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Damn that 4th and game


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Everything, *EVerything* would be different right now if Clements knocked that fuggin ball down. Doesn't it make you wanna break the nearest window?


I know, it's just a game, and a former one at that. Nuttin anyone can do. *SMASH*. It's long since done, get over it. *CLANG* Grow up, man...that was September, for Chrissake! *SHATTER* Oh, come on...you can't dwell on schitt like that. Don't you have work to do? *Rosen* Get a life, man. *THUD/SMASH/CLANG/SHATTER*


Oh, and now we're gonna lose our offensive coordinator? *ETC*

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I'm still not over the 13-10 loss to the Raiders in 1968. Ed Rutkowski dives into the corner of the end zone on the last play of the game .The ref rules him down at the 1 inch line, saying he never got there, which he CLEARLY did !


BASTARDS ! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: A 36 year slow burn !

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I was going to say I'll let people know how long it takes to get over Ronnie Friggin Harmon dropping that ball in 1989 as soon as I get over it. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Ronnie.


But 36 years... that sure does trump 15.


Hm come to think of it I'm not over Ron Smith slipping behind Bill Simpson in the 1980 playoff game in San Diego, or that delay of game penalty on Lou Piccone's first down against the Bengals in 1981.


But 36 years.... jeez. This is what I have to look forward to?

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I wasn't expecting to "get over it" anytime soon...

I said at the time it was right up there with 1998 "just give it to 'em" as the 2 most heartbreaking reg. season games in my 24 yr lifetime, and I still feel that way.


It was like a basketball game where you're up by 6 with a minute left and 86 things have to happen to lose, missed foul shots, miracle 3-pointers....that was opening day. Teague had to get called for holding, Clements had to be an idiot, and as the Sports Guy said, the first ever hail marry from the 6 yard line.

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I wasn't expecting to "get over it" anytime soon...

I said at the time it was right up there with 1998 "just give it to 'em" as the 2 most heartbreaking reg. season games in my 24 yr lifetime, and I still feel that way. 


It was like a basketball game where you're up by 6 with a minute left and 86 things have to happen to lose, missed foul shots, miracle 3-pointers....that was opening day.  Teague had to get called for holding, Clements had to be an idiot, and as the Sports Guy said, the first ever hail marry from the 6 yard line.



How about the OT kickoff return for a TD by the Jets a couple of years back? I had the same feeling coming out of the JAX game that I did that day.


This kind of stuff has been happening to too much lately, hasn't it? Hopefully, the worm has finally turned...

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It could be worse. Mularkey could be a moron.


Oh, wait. He IS a moron. I guess things ARE worse. :D




About time you get it. ;) BTW...I am formally requesting a reprint of 'Fabio'. Best damn story in some time man... :D

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How about the OT kickoff return for a TD by the Jets a couple of years back? I had the same feeling coming out of the JAX game that I did that day.



That was disheartening, but a few things prevented it from being catostrophic:

1 - Coming off a 3-13 season, not much was expected

2 - We were down by 7 and needed a score just to force OT, which we did via a sweet 4th down TD strike from DB to Moulds.

3 - There's no guarantee we win the game without the kickoff in OT.

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Everything, *EVerything* would be different right now if Clements knocked that fuggin ball down. Doesn't it make you wanna break the nearest window?


I know, it's just a game, and a former one at that. Nuttin anyone can do. *SMASH*. It's long since done, get over it. *CLANG* Grow up, man...that was September, for Chrissake! *SHATTER* Oh, come on...you can't dwell on schitt like that. Don't you have work to do? *Rosen* Get a life, man. *THUD/SMASH/CLANG/SHATTER*


Oh, and now we're gonna lose our offensive coordinator? *ETC*




You're assuming that everything else would have stayed the same, which is incorrect.


For example, McGahee would not have been inserted into the starting lineup as soon as he was.

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Everything, *EVerything* would be different right now if Clements knocked that fuggin ball down. Doesn't it make you wanna break the nearest window?


I know, it's just a game, and a former one at that. Nuttin anyone can do. *SMASH*. It's long since done, get over it. *CLANG* Grow up, man...that was September, for Chrissake! *SHATTER* Oh, come on...you can't dwell on schitt like that. Don't you have work to do? *Rosen* Get a life, man. *THUD/SMASH/CLANG/SHATTER*


Oh, and now we're gonna lose our offensive coordinator? *ETC*




If a picture paints a thousand words

Then why can't I paint you?

The words will never show

For you I've come to know.

If a face could launch a thousand ships

Then where am I to go?

There's no one home but you

And now you've left me too.

And when my love for life is running dry

You come and pour yourself on me

If a man could be two places at one time

I'd be with you.

Tomorrow and today

Beside you all the way

If the world should stop revolving

Spinning slowly down to die.

I'd spend the end with you

And when the world was through...

Then one by one, the stars would all go out.

Then you and I, would simply fly away.

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If  a picture paints a thousand words

Then why can't I paint you?

The words will never show

For you I've come to know.

If a face could launch a thousand ships

Then where am I to go?

There's no one home but you

And now you've left me too.

And when my love for life is running dry

You come and pour yourself on me

If a man could be two places at one time

I'd be with you.

Tomorrow and today

Beside you all the way

If the world should stop revolving

Spinning slowly down to die.

I'd spend the end with you

And when the world was through...

Then one by one, the stars would all go out.

Then you and I, would simply fly away.



Is that by Rage Against The Machine ?

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