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It's pretty embarrassing, reading this board sometimes...

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Bingo! And I think here is the crux of the real argument.


It's not that us optimists want to stop people we dont agree with from posting at all.


If you can come with a well thought out and valid negative point, great. Let's discuss it.


But there are a LARGE number of people that use the board as a "venting place" for their irrational and ignorant opinions. And then they get offended when someone tries to offer an opposing view. They dont want to actually discuss the point. They just want to stand on their soapbox and yell a bunch of garbage, and some have even admitted that they dont care if the information they base their opinions on is wrong!! They just want to com ehere to voice their opinion and vent so they can feel better. Great...


THAT is why some of us say that certain posts are "embarrassing".


If someone doesnt like the draft, there are plenty of valid reasons why they might not. But when someone makes a thread the second we picked a CB in round 2 (with our 2nd out of NINE picks) that says "Jauron is back. Same old Bills. We were all set at DB already!!", They better be ready to hear the FACTS that we werent really "set" at DB.


Its equivalently ridiculous to me saying the team will never succeed because Ralph is actually a space alien and on his planet losing is better than winning. Cmon man!


You are right on but as I read your posting it reminded me of the world of politics in America .... how groups of loud mouthed activists stormed meetings held by Congressmen and Senators around our great nation to demand their views on health insurance be accepted but they refuse to even consider that those who differ from them have an equally valid point of view that should then be open to constructive discussion.


We are living in an era when bullying has been made acceptable whether it is on our radio airwaves, in our classrooms, in our politics, or here on this discussion board.


I love hearing reasoned arguments about the Bills because they are the team I have rooted for since a game in 1962 versus the Dallas Texans at the Rock Pile. I know that I am not always correct in what I think so this board has given me tremendous insight but the stupidity and harshness of some really makes me wonder if the authors are really Miami Dolphin fans getting a good laugh at the trouble they stir up here.

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Bingo! And I think here is the crux of the real argument.


It's not that us optimists want to stop people we dont agree with from posting at all.


If you can come with a well thought out and valid negative point, great. Let's discuss it.

But there are a LARGE number of people that use the board as a "venting place" for their irrational and ignorant opinions. And then they get offended when someone tries to offer an opposing view.THAT is why some of us say that certain posts are "embarrassing".


You make a good point, but the "negative point" posters haven't exactly cornered the market on "irrational and ignoratn opinions" (being kind here..), nor are the "optimists" routinely tolerant of dissneting opinion.


That being said, my two cents, as a "negative poster", is that history teaches us that it is best to reserve judgement when it comes to the Bills, the draft and "new regimes". It amazes me (and pleases Ralph to no end) that this pattern has repeated itself for a dozen years, yet the posts remain the same--on both sides!

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