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Has anyone else noticed Merriman has yet to show up?


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Ok. We know that Tom Terrific gets rattled under pressure. Since New Englands Defense sux monkey nuts there are two ways to approach this pre playoff playoff game. 1) We need to hang points early and often on this suspect pass defense.and 2) SHAWNE MERRIMAN WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! Seriously, mind showing up to the stadium and doing something!?! With a decent pass rush and pressure from the usual cast ( KW,Dareus, and i cant believe i'm sayin it Kelsey) we might just pressure brady into a few costly mistakes. The giants proved in the super bowl if you rattle little Tommy's cage, he might get huffy and red. At least thats my take...your thoughts?

Edited by LVBillsBackr
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Ok. We know that Tom Terrific gets rattled under pressure. Since New Englands Defense sux monkey nuts there are two ways to approach this pre playoff playoff game. 1) We need to hang points early and often on this suspect pass defense.and 2) SHAWNE MERRIMAN WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! Seriously, mind showing up to the stadium and doing something!?! With a decent pass rush and pressure from the usual cast ( KW,Dareus, and i cant believe i'm sayin it Kelsey) we might just pressure brady into a few costly mistakes. The giants proved in the super bowl if you rattle little Tommy's cage, he might get huffy and red. At least thats my take...your thoughts?


From what I've seen, in the first two games Merriman was asked to play with a hand on the ground and has been consistently drawing double and sometimes triple teams.


This is "showing up". Showing up not.equal.to 5 sacks. He is a big reason we've been seeing Kelsay in the backfield IMO.


My thoughts are with the others who point out blitzing plays into Brady's hands. He does the quick-release slant to Welker or Gronkowski and it's dice-o-matic time.

Need to pressure AND cover.

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My first thought when reading the title of this post was 'sure, all of the peeps who have started 700 other threads on topic, where have you been?'

Upon reading the post i say 'sure, and this thought has been expressed only 300 times.'

It seems to me as it does several others, Merriman has been asked to do something other than pressure the qb. I believe the Bills were happy to let Cassel and Campbell beat us. The latter almost backfired. The game plan against the Pats should be much different since they don't run too often. The secondary is a MAJOR concern for this game...we will see how it goes.

Edited by RichmondRob
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Please see any of the million posts covering that we have been playing a Run Stopping scheme for the past 2 weeks. Thanks!



Thank you. and if you watch the game to look specifically for him, he has drawn quite a bit of double teams on the outside, and has been effective in that respect, along with only playing 39 of a possible 63 defensive plays, I'd say has has been a factor, not lights out game changing, but I am happy he plays for us.

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