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Sharon Osbourne is an unbelievable !@#$


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I hope karma is real, and someone does something far worse to her.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; androgyny is much more pervasive in our culture than misogyny these days, and worse it's considered much more acceptable. Can you imagine if a husband drugged his wife and then committed genital mutilation on her "because she deserved it"? If he just took a knife and destroyed her vagina? I guarantee you nobody is laughing.


What a disgusting video. The women on the show and the ones laughing in the audience can all go to hell.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again; androgyny is much more pervasive in our culture than misogyny these days, and worse it's considered much more acceptable. Can you imagine if a husband drugged his wife and then committed genital mutilation on her "because she deserved it"? If he just took a knife and destroyed her vagina? I guarantee you nobody is laughing.


What a disgusting video. The women on the show and the ones laughing in the audience can all go to hell.

Wait, why is androgyny so bad? Do you mean misandry?

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Yeah, but how else are people going to prove how cool they are if they can't boldly proclaim "Why, I've never even heard of *insert vapid pop culture item here*", under the guise of being curious?

I really did think it was Ozzy's wife after reading the thread title. Never asked who it was. lack of interest.

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I really did think it was Ozzy's wife after reading the thread title. Never asked who it was. lack of interest.


I was more referring to the other two guys. Whenever somebody enters this sort of thread to "ask" who the person is, they're doing nothing but bragging about how their life is too awesome to understand our piddling references.

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Just goes to show what American women think about guys these days. Good thing we have Beer and Football to fall back on. No wonder there are so many single/divorced men around who have no intentions of getting involved again..


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Just goes to show what American women think about guys these days. Good thing we have Beer and Football to fall back on. No wonder there are so many single/divorced men around who have no intentions of getting involved again..



Yeah, seriously. The attitude seems pretty pervasive. It's too bad that the (initially righteous) feminist movement took such a turn for the dark side some decades back. I guess you can't learn to respect yourself without learning to hate somebody else <_< .

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Just goes to show what American women think about guys these days. Good thing we have Beer and Football to fall back on. No wonder there are so many single/divorced men around who have no intentions of getting involved again..


It doesn't help that most of those divorced men lived in hell for months on end in long divorce proceedings, after which they got bent over and !@#$ed good and hard by a family court. Most men go into a marriage not knowing what the consequences of divorce are for a guy whose soon-to-be-ex-wife isn't being cool about getting divorced.


It wasn't long after the phrase, "take him to the cleaners" was coined that, "cheaper to keep her" rolled around.


Oh, and you dads out there: any clue how easy it is for you to lose your kids? I'll tell you:

"He yelled at me, and I thought he would hurt me and the kids."


Family courts are an absolute joke, and it's not just in America.

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