.


Like how he could just turn off her life support and have no alarms going off and how he could just wheel her out of the hospital and load her on his boat. I’m also sure that Quinn would have gone back to visit thinking that Deb was alive.


Also, how did Dexter survive that storm? How did he create a new identity for himself because surely he could be living as Dexter Morgan working for the logging company.


What came of the PI guy who Hannah injected horse tranquilizer in? He knew Harrison was with her and that she was going to Argentina so why would he not continue to pursue her?


Why leave Harrison with a wanted serial killer when he is supposed to have his best interests at heart. Obviously the kid wont live a regular life.


Also, upon Dexter’s “death” wouldn’t someone be looking for Harrison so they can place him with Astor and Cody’s grandparents?


So many loose ends. The show gave the impression that it tried to wrap everything up in one episode when lots of these issues could have been addressed during the course of this drawn out disappointment of a season.

The show could not cover every loose end. When considering the danger/travel, maybe the reward was not worth it to pi. Do we really need to see the chase? Plus you would assume that law enforcement would look for Harrison. But you dont really need to see it. Kinda like going shopping. They have to eat, but we dont need to see them go to the grocery store.


Regarding Hannah, he did the right thing imo. The show made her to be sane when with Dexter/Harrison.


More replies coming. Just gotta be right back.


Aj on your last post. You nailed it. She took everything, but couldnt take a bullet that missed all the important parts... Extremely lame. You are right.

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I thikn the show just lost its' way...the writing just got sloppier and sloppier. The whole concept of the show is pretty far-fetched to begin with, but early on, they almost had you believing that it could happen...the opening sequence to of the show, Dexter fixing breakfest, Dexter chewing his breakfest, Dexter getting dressed, Dexter tieing his shoes...he was much more meticulous early on...he would think of every angle before acting...it is almost like the show was such a big hit, it kind of wrote itself after a while, all attention to detail was cast aside.


I remember a few seasons ago, there was one where Dexter set up a "kill room" in an airport...how believable is that? Not very...more and more, the show just insulted the viewers intelligence....like "hey, we know your gonna watch, so why bother with a well thought out script?" Like they were just mailing it in... I have not read all the books, and don't intend to, but I can tell you the first two are superior to the series in every way. The lack of development of any of the characters was brutal...Quinn was a different guy every episoed, just going by the same name, and being played by the same actor. The Matzukah character, was okay as a bit player, but giving that there was never any attempt to develop characters in any way, the attempt to flesh him out with the "long lost daughter", at the last second, was just silly and pointless. This show could have been so much better with some effort.

You may be surprised how much you can do in an airport.


So many mistakes were made in the final season that there was no way to have a good ending. Trying to give Dexter emotions when he's supposed to be emotionless was their first fatal mistake. That pathetic look he had on his face acting like he cares really got on my nerves, too. I couldn't wait for the show to end.


What made this show entertaining in the beginning, IMO, was his dark humor. That was all gone this year. Replaced by an "in love" Dexter.


If it were up to me the finale would have ended with Dexter on Deb's table. That would've been cool.

I kinda expected that or Deb on Dexter's table. She was a toughie the whole series till the weak death they gave her.


This show was known for its twists. Driving into the middle of the bermuda triangle, your ship cut in half, and you swim back to shore, without a vest.... Yeah right.

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Someone on Twitter posted some excerpts from an interview with producers/writers of the show. They said that they had been planning the "Death by Dexter" for Deb since the beginning, but they weren't sure how to do it. Honestly, this makes me hate it even more. Who, if anyone, has been a tougher biatch than Deb? She's taken it from damn near everyone and come out the other side. She gets attacked and nearly killed by Rudy...then blondie nearly takes her out...then she gets SHOT by the brain surgeon...so for them to give her such a crap fate is just completely disrespectful to the character. Hell, QUINN knew how tough she was...why didn't the writers? Deb deserved a better death. If you want Dexter to do it, then great....put him in the middle of Deb and blondie again, but this time let the scales tip in blondie's favor where Dex has to reluctantly put Deb down. I dunno, but don't throw Deb into a coma from a gunshot wound that "missed everything important" and let her go out in a state of complete incapacitation and impotence....lame....LAME as hell.

Spot on.


Deb getting killed by the surgeon. No prob. But like that?? No, not like that.


Basically everyone should have died or everyone except dexter.


Really Deb should have died in a way that led dexter to find him. She dies as a hero, not a zero. Hanna now kills harrison because she is actually together with the brain surgeon and wants to harm dex. Dexter has 2 "love birds" at his table for finale. Hanna and brain surgeon.


He can then fake his death and continue his life as rogue "kill the bad person killer" or just suicide and run his ass into the storm.


OR BRING DAD BACK. DAD NEVER DIED. The show could put on clips of dad having helped dexter in those dubious scenes.


I'm not a writer and this stuff would be way better than the way it ended.

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Final season of Dexter was pure crap IMO.


Should have just ended a year early instead of vandalizing a once good series.


I would say it should have ended after the Trinity killer season...not that I thought it was great that season either, but it took a noticable dip in quality after that...first two seasons were really good...but killing off Doakes was a huge blunder..especially since they didn't replace him with an adversary near as compelling.

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I would say it should have ended after the Trinity killer season...not that I thought it was great that season either, but it took a noticable dip in quality after that...first two seasons were really good...but killing off Doakes was a huge blunder..especially since they didn't replace him with an adversary near as compelling.

I know I have referenced it before, but how about him shooting his pistol while driving on the highway... Stupid, stupid, stupid. It was not code like, looked stupid, and not the careful Dexter we all fell in love in the first couple of seasons.


I did think the trinity season was still great.

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