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Is it just me

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it's not just that he's says what you want to hear, it is the delivery that accompanies the wording. he seems to believe it himself and comes across as honest and genuine and passionate. after the last few coaches we've had, i think the package that chan has to offer is pretty much what we as bills fans want.

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I get mad at him after a loss yelling " why are we in 5 wide on 3rd and 3, needless to say we punted.

Then I watch his interview after the game and I just want to hug him




Well we sure aren't a power running team yet. We need a few more OL pieces first. With Chan we have a shot with 5 wide, whereas the last couple of offenses we had essentially no shot.

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I haven't really liked any of the coaches since Marv left, and I really wanted Haslett. That being said, I've really developed a comfort level with Chan and Buddy. I like what we have going on, and I've got a good feeling about the next couple of years. I think we're going to get back to playing consistent competitive football this season, and then next year we make the playoffs.

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