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GO Jets

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Hmmm…let's see…the Colts are run by Bill Polian who was the architect of our Super Bowl teams. He didn't want to leave the Bills…he was fired by Ralph. HIs son Chris who grew up in Buffalo and attended St. Francis is Polian's heir apparent.


Frank Reich is an assistant coach for the Colts.


Pete Metzelaars is an assistant coach for the Colts.


No. I guess I'll continue to hope the Colts destroy the always-hated Jets.


Earlier today, in spite of cheering for the Saints last year (the whole Katrina thing), I found myself cheering for the Seahawks and Pete Carroll who has always annoyed the hell out of me (going back to when he was Jets coach). I guess cheering for the Seahawks was the classic underdog dynamic at work.


It's funny who you end up cheering for. Sometimes your head thinks you'll be cheering for a certain team and you realize that your heart is cheering for the other team.


But I always want the Jets to lose…unless they're playing the Patsies*.

very persuasive...F#$% the JETS

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I'm trying to figure out why people hate the Colts so much. They are realistically one of the few teams that have actually learned how to consistently beat the Patriots, yet we want them to lose so......they wont play the.....Patriots later on.....? Some people's logic doesn't make sense. Plus, if there a quarterback to hate, shouldn't it be Brady, and not Manning?

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