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No Lindell bashing today?


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Where is the "we need to cut Lindell" contingent of the past two weeks? The guy was money when it counted -- making the game-tying FG not once but twice, in addition to making the two "easy" ones when Buffalo needed them to get back in the game.


Occasionally a kicker -- just like any other player -- has a bad stretch. Looks like that "slump" is over.

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I agree that he deserves a little credit here. He has sent us to overtime in clutch situations several times this season now. Even having to nail that long one twice yesterday. I fully support Lindell.


But Moorman on the other hand... get it together kid!

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I wasn't one who said that Lindell should necessarily be cut, but I did think (and I am not necessarily waivering) that he is not as good as some make him out to be. He made a big kick yesterday, it was great. Wish we could have given him another chance in OT.

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Where is the "we need to cut Lindell" contingent of the past two weeks? The guy was money when it counted -- making the game-tying FG not once but twice, in addition to making the two "easy" ones when Buffalo needed them to get back in the game.


Occasionally a kicker -- just like any other player -- has a bad stretch. Looks like that "slump" is over.


I was listening to the pre-game show on the way to the game and they explained last week's poor performance by Lindell. He was battling the flu and wasn't feeling well. Also, the team checked some of the balls after the game and found they were over-inflated. Some by as much as 8 lbs. Kickers are specific about the balls they kick with, often pushing and squeezing them, and apparently the issue was brought up to the officials.


Sounds reasonable to me.


He's still a good kicker and has a good handle on the Buffalo weather and how it affects his kicks.

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The tard rodeo is currently focused on organizing a public crucifying of Steve Johnson at the HSBC Arena.


Before last week, it was that Fitz isn't good enough and we need to draft a QB because he has one more incompletion per game than Ben R.

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Before last week, it was that Fitz isn't good enough and we need to draft a QB because he has one more incompletion per game than Ben R.


Tune in next week for: "People seriously thought Kyle Williams was a pro-bowler?!?" after he doesn't recover a fumble that would have won the game.

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