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He's actually informing people of his view by talking about the issues that are used as attacks and defenses by either side...more speeches should do that.


Yes this will sound partisan, but excuse me if I laugh when the guy who was disbarred for perjury keeps saying, "This is the what the truth is."


He's always been a good speaker, but this isn't 1996 and I don't see his "remember how good it was" speech stopping the bleeding of independents away from Mr. Obama.




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I've already heard two commentators from two different networks that used adjectives such as "long" and "rambling"


Pretty much what I thought.


Would of been more effective if he shortened it to half hour

Edit: make that three


Really not sure why you are on this board if that's how you feel.

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No need to be so sensitive Sally . :lol:



Edit: make that four


LOL I'm not sensitive I know the crowd here. All I'm saying is IMO (and nobody here will agree but that goes without saying) Clinton gave an amazing speech. I know it ran long and actually talked about policy but....I like that. Now I admit...I am a huge Clinton fan. Having read his books...what he basically did was summarize his last book "Back to Work" (which talked very much about Obama policy) weaving it in addressing the current GOP campaign and he did it with facts while still working in enough emotion to make is palpable as a speech to the masses. Maybe you can argue it was too long or dropped too many policy terms to really get to the masses...but erring on the side of raising the bar is the way I'd like to see my party go. Great speech. More substance (agree or disagree with what was said) than any speech of this campaign so far and more than we'll see again (including debates) and only Clinton could do that. It delivered. I'm sure Fox News and various conservative outlets will have their own view and I would expect that, it's fine and it should be that way...but for the democratic party he basically delivered after being hyped massively. At least in my opinion.

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No, you're sensitive, or else you wouldn't of made the school girl comment of "I didn't like your answer, so you should leave"




My response: "I don't understand why you are complaining a good speaker just made a substantive policy ridden speech that American's who support him should here b/c it went longer than 20 minutes"

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LOL fair enough if that's what you read. Simply saying a fairly substantive speech that ran long b/c of it is something you don't like? Not sure why you are interested in PPP (actually....it all just clicked right now...it all makes sense). I love you World...only b/c Clinton told me I have too hehe

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