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Paladino's shouting match with NY Post reporter


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You ever see that Simpsons episode where candidate Monty Burns chokes on the three eyed fish thus killing his campaign?



Well...this is the closest thing to a real life comparison.


Not that Carl is Monty Burns...no..wait a second..he might be.



I say we take Carl out....to celebrate the fact that he convinced enough brain dead republicans in this state that he was actually a viable candidate.


Now that nutty broad in California running for gov is now being exposed as a fraud. And all the rats start to scurry.

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I am sooooo tired of PC politicians who look the right way and say all the right things and then do nothing. To me its a bit of fresh air to see this.


I love it when Paladino says to the reporter "I will take you out" Reminds me of the Godfather

Edited by whateverdude
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Now that nutty broad in California running for gov is now being exposed as a fraud. And all the rats start to scurry.

You mean Gloria Allred pulling yet another last-ditch Schwarzenegger-like move on Whitman? Already being dispelled, and given the amount of money Allred has given to the Brown campaign, most Californians see why this is taking place. The only rats scurrying are the ones who can't run on their own merit.


But I'm sure you're having fun on the DailyKos message boards, so that's good for you I guess.

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The reporter was the one being way out of line. I don't blame Carl one bit. If it was Cuomo versus a Fox News reporter, the leftist hacks would be praising him as a man rightfully defending his child.


Dicker is a dick and a Cuomo shill. It's obvious that Carl's becoming a major problem otherwise the libs wouldn't be resorting to these tactics.


But this won't change anything in the grand scheme of things.


People with brains and jobs will vote for Carl and people who like to give their money way or get welfare will vote for Cuomo.

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I am sooooo tired of PC politicians who look the right way and say all the right things and then do nothing. To me its a bit of fresh air to see this.


I love it when Paladino says to the reporter "I will take you out" Reminds me of the Godfather


Nothing like the Godfather, The Godfather would have said "what have I ever done to you for you to disrespect me so? what offences do you hold against me? I am a peaceful man so ask for your forgiveness" then he would have him taken out.

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The reporter was the one being way out of line. I don't blame Carl one bit. If it was Cuomo versus a Fox News reporter, the leftist hacks would be praising him as a man rightfully defending his child.


Dicker is a dick and a Cuomo shill. It's obvious that Carl's becoming a major problem otherwise the libs wouldn't be resorting to these tactics.


But this won't change anything in the grand scheme of things.


People with brains and jobs will vote for Carl and people who like to give their money way or get welfare will vote for Cuomo.


So now the NY Post is a Liberal Paper? And it's reporters are shills for the NY Dems?


Wow! I bet Rupert Murdoch is pissed about that!

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Gloria Allred? Bishop Hedd? George Soros? The list of idiots is embarrassingly long.

I know some of you live out that way, but in a twisted sort of way, I really wouldn't mind seeing Jerry Brown win that race. I don't even know why anyone would even want that job, you guys are so !@#$ed and it is nearly impossible to solve that problem out that way. It would take a real bad ass like Gov. Christie from New Jersey to have any hopes of getting that state in to shape.


Does anyone truly believe that Jerry Brown is going to stand up to the Unions?

The Service Employees International Union announced on Thursday a new independent expenditure of $5 million in support of California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown (D).


Let's be real here, Jerry Brown will be the SEIU's B word and as a result of that, taxes will go higher and you guys out there in California will be getting a bailout from the other SEIU lapdog, the White House.


Sept. 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government will face pressure to bail out struggling states in the next 12 months, said Meredith Whitney, the banking analyst who correctly predicted Citigroup Inc.’s dividend cut in 2008.


While saying a bailout might not be politically viable, Whitney joined investor Warren Buffett in raising alarm bells about the potential for widespread defaults in the $2.8 trillion municipal bond market. She said state and local issuers have taken on too much debt and that the gap between public spending and revenue is unsustainable.


“People will think the federal government will bail these states out,” Whitney, 40, the founder of Meredith Whitney Advisory Group Inc., said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop.” “It’s going to be an incredibly divisive issue.”


Whitney’s comments coincide with her release of a report rating the financial health of the 15 largest U.S. states measured by gross domestic product, according to Fortune magazine. The report, which Whitney said took two years to complete and hasn’t been released publicly, ranks California’s finances the worst, with New Jersey, Illinois and Ohio tied for second-worst.


Meredith Whitney is currently the best banking analyst out there, and uhhh, she basically says you guys are screwed and it will be the fiscally responsible states (red states) that will have to bailout the fiscally irresponsible ones (blue states).


There were some bright spots: Texas, Virginia and Nebraska were among states that have done a good job of controlling their finances over the years and aren't threatened as much.


But other states, such as California and Michigan, will burden the entire country should the federal government decide to step in with a bailout.


Imagine you're conservative, fiscally sound Nebraska and you have to bail out California, or you're fiscally conservative Texas and now you have to bail out Michigan," she added.



You guys are so !@#$ed! Specially now with this hatchet job that they just did on Whitman. And Everyone from the rest of the country is gonna be hootin and hollerin about bailing out California and by the time Jerry Browns first term is up, the country will hate him, California will be regretting their decision to elect him and he will have wished he never took the job... :lol:

Edited by Magox
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I know some of you live out that way, but in a twisted sort of way, I really wouldn't mind seeing Jerry Brown win that race. I don't even know why anyone would even want that job, you guys are so !@#$ed and it is nearly impossible to solve that problem out that way. It would take a real bad ass like Gov. Christie from New Jersey to have any hopes of getting that state in to shape.


Does anyone truly believe that Jerry Brown is going to stand up to the Unions?


Let's be real here, Jerry Brown will be the SEIU's B word and as a result of that, taxes will go higher and you guys out there in California will be getting a bailout from the other SEIU lapdog, the White House.


Meredith Whitney is currently the best banking analyst out there, and uhhh, she basically says you guys are screwed and it will be the fiscally responsible states (red states) that will have to bailout the fiscally irresponsible ones (blue states).


You guys are so !@#$ed! Specially now with this hatchet job that they just did on Whitman. And Everyone from the rest of the country is gonna be hootin and hollerin about bailing out California and by the time Jerry Browns first term is up, the country will hate him, California will be regretting their decision to elect him and he will have wished he never took the job... :lol:

So in conclusion; us guys in California are so !@#$ed!


We already know this. The problem is that California is so full of far-left full-goose bozo Bishop Hedd liberals, that people like Arnold and Whitman pass as Republicans. Everyone knows Jerry Brown is the union's B word. He's the white Obama, and will win this state easily; not because he's good for the state, but because he'll make sure the pensions get funded, even at the expense of the people of California. The businesses will continue to leave, the tax rates will increase, and at some point, even the celebrities will start to leave as they'll be the only money here to fund the pensions and entitlements.


If I didn't own a small business here, I'd root for Brown to win much like I rooted for Obama to win; because only a couple of dolts like them could screw things up so badly that even the left-leaning independents would avoid them in future elections for years to come. As it stands right now, we're already beginning the plan to move the business out of state. There are plenty of states willing to take less of our money. One day California will figure that out. But not until Jerry Brown buries us Obama-style.

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You ever see that Simpsons episode where candidate Monty Burns chokes on the three eyed fish thus killing his campaign?



Well...this is the closest thing to a real life comparison.


Not that Carl is Monty Burns...no..wait a second..he might be.



I say we take Carl out....to celebrate the fact that he convinced enough brain dead republicans in this state that he was actually a viable candidate.


Now that nutty broad in California running for gov is now being exposed as a fraud. And all the rats start to scurry.


For what purpose does Gloria Allred represent Nicky Diaz Santillan?

Exposing her client to legal jeopardy. Legal malfeasance and subject to action by California bar?

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Meredith Whitney is currently the best banking analyst out there, and uhhh, she basically says you guys are screwed and it will be the fiscally responsible states (red states) that will have to bailout the fiscally irresponsible ones (blue states).


No she's not. She's the most photogenic one. She doesn't have the talent to shine Mike Mayo's shoes.

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People are defending Paladino? With his own affair come to life, Paladino accused Coumo of infidelity. Of course he had no proof so he looks like an ass. This reporter challenged Paladino about his lie.


Of course, douche that he is, he starts yelling at the reporter about some other issue and then threatens him. I can't believe people here take him seriously.

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For what purpose does Gloria Allred represent Nicky Diaz Santillan?

Exposing her client to legal jeopardy. Legal malfeasance and subject to action by California bar?

I listened to that yesterday, and while I was surprised she opted to go on his show, he really reduced her to nothing more than a shill with that question. She kept trying to bring it around to Whitman, but he would throw her back in the corner with, essentially, "But why are you doing this?" It was pretty comical.

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