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Romney's Tax Returns Held Ransom?

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I'm not rich or wealthy yet just middle class Someday I want to be very well off and I'm trying to WORK my way there. I'm not jealous of others success but rather want to join them. That is what makes America.


You should not be penalized and discouraged from hardwork and success.

There it is.

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What is it that you are pointing out? Im not following

Chef and Kool Aid pointed out the fundamental difference between both extremes on the right and left: "I'm not rich yet but one day I will be."


The extreme right believes everyone gets what they deserve -- so if you work hard enough you'll eventually join the "rich" club.


The extreme left believes that notion is a mirage and that the system is rigged to prevent equal opportunity for success.

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Why is that "extreme"?


You mean, if you plan on getting rich as a result of your hard work, that's "extreme"?

No. The extreme belief is that all it takes is hard work. Work hard and no matter what soon enough you'll be rich -- and if you don't get rich it's because you didn't work hard enough.

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Why is that "extreme"?


You mean, if you plan on getting rich as a result of your hard work, that's "extreme"?


He's a writer. So...yes, it probably is.



HOWEVER...for every person who says "I'm going to work hard and be rich," I'm guessing maybe one in a thousand succeed.


For every person that says "I'm not going to work hard and be rich," I'd bet that number is substantially lower.


And I don't know a single rich person who didn't work their ass off to get there.

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The extreme left believes that notion is a mirage and that the system is rigged to prevent equal opportunity for success.

I would argue that the left believes lack of equality of outcome is hard evidence of a lack of equality of opportunity. This silliness is compounded by a wrongheaded view of wealth as static, meaning that if one man has become richer another must have become poorer.
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He's a writer. So...yes, it probably is.



HOWEVER...for every person who says "I'm going to work hard and be rich," I'm guessing maybe one in a thousand succeed.


For every person that says "I'm not going to work hard and be rich," I'd bet that number is substantially lower.


And I don't know a single rich person who didn't work their ass off to get there.

This is why I'm lost in terms of a political affiliation. I am a firm believer in what you're saying which eliminates 90% of the democratic economic policies for me. And that 90% is a 100% accurate and scientifically derived percentage and in no way bull **** figures I'm just throwing around.


I would argue that the left believes lack of equality of outcome is hard evidence of a lack of equality of opportunity. This silliness is compounded by a wrongheaded view of wealth as static, meaning that if one man has become richer another must have become poorer.


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No. The extreme belief is that all it takes is hard work. Work hard and no matter what soon enough you'll be rich -- and if you don't get rich it's because you didn't work hard enough.


Could you please point out where I said it takes hard work, let alone all it takes is hard work? I'll wait.


Hard work is one of about a dozen things it takes to become wealthy.

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Could you please point out where I said it takes hard work, let alone all it takes is hard work? I'll wait.


Hard work is one of about a dozen things it takes to become wealthy.


Hard work, opportunity, and a ten-man crew (including two Jethros, a Boesky, a Miss Daisy, and a Jim Brown).

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Many on the left use "the system is rigged against you" as a justification for being lazy and sponging-off of society. The problem is that mentality breeds more of the same, as family and/or friends see them getting something for nothing, and wondering how they can get theirs. After a sufficient amount of time, you have more people not working than working, and the whole thing collapses.

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Many on the left use "the system is rigged against you" as a justification for being lazy and sponging-off of society. The problem is that mentality breeds more of the same, as family and/or friends see them getting something for nothing, and wondering how they can get theirs. After a sufficient amount of time, you have more people not working than working, and the whole thing collapses.


But in their defense, you have to remember that for no small segment of the population, the system WAS really rigged against them, and opportunity - and success - was something that was granted to them by the government.


We just happen to see the generation that grew up within that context coming into power.

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Many on the left use "the system is rigged against you" as a justification for being lazy and sponging-off of society. The problem is that mentality breeds more of the same, as family and/or friends see them getting something for nothing, and wondering how they can get theirs. After a sufficient amount of time, you have more people not working than working, and the whole thing collapses.

This is a nearly perfect explaination of the "Tipping Point" theory.
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But in their defense, you have to remember that for no small segment of the population, the system WAS really rigged against them, and opportunity - and success - was something that was granted to them by the government.


We just happen to see the generation that grew up within that context coming into power.

Oh, I can accept that the system was rigged against them. But to continue to perpetuate the idea that the system is still totally rigged and that they can only count on the gubment to improve their situation is doing a disservice to their people AND the US as a whole. And if people are waiting for the time when the system is no longer rigged at all...

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The difference between successful liberals and conservatives is this; a conservative never admits weakness, and a liberal never admits they made it on their own. Conservatives tend to be narcists and Liberals tend to be humble. A conservative who doesn't make it "rich" will always blame government or a union, a liberal will blame himself.

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The difference between successful liberals and conservatives is this; a conservative never admits weakness, and a liberal never admits they made it on their own. Conservatives tend to be narcists and Liberals tend to be humble. A conservative who doesn't make it "rich" will always blame government or a union, a liberal will blame himself.


You've got a bunch of **** backward there.

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The difference between successful liberals and conservatives is this; a conservative never admits weakness, and a liberal never admits they made it on their own. Conservatives tend to be narcists and Liberals tend to be humble. A conservative who doesn't make it "rich" will always blame government or a union, a liberal will blame himself.


Okay, I've been wondering what it would take to make Biden's speech sound sane. Congratulations. You did it.

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