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Rick Perry (R-Texas)

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I stated this years ago. The fetus is a unique living human being. The fertilized egg carries out the seven conditions needed to consider something living (in the front of any basic bio textbook). It has unique human DNA, a combination of half of the mother's and half of the father's genes. The only exception are identical twins , which result from the same fertilized egg. The slight differences between the identical twins are from the environment, in-utero and after birth.


No religion involved in this definition.



Some people believe that "life" doesn't truly believe until birth. Just saying.

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No offense P, but if I was one who believed in using the ignore button, this post would definitely qualify.



Why does it qualify for being ignored? I think that this can not be a simple yes or no deal. There are many things that should be factored.

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Some people believe that "life" doesn't truly believe until birth. Just saying.

So when does that fetus become a person? Does the whole body have to be out? how about the head? What if you could induce labor at that moment and the baby is viable already? If you want to know why I call people that don't comprehend the issue simpletons, keep reading your post and then read my response over and over until you get it.

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So when does that fetus become a person? Does the whole body have to be out? how about the head? What if you could induce labor at that moment and the baby is viable already? If you want to know why I call people that don't comprehend the issue simpletons, keep reading your post and then read my response over and over until you get it.



I guess you missed the post earlier where I said I am actually against abortion. Again, what you posted is YOUR belief. There are so many sides to this its ridiculous. Some could call you a simpleton, because your only stance is that abortion should never happen. No matter what? Or because you are completely taking away the rights of the woman carrying the fetus.

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pBills, all you have to do is realize that it could have easily been you aborted if the conditions made it a convenience. When I think of this issue thats the perspective I take.


Same here. The idea that it could have easily been pBills that was aborted if convenient is what makes me a rabid supporter...



Seriously, though..."I'm against abortion because it could have been me" is one of the lamest applications of the anthropomorphic principle I've ever heard.

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Go re-read that post of yours out loud to yourself.


He is so !@#$ing dumb that I doubt he will catch it, no matter how many times or how he reads it. I grade out on the political scale slightly conservative now. That is really due a lot to how fiscally conservative I have gotten as the deficit has spiraled out of control. With that said, I still sorta identify with moderate Democrats. I say this to explain...


You know when someone you know, a co-worker or acquaintance for example, does something incredibly stupid and horribly embarrassing and doesn't even realize it? Like asking the unpregnant fat chick, "So boy or girl?" You know how you get contact embarrassment from their idiocy and ignorance? It is like that for me every time he posts in PPP.



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I guess you missed the post earlier where I said I am actually against abortion. Again, what you posted is YOUR belief. There are so many sides to this its ridiculous. Some could call you a simpleton, because your only stance is that abortion should never happen. No matter what? Or because you are completely taking away the rights of the woman carrying the fetus.

Actually I simply reframed the debate such that it surrounds the only real disputed issue. What side of that issue you fall on matters not. The life or death question is the only one pertinent to the debate. And your inability to understand that is what makes you a simpleton. I'm not trying to be cruel, I'm just telling you the truth.

Edited by Rob's House
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Same here. The idea that it could have easily been pBills that was aborted if convenient is what makes me a rabid supporter...



Seriously, though..."I'm against abortion because it could have been me" is one of the lamest applications of the anthropomorphic principle I've ever heard.

Damn. I wish I knew what "anthropomorphic" means. I may be able to respond better. I don't understand why my reasoning is lame. It's a practical perspective that cuts directly to the point. Anyway this is my own opinion. Can't move on it.

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Only...not, since "life begins at conception," but pregnancy doesn't.

What the !@#$ are you talking about?


I can't tell if that's tongue in cheek, but the debate on abortion revolves around whether or not you're killing a baby. Every other argument about rape, situation, choice, etc. is all peripheral to that because if it is a human life that trumps all of those things. It's really not that complicated.

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What the !@#$ are you talking about?


I can't tell if that's tongue in cheek, but the debate on abortion revolves around whether or not you're killing a baby. Every other argument about rape, situation, choice, etc. is all peripheral to that because if it is a human life that trumps all of those things. It's really not that complicated.


Tell me how you abort a "life" that isn't even a pregnancy yet...


Damn. I wish I knew what "anthropomorphic" I may be able to respond better. I don't understand why my reasoning is lame. It's a practical perspective that cuts directly to the point. Anyway this is my own opinion. Can't move on it.


At the risk of oversimplifying, you're expressing a principle of "If I'm here, this must be so, because if it weren't I may not be here." It's generally not considered a strong argument, though I occasionally like it...this particular application of it I felt was extremely weak.


Plus...if you read your original post, you were actually basing your anti-abortion stance on pBills not being aborted...which I found rather humorous, sick !@#$ that I am... :pirate:

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it's far from perfect...i wanted and still want single payer. i offer no excuses for the waivers. they're wrong.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


And you are a doctor by profession... Single payer is the way to go!


................been hangin out with Eric lately?


I am glad I am still on a first name basis with some! I was losing faith with some here.


:D :D

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let's throw another wrench in the works! if you believe abortion is immoral (and i actually do) do you believe that the death penalty is immoral? isn't all life precious and to be protected? wouldn't it be logically inconsistent and indefensible to argue otherwise?

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