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And Joe Theisman said!!!!!


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like when he said "young linemen are expected to make mistakes..." then the camera focuses on Dockery as the guilty party and he said "even veterans are expected to make mistakes"... :P :P


This my friends is why I won't be watching a lot of football on TV this year. :beer:

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I am not a fan of Joe Theisman but I would like to address what he said. He stated that the "Bills looked tired." I am not sure if I agree with his statement. However, his statement greatly concerns me. IMHO, the Bills looked flat, uninspired, lost, unmotivated, lacking toughness, lacking emotion, etc.... That is not what I expected from a Chan Gailey team. I expected the team the make many mistakes but what I didn't expect was the above mentioned. I think Gailey had a chance to make a positive statement to us fans. (ie) Our team is going to play hard, be tough, kick some ass, get into some fights, play dirty, and scream, jump around, show some emotion, and hopefully improve and win some games in the future. Instead, what I saw was a continuation of the Juaron era. He looked like a confused, lost, and dumbfounded on the sidelines. I know it is early so I hope things change fast....

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I am not a fan of Joe Theisman but I would like to address what he said. He stated that the "Bills looked tired." I am not sure if I agree with his statement. However, his statement greatly concerns me. IMHO, the Bills looked flat, uninspired, lost, unmotivated, lacking toughness, lacking emotion, etc.... That is not what I expected from a Chan Gailey team. I expected the team the make many mistakes but what I didn't expect was the above mentioned. I think Gailey had a chance to make a positive statement to us fans. (ie) Our team is going to play hard, be tough, kick some ass, get into some fights, play dirty, and scream, jump around, show some emotion, and hopefully improve and win some games in the future. Instead, what I saw was a continuation of the Juaron era. He looked like a confused, lost, and dumbfounded on the sidelines. I know it is early so I hope things change fast....

i can agree with you, but other facts are 1st preseason isnt time to panic,& losing your starting backfield with so little practice time in the books is typically game over.

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I am not a fan of Joe Theisman but I would like to address what he said. He stated that the "Bills looked tired." I am not sure if I agree with his statement. However, his statement greatly concerns me. IMHO, the Bills looked flat, uninspired, lost, unmotivated, lacking toughness, lacking emotion, etc.... That is not what I expected from a Chan Gailey team. I expected the team the make many mistakes but what I didn't expect was the above mentioned. I think Gailey had a chance to make a positive statement to us fans. (ie) Our team is going to play hard, be tough, kick some ass, get into some fights, play dirty, and scream, jump around, show some emotion, and hopefully improve and win some games in the future. Instead, what I saw was a continuation of the Juaron era. He looked like a confused, lost, and dumbfounded on the sidelines. I know it is early so I hope things change fast....

In case you watched the games the last few years this is about the only think DJ should be given credit for. His players showed up to play even if they were too small to be in the NFL and the OC wasn't qualified to run a HS team.

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I loved when Joe Theismann was talking to Snyder and the Bills punted the ball to the Redskins. Joe was telling Snyder that the Skins just made an interception and went on to tell the owner that Washington didn't turn many balls over last year and this was good to see. They showed him in the booth seconds later with a big dumb ass smile on his face. He had no idea it was a punt and not an interception. I guess he's not good at multi-tasking. He also got on Chambers for jumping offsides and it was Merideth. It was hard listening to that goof...



This is Joe at that very moment you are talking about:

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The annoucers had a skins love fest going on, it was really dumb listening to them so I turned it down.


Everytime Theesman (right pronounciation) speaks, I want to puke. He is so full of himself and lets everyone know it. He just can't keep his yap shut, or at least talk about what is really happening. The whole game was that way, camera crews missed plays, the announcers talked right through other plays, and Theesman blunders along.


I had to turn the volumn down too, as his voice is nearly as irritating as Madden. Both should be put to pasture and left to rot in HOF.

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Nothing Theisman says is credible - nothing. My favorite was when he was prasing Jim Haslet for coaching the Saints through the Katrina disaster in 2000. Even when reminded that Katrina was in 2006, and Haslet was not the coach, he continued on his "what a fabulous coaching job that was". Unbelieveable. You simply can't take anything he says seriously.



Good catch, I remember his blunder but missed the dates! What an idiot, you would think even the lowly NFL Network would put this guy to bed. Theisman is desperately needing an OPTIRECTOMY soon, before he hurts himself.

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like when he said "young linemen are expected to make mistakes..." then the camera focuses on Dockery as the guilty party and he said "even veterans are expected to make mistakes"... :beer::P


Yeah, did you like that?


Like that retread Dockery was anything special. I like how Theisman followed up with excusing Dockery from a poor play by saying that he is still learning the nuances of the new offense.




He's a freakin' veteran for crying out loud!

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Yeah because it really has cut down on those injuries


When I mentioned toughness, I really wasn't speaking of injuries, more about the determination required to actually finish a game. We didn't have that last night either. I just think it's interesting that the a lot of people have been praising Chan for making practice tough. The team then comes out and looks like ****. Possibly because they're tired. Maybe it will still pay off. Maybe it doesn't matter and we're screwed either way, because we have a team full of pantywastes.

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I am not a fan of Joe Theisman but I would like to address what he said. He stated that the "Bills looked tired." I am not sure if I agree with his statement. However, his statement greatly concerns me. IMHO, the Bills looked flat, uninspired, lost, unmotivated, lacking toughness, lacking emotion, etc.... That is not what I expected from a Chan Gailey team. I expected the team the make many mistakes but what I didn't expect was the above mentioned. I think Gailey had a chance to make a positive statement to us fans. (ie) Our team is going to play hard, be tough, kick some ass, get into some fights, play dirty, and scream, jump around, show some emotion, and hopefully improve and win some games in the future. Instead, what I saw was a continuation of the Juaron era. He looked like a confused, lost, and dumbfounded on the sidelines. I know it is early so I hope things change fast....

Joe was correct. Our players looked slow and uninspired compared the Skins. Maybe the new schemes, but the skins are running new schemes also. Whatever the case Shanahan outclassed Gailey in preping the team to play. Hopefully the team will see how a real team is supposed to perform and they will show more spark next week.

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