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Ralph IS preparing for the post-rw future of the team

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WTF is the purpose of this thread?


Because Byrd Bath, in all of his collgiate wisdom, believes we should all suck at the teat of RW because he's preparing to keep the Bills in Buffalo by moving them to Toronto.



Edited by Joe In Macungie
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So let's say it's 2015 and Ralph peacefully passes.

He gets his deserved respect and remembrances and we all focus on the good times with him as owner.


But immediately every Bills fan has a lump in their throat the size of Fitz's frankenstein-head.

We know that our football future is about to be bid on.



So, many of you are telling me that if it came down to LA and Toronto...and if Toronto won...you wouldn't grudgingly-at-first, but after-a-while, thank the lord above that there is still a team that you can NATURALLY root for, and not a team to have to force yourself to root for like the Browns or some other rust belt team.



This policy of playing a pre-season and regular season game in Toronto hurts for sure, but it's SO worth it if it gives us a chance to still have a team that at least is still reasonable to drive to their home games. And the Toronto Bills would always have a part of Buffalo in them. No other team or city could say that in this situation.



So, yes it sucks so friggin', horribly, death-to-the-fu**in-world bad that we can't stay in Buffalo forever, but at least maybe we could still have a team that actually has shades of Buffalo.



"NATURALLY root for" ???? What are you smokin'?


Toronto is NOT Buffalo and the guy who worked the Toronto deal with Ralph is already dead. Where ever they move to you can expect a total change in uniforms, logos and team name.


His legacy is the BUFFALO Bills and the Stadium with his name on it sitting out in OP. Ralph has time right now to maintain a team in Buffalo by working with a consortium of ownners with the same vested interest. He can also be working with the County and the State. Who knows? He may be doing this right now.


Moving to Toronto is not good enough. The team can stay in Buffalo with some careful thought and planning. Just settling for a team in Toronto is unacceptable.

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My brother and I have both been Bills fans from the begining. We recently discussed the possibility of the Bills moving. For LA to get an NFL team, a new stadium would have to be built. The state is bankrupt as is the city, so it would have to be built with private money. Who is going to do that for a team with no fan base, in a city that has already lost two teams? I know that there is talk of a stadium, but talk is cheap.


The next available large city is San Antonio. The Cowboys spend part of their traning camp there. Jerry Jones considers this his territory. Do you think he is going to let another team move there?


As to Toronto, I don't know, but RWS sells out, with a bad team and they can't give away the tickets in Toronto. It is, however smart to try and develope fans from Canada, as it is to develope fans in Central NY.

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ok ok ok....I didnt want to do this because I'll get killed on the reply's. I have a family member that is an extremely successful business man in Los Angeles. He was involved in the sale of the Angels to Disney (whom he refers to as fa king animals). This sale was very close to the upcoming sale of the Buffalo Bills in the respect that the owner Gene Autry was dying had owned the team since inception. Gene did not want to sell the team and his wife didnt want to keep the team. The problem was that since Gene owned the team from day one the value of the team he increased substantially and had no intention of paying the income tax on the increased value and if he left it to his wife who was intent on selling the team she would end up fitting the bill. My family members firm was brought in to finalize the sale from Gene Autry to Disney. There were many clauses and stipulations that dont really need to be explained, but this situation is very similar to the Buffalo Bills situation. So similar that when Jim Kelly was in LA my retired family member was asked to consult on the possible sale of the Buffalo Bills. Needles to say I now know that the Bills wont leave Buffalo no Toronto no Los Angeles. I know that this is information that has been speculated over and over again but I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt my family member has no reason to lie.


Just because your relative has consulted with Kelly or anyone else doesn't mean that Ralph has made the same recommended plans that your relative is proposing. The owner has already made plans regarding his estate. There have been no leaks coming from the Wilson family or his Detroit financial advisors. All we have left is speculation after speculation from sources outside the process. Let me remind you that Jim Kelly is a PR employee of the Buffalo Bills. He is not part of the Wilson inner circle. Ralph Wilson has never included him on his thinking regarding financial matters. The people who are in Ralph's inner circle don't talk about what they are going to do. Jim Kelly can blabber on and on all he wants. His clamoring or insinuations about what is going to happen with the franchise mean nothing.


The longer the current owner maintains ownership of this flawed franchise the less viable the team will be in western NY when his team is actually sold, assuming it stays in western NY. The debt from the sale and the necessity to build another stadium or substantially upgrade the current stadium make the economics of keeping the team very challenging.


Ralph Wilson is a businessman, first and foremost. The franchise has been nothing but a magnificant profit-center for him. When trying to guess what action the owner is going to take you can't go wrong placing your bet on assuming that he is going to do what is best financially for him.


I have come to the conclusion that it isn't worth the stress to fret about the post Wilson scenario.

Ralph Wilson owns the team. As an owner he has never cared what anyone else thinks. He is going to do what he wants to do. What anyone else thinks will have no bearing on the estate decision he ALREADY has made.

Edited by JohnC
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No. Toronto isn't Buffalo. I root for the Bills because they're my home team. The Bills are integral to this city's identity. It just wouldn't be the same.


I would watch the NFL for the exciting players, but forget about any incarnation of the Toronto Bills (it makes me sick just typing those two words together).


The Bills must move BECAUSE they are integral to this city's identity. That identity, to most people not either from the area or close to it, is alternatively, "irrelevant" and "loser". This is a bigger reason than anyone involved will admit why the best coaches, management and players want no part of it, everything else being equal. Think about it, this franchise is screwed being tied to WNY, a place with an image somewhere between desperate and dead. why do you think the only minor league free agents (Stroud, TO, Florence, D Edwards, Davis), minor league coaches (Jauron, Gailey, McNally, et al) and minor league management types (Brandon, Nix, et al)we can get are those whose only way to get back to or stay in the NFL, their Last Resort, is to go to the bills? ` Or they are from the area (McNally, Brandon, Pitts, et al). That's it. The Bills are permanently screwed by being located in a place the rock stars of the NFL don't what to be. Sucks, but its true. IMHO, and I'm from there, tThe franchise must move in order to become relevant in the league again.

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My wife is banging another dude, but at least there's still shades of me inside her.




Byrd Bath


LOL - exactly!......The only sport where I don't have a team is the NBA. It's been 32 years and since the Braves left, and I still don't have a team that I root for except on a game by game or season by season basis. i.e. I'd like the Celtics to win it this year, etc.

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If the Bills moved to Toronto it would be one of the worst events of my life.



But, I LOVE football. I REALLY REALLY love football.


And if the closest thing to the Buffalo Bills was the Toronto BIlls - I would be a Toronto Bills fan.



Everyone who says that they would immediately not care about the NFL anymore if the Bills moved to Toronto is just lying to themselves.

The second that 1:00 on that first Sunday happened you would be glued to the tube just like you would any other year...perhaps it would mean a little less...but you can't just drop a major part of your life in an instant.

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If the Bills moved to Toronto it would be one of the worst events of my life.



But, I LOVE football. I REALLY REALLY love football.


And if the closest thing to the Buffalo Bills was the Toronto BIlls - I would be a Toronto Bills fan.



Everyone who says that they would immediately not care about the NFL anymore if the Bills moved to Toronto is just lying to themselves.

The second that 1:00 on that first Sunday happened you would be glued to the tube just like you would any other year...perhaps it would mean a little less...but you can't just drop a major part of your life in an instant.


I got news for you, kid. 30 years is enough. Once the greedy old bastard kicks it for good and the team moves, I won't be following them any more.

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“I dont think the team’s going anywhere, to be honest with you. As long as I have anything to do with it, they’re going to stay in Western New York." - Jim Kelly

So far, only the first half of this statement is proving correct.

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As to Toronto, I don't know, but RWS sells out, with a bad team and they can't give away the tickets in Toronto.

The fans in Toronto don't support this team for two reasons. 1. The team loses all the time and they are very dull in doing so. 2. It is the Buffalo Bills playing in Toronto, not the Toronto Bills. If they were to move there and become their team and have the financial backing to hire an elite front office to turn the team around, the stadium would sell out without a problem.

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