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Transformers 3 Teaser

Mark Vader

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Say and feel what you will. However, I can guarantee you that if you were to play this song to anyone, they would know what the song's name is, what movie it is from, and which scene it takes place.



How many people actually saw this? I don't think any of my friends would know it.

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If you're a male between the ages of 26 and 35 (or a very lonely 60 year old who still hasn't touched a woman), then you've seen this movie. And hearing "Touch" makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! It's like an instant throw-back to when you were a kid!

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If you're a male between the ages of 26 and 35 with poor taste (or a very lonely 60 year old who still hasn't touched a woman), then you've seen this movie.



Now that makes some sense.

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I didn't even know it existed. Sorry if I'm missing something, but I don't see myself ever considering Transformers to be something worth caring about artistically.


Mark gave an age range and both you and the Dean aren't in it. It's that simple. Everyone's got their own iconic tv/entertainment figures and of course they're going to vary from person to person and age to age.

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