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It's getting to the point that the very word TEA party causes so much consternation for these people that they will quite literally say anything, no matter how foolish.


To steal LABillz's line:

How can a small group of radicals, that are dead, btw, that nobody will listen to, that is now irrelevant...

...also be the same group of people that have and will continue to be blocking everything the Great Leader Obama does?


This is like Bush Derangement Syndrome all over again. "Bush is a great liar, so good that he was able to deceive the press, the military, and 70% of the country...but at the same time...is a blithering idiot." :lol: Given this "reasoning", the only valid conclusion is that Bishop Hedd and the rest of the Democrats, who lost to him twice, are simply bigger idiots than Bush. :D


These fools are arguing themselves into a circle, again. This time with the the TEA party.


So, if the TEA party is dead, what does that mean about the liberal party? How relevant are you, how effective are you, if you can't beat a supposedly small group of irrelevant morons? If your ideas are better, why aren't they working? You had the liberal economics professor "dream team", and one guy from U of Chicago. How could the best of the best not implement your ideas properly? Your response: "nothing wrong with my ideology...the professors simply did it wrong! IF we had better people in there....:lol:" Yes, the people who know liberal economics better than anyone in the world...didn't apply it properly.

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It's getting to the point that the very word TEA party causes so much consternation for these people that they will quite literally say anything, no matter how foolish.


...also be the same group of people that have and will continue to be blocking everything the Great Leader Obama does?


You mean that all of the prominent Tea Party members don't say a tremendous amount of foolish things already?


They do much more... they try and block what REPUBLICANS also want to do by tying their hands. This isn't effective government...

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You mean that all of the prominent Tea Party members don't say a tremendous amount of foolish things already?


They do much more... they try and block what REPUBLICANS also want to do by tying their hands. This isn't effective government...

tea party candidates ran on a very specific platform and won. Now, whilst in office they are following through and HONORING what they said they were going to do once they got into this exact position.


what's the problem?????

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tea party candidates ran on a very specific platform and won. Now, whilst in office they are following through and HONORING what they said they were going to do once they got into this exact position.


what's the problem?????

The problem is the media says the Tea Party is bad, so therefor the parrots need to regurgitate that back until it's believed to be gospel.


Heaven forbid anyone actually look at how the government "works" and realizes that it's time to DEMAND significant reform BEFORE we give them even more money to waste.

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tea party candidates ran on a very specific platform and won. Now, whilst in office they are following through and HONORING what they said they were going to do once they got into this exact position.


what's the problem?????


They were elected by pockets of this country that are radical in thought, and only represent their district. That doesn't mean in the least they know what is best for this country or represent what a majority of Americans want. Republicans desperate for change originally welcomed them, but now after the budget crisis they are willing to go against their principles to save America from a far worse economic disaster, because they know that Americans in a recession will accept deep budget cuts about as much as they would accept flag burning. Why else do you think the budget deal passed despite Tea Party opposition? You can't blame that on the 'liberals' and the 'Democrats', for now the makeup of Congress has changed, and those GOP members that bucked the Tea Party to save us from default or worse used common sense.


Breaking government to save it didn't work for the Weimar Republic, and it won't work here.

Edited by BmoreBills
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The problem is the media says the Tea Party is bad, so therefor the parrots need to regurgitate that back until it's believed to be gospel.


Heaven forbid anyone actually look at how the government "works" and realizes that it's time to DEMAND significant reform BEFORE we give them even more money to waste.

when did you get so smart?

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They were elected by pockets of this country that are radical in thought, and only represent their district. That doesn't mean in the least they know what is best for this country or represent what a majority of Americans want. Republicans desperate for change originally welcomed them, but now after the budget crisis they are willing to go against their principles to save America from a far worse economic disaster, because they know that Americans in a recession will accept deep budget cuts about as much as they would accept flag burning. Why else do you think the budget deal passed despite Tea Party opposition? You can't blame that on the 'liberals' and the 'Democrats', for now the makeup of Congress has changed, and those GOP members that bucked the Tea Party to save us from default or worse used common sense.


Breaking government to save it didn't work for the Weimar Republic, and it won't work here.

"radical this".... "extremist that"


explain what makes the people who voted for fiscally conservative representation radical? I think it's RADICAL to continue supporting a failing system that cannot sustain itself... but that's just me.


when did you get so smart?

I've actaully found myself agreeing with Alaska lately. I thought he was really far left from what I remember? could be mistaken though...

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"radical this".... "extremist that"


explain what makes the people who voted for fiscally conservative representation radical? I think it's RADICAL to continue supporting a failing system that cannot sustain itself... but that's just me.


Fiscal conservatism is not reduce spending AND reduce taxes AND limiting government- it is ONLY to reduce spending and maintaining a balanced budget, nothing more. Associating the Tea Party with fiscal conservatism is deceptive. You do not need to lower taxes in order to be fiscally conservative- if you reduce your annual spending and don't overspend what you allocate, then you have succeeded. Adding the ideas of lower taxes and free trade and limited government are ideas that only benefit the wealthier portions of our society and the 'trickle down' theory has been obliterated thanks to the move of labor overseas and practices to avoid US regulation. The profits that are enjoyed by those who benefit from the other Tea Party ideals have ZERO to do with fiscal conservatism.


My objection in addition, the one you ignored, is the idea of forcing deep cuts during a recession and deliberately causing our government to default, causing a tremendous disaster. That is irresponsible and is prime evidence of the radical nature of the Tea Party- they don't want constructive change, they want change at any cost.

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tea party candidates ran on a very specific platform and won. Now, whilst in office they are following through and HONORING what they said they were going to do once they got into this exact position.


what's the problem?????



You may be right...but it is the people who voted for them who are having many of the problems with them.


The problem is the media says the Tea Party is bad, so therefor the parrots need to regurgitate that back until it's believed to be gospel.


Heaven forbid anyone actually look at how the government "works" and realizes that it's time to DEMAND significant reform BEFORE we give them even more money to waste.



When did your ban end? It had been so quiet here... :P


I think you are ignoring the fact that many of the candidates who have labled themselves as Tea Partiers (or whatever they are calling themselves) have managed to wedge their social and religious beliefs into their party...so, in a sense, this is the party, as good and valid as its' initial intentions might have been, is where all the "extreme and crazy" right-winger have moved to. The Tea Party has been hijacked, and, in my mind is every bit as dysfunctional as the two parties it is pretending to rail against...with the social agenda thrown in there, just for kicks. They say they want smaller government and less government intervention, but seem to think that the governments key function should be to legistlate social issues...that is why so many think they are a step backwards...and some just love it!

Edited by Buftex
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You may be right...but it is the people who voted for them who are having many of the problems with them.





When did your ban end? It had been so quiet here... :P


I think you are ignoring the fact that many of the candidates who have lables themselves as Tea Partiers (or whatever they are calling themselves) have managed to wedge their social and religious beliefs into their party...so, in a sense, this is the party, as good and valid as its' initial intentions might have been, is where all the "extreme and crazy" right-winger have moved to. The Tea Party has been hijacked, and, in my mind is every bit as dysfunctional as the two parties it is pretending to rail against...with the social agenda thrown in there, just for kicks. They say they want smaller government and less government intervention, but seem to think that the governments key function should be to legistlate social issues...that is why so many think they are a step backwards...and some just love it![/b]



Where are you getting this from?

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Where are you getting this from?



I watch and listen when these people speak. Do the names Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry ring a bell? You may not like either of them (I don't know, to me they are the epitomy of everything people should be scared of, when it comes to elected officials) and you may identify yourself with the Tea Party, but these are the people that have taken over your movement, and are manipulating it for their benefit.


Both of these clowns are all about the states rights to call their own shots, but want to pass legislation so that social issues they deem really vital to the existence of our freedom and democracy (gay marriage, etc) are never in play, anywhere. They don't care what the voters think, only what they think. It is so funny to me, how people can't see the blatent hypocrisy, when you are so quick to spot it, real or imagined, if the person speaking or acting has a "D" after their name. What may have started out as a real, or legitimate movement, has morphed into more of the same.


You can deny that element to the Tea Party, and you yourself might not have those same stances, but many of the folks latching onto the Tea Party flag for personal political gain, certainly do.

Edited by Buftex
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I watch and listen when these peopel speak. Do the names Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry ring a bell? You may not like either of them (I don't know) and you may identify yourself with the Tea Party, but these are the people that have taken over your movement, and are manipulating it for their benefit.

Jesus, it's like watching you try to teach a pig to whistle. You consistently fail in your repeated efforts to define the tea party, so do yourself a favor and give it a rest because it's pretty damn embarrassing right now.


"Hmmmm, are they racists? Social evangelicals? Islamphobes? Homophobes? Extremists? Terrorists? Jihadists? We just can't decide."


Neither Bachmann nor Perry have "hijacked" anything. The people will vote and someone will win and tea party folks will go with them or against them just like progressive idiots like yourself will STILL vote for an ideological moron like Obama again. So spare us the "definitions." You literally know nothing of which you speak.


Shut up. Vote for Obama. And eat your freaking peas.

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I watch and listen when these people speak. Do the names Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry ring a bell? You may not like either of them (I don't know) and you may identify yourself with the Tea Party, but these are the people that have taken over your movement, and are manipulating it for their benefit. Both of these clowns are all about the states rights to call their own shots, but want to pass legislation so that social issues they deem really vital to the existence of our freedom and democracy (gay marriage, etc) are never in play, anywhere. They don't care what the voters think, only what they think. It is so funny to me, how guys like you can't see the blatent hypocrisy, when you are so quick to spot it, real or imagined, if the person speaking or acting has a "D" after their name.


Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry have not taken over the Tea Party movement. They are individuals and may believe in the fiscal philosophy of the Tea Party thus calling themselves Tea Partiers, but the Tea Party takes no stand on social issues. They can believe whatever they want as it pertains to social issues and benefit or pay the price when it comes election time.


Since you have chosen to make this personal rather than discuss it at a mature level I have questions for you. How come "guys like you" are always trying to make the Tea Party something it is not? What makes you so afraid of these "radicals" that are only pushing for fiscal sanity? "You guys" have attempted to get the racist, bigot and terrorist labels to stick ever since "you guys" realized that the Tea Party movement really is a broad-based grass roots movement.


I'll leave you with this-----Al Sharpton is a prominent progressive. Al Sharpton is also a race baiter. Since Al Sharpton is all of that then he must be turning the Progressive movement into a race baiting movement. Damn, you progressives are evil people!

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Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry have not taken over the Tea Party movement. They are individuals and may believe in the fiscal philosophy of the Tea Party thus calling themselves Tea Partiers, but the Tea Party takes no stand on social issues. They can believe whatever they want as it pertains to social issues and benefit or pay the price when it comes election time.


Since you have chosen to make this personal rather than discuss it at a mature level I have questions for you. How come "guys like you" are always trying to make the Tea Party something it is not? What makes you so afraid of these "radicals" that are only pushing for fiscal sanity? "You guys" have attempted to get the racist, bigot and terrorist labels to stick ever since "you guys" realized that the Tea Party movement really is a broad-based grass roots movement.


I'll leave you with this-----Al Sharpton is a prominent progressive. Al Sharpton is also a race baiter. Since Al Sharpton is all of that then he must be turning the Progressive movement into a race baiting movement. Damn, you progressives are evil people!



Like I said, before you and LA went all little baby with their panties in a wad (more LA than you, you are always like that), you may not share those social values, but it just so happens, those who do, seem to have found a foothold, and support, in your beloved movement.

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Since you have chosen to make this personal rather than discuss it at a mature level I have questions for you. How come "guys like you" are always trying to make the Tea Party something it is not? What makes you so afraid of these "radicals" that are only pushing for fiscal sanity? "You guys" have attempted to get the racist, bigot and terrorist labels to stick ever since "you guys" realized that the Tea Party movement really is a broad-based grass roots movement.


I'll leave you with this-----Al Sharpton is a prominent progressive. Al Sharpton is also a race baiter. Since Al Sharpton is all of that then he must be turning the Progressive movement into a race baiting movement. Damn, you progressives are evil people!


A "broad based grass roots movement"??? That is patently untrue- please prove to me that it is broad based.


Al Sharpton isn't a progressive!!!! :lol: Come now... I would have had coffee through my nose if I was drinking it... Don't even begin to associate extremist liberals with progressives with a straight face.

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Jesus, it's like watching you try to teach a pig to whistle. You consistently fail in your repeated efforts to define the tea party, so do yourself a favor and give it a rest because it's pretty damn embarrassing right now.


"Hmmmm, are they racists? Social evangelicals? Islamphobes? Homophobes? Extremists? Terrorists? Jihadists? We just can't decide."


Neither Bachmann nor Perry have "hijacked" anything. The people will vote and someone will win and tea party folks will go with them or against them just like progressive idiots like yourself will STILL vote for an ideological moron like Obama again. So spare us the "definitions." You literally know nothing of which you speak.


Shut up. Vote for Obama. And eat your freaking peas.


God, you are such a whiney little thing...I will step away, like you want. I have tried, and failed, as you say, to define the Tea Party, because the words and the actions of those who hide behind it are so inconsistent. The Tea Party may not espouse a lot of backward ideas, but those who do, seem to have found a home there.

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