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Kelly's Memoirs - Your Opinion Please

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Uh, this is not a work site dude; a silly avatar on a football message board has nothing to do with mine or anyone else's profession. It's obvious that you take yourself way too seriously. If your idea of being treated 'badly' is someone screening your calls, you need to get some perspective on life.


And I know a lot of adults that find MST3K to be hilarious. Maybe it's just not funny to uptight, holier-than-thou, hypocrites.


I don't think I'm holier than thou, but I am smarter than you. My kids won't see me saying I want to decide who lives and dies in a joking manner or otherwise. To you that makes me uptight, to me it's being an example. So we'll agree to disagree. This whole thing started with you attacking me don't forget, in my book its obvious who the hypocrite is, you.


I'll predict your reply. "When I mock you don't come back at me, I have over 17,000 posts."

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Star athlete treats his wife like crap then finds Jesus. YAWN. Substitute dogs or Budha if you want to and it is the same story over and over.

Hard to argue with this statement. That said, if believing in the imaginary man in the sky keeps a person on the straight and narrow, so be it.

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Hard to argue with this statement. That said, if believing in the imaginary man in the sky keeps a person on the straight and narrow, so be it.


I agree. And, if thinking that you know so much that you can declare there is no God keeps you feeling smarter, so be it.

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I don't think I'm holier than thou, but I am smarter than you. My kids won't see me saying I want to decide who lives and dies in a joking manner or otherwise. To you that makes me uptight, to me it's being an example. So we'll agree to disagree. This whole thing started with you attacking me don't forget, in my book its obvious who the hypocrite is, you.


I'll predict your reply. "When I mock you don't come back at me, I have over 17,000 posts."


Wrong. My reply is: anyone stupid enough to actually ask "what is a Bill" isn't smarter than anyone, let alone me.


And if you think I 'attacked' you by mentioning I screen my calls at work, you are not only of limited intelligence, but very insecure in your work.

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Wrong. My reply is: anyone stupid enough to actually ask "what is a Bill" isn't smarter than anyone, let alone me.


And if you think I 'attacked' you by mentioning I screen my calls at work, you are not only of limited intelligence, but very insecure in your work.


No not the screening calls part dumb dumb. Although on that part you did change the subject of which was one of your criticisms of me (hypocrite). I wouldn't define myself as insecure, just merely aware of how many angry little office people there are out there, hmm, sound familiar? From time to time I'll admit as a father of two young boys, the natural insecurity of making sure I'm doing things right does pop up. But if you're little hitler attitude at work makes you feel good, have at it. You'll never know what it's like to get away from your little cushy desk job and enter the real world. It's not hard to figure out how you would do, based on your futile comments.


Good one on the '' what is a Bill" thing. Although you did have to go pretty far back to get that one (December 2008). I honestly didn't know. I need not go back that far to find a doltish comment made by you.

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I grew up thinking that a Bill was another name for a buffalo or bison, too........That's what's on the helmet!


Anyway, I think that Jim is sincere in his beliefs. I know he has changed the way he lives and then there is this:



Wow, this book is going to a lot of good for a lot of people. I used to go to Kingdom Bound every year starting with the first. Matter of fact my family was part of the original crew that ran the first one and beyond. Did you ever go? Back in the 80's there was nothing like listening to Mylon Lefevre, Petra, and Carmen at Darien Lake. Some of the best memories I've ever had.

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No, I'd like to go, though.............I'm not sure if I qualify, though. I identify myself with Christianity, but I am a believer in many paths. I've been exposed to other religions and find them all to be good paths. Which I don't think is looked upon very well by Christians who would be at Kingdom Bound.....I have a good friend who does the whole 4 days every year, and I know he has tried talking me out of my many paths belief. After being exposed to the others, it's awfully hard to talk me into the single path.

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My brother was murdered by his wife, then she killed herself, while their 3 year old daughter was in the next room. So where was Jesus that day? Taking a day off?


Bottom line there is no God and Devil. There is no God that makes you do good and a devil that makes you do bad. There have been more people killed in human history over religion. Look at the 9/11 attacks, the actual attackers believed they were doing God's work. Killing innocent people for God? Sorry, but the years of blind faith with me have been long gone.


For the Christian, God allowed his son to be crucified. So that's the kind of God we're talking about.


The existence of extreme suffering and injustice as a proof against the existence of God/Jesus...how would the mechanism work? A just God/Jesus would intervene before every murder of an innocent takes place? The gun will misfire...the knife will magically transform into a muppet...a speeding car will disappear and reappear in Morocco?


Just think it through. What is the line where suffering becomes suffering that a "good" God ought not allow? If God allows some bad things and does not allow some really bad things...or...how would God prevent really bad things...or, what kind of world would it be with such an interventionist God...


If there's no God, that's fine. If there is a God, I reckon things can happen in any way he wants, no? The good news is that if there is no God it doesn't matter if people believe that or not. If there is a God, who the hell knows I guess. I'm not saying Pascal's wager, I'm just saying is all. Go Bills!

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Jim Kelly wasn't even close to being the best Buffalo Bill ever- the guy couldn't read defenses. Sub Marino or Elway for him and we win a few Superbowls. Esiason was better than him.



You are pretty far off in your assessment. Eliminate the Super Bowls, and Kelly has a more than respectable playoff statistical record. He gets "penalized" for the Super Bowl losses. Sure, they weren't impressive, but, for whatever reason, he had to throw a **** ton of times, when his team was far behind. The argument is made that Kelly, more than his piers, was surrounded by oodles of talent. How did they fare in Super Bowls?


If you look at Elways (who is my favorite non-Bills player of all time) stats, for his career, prior to the Super Bowl wins, he looks pretty awful in comparison to Kelly. Dan Marino? Please... what a bunch of crap... Kelly couldn't read defenses? Maron...


I realize, it has become chic, around here, to crap all over everything the 90's Bills did, but this is nuts. Boomer had some very talented teams, awesome defenses and uber-powered running games, and could only take the Bengals to (one) losing Super Bowl appearance.


To say "Jim Kelly wasn't even close to being the best Buffalo Bills ever" is, well, just stupid. Who was better?


You could make an argument for Bruce Smith, and Orenthal, but who else? Cookie Gilchrist? If you are old enough to have seem him play, I will give you the benefit of a doubt. Kelly is easily one of the best three or four players in franchise history. He led this this franchise in their, now seemingly, shiniest moments of the last 40 years, and, more than anyone, in that time, was responsible for establishing a winning attitude, for a franchise that had traditionally struggled for one. Maybe you are not old enough to remember how bad things have been with this franchise, more often than not.

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I understand your point but I have to disagree. The Bible is full of testimonies of what Mankind went and is going through. Giving your personal testimony is not only a part of your personal process (James 5:16), but if it can help just one person it should be shared.


And I understand your point. But in my humble opinion, too many born again Christians don't even ask me if I want to hear their personal testimony, they just start right in, as though it is a badge of honor. Why can't they simply start a normal conversation with me or anyone they are speaking with, instead of always forging ahead with a statement such as; "I was this horrible person or that horrible person and then I found the Lord".


Of course I'm not perfect, but I find myself being much less of a horrible person then so many of these good hearted well meaning people, that I simply get turned off my their "testimonies."


Wow, have we ever turned off the Bills blog highway here, huh???

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You are pretty far off in your assessment. Eliminate the Super Bowls, and Kelly has a more than respectable playoff statistical record. He gets "penalized" for the Super Bowl losses. Sure, they weren't impressive, but, for whatever reason, he had to throw a **** ton of times, when his team was far behind. The argument is made that Kelly, more than his piers, was surrounded by oodles of talent. How did they fare in Super Bowls?


If you look at Elways (who is my favorite non-Bills player of all time) stats, for his career, prior to the Super Bowl wins, he looks pretty awful in comparison to Kelly. Dan Marino? Please... what a bunch of crap... Kelly couldn't read defenses? Maron...


I realize, it has become chic, around here, to crap all over everything the 90's Bills did, but this is nuts. Boomer had some very talented teams, awesome defenses and uber-powered running games, and could only take the Bengals to (one) losing Super Bowl appearance.


To say "Jim Kelly wasn't even close to being the best Buffalo Bills ever" is, well, just stupid. Who was better?


You could make an argument for Bruce Smith, and Orenthal, but who else? Cookie Gilchrist? If you are old enough to have seem him play, I will give you the benefit of a doubt. Kelly is easily one of the best three or four players in franchise history. He led this this franchise in their, now seemingly, shiniest moments of the last 40 years, and, more than anyone, in that time, was responsible for establishing a winning attitude, for a franchise that had traditionally struggled for one. Maybe you are not old enough to remember how bad things have been with this franchise, more often than not.

I am ripping the 90's Bills? Um, no. They are one of the greatest assembleges of talent ever put together. I think Kelly was overrated, because he had a fatal flaw- that isn't saying that he didn't have a great career. Marino's career was wasted in a place that used him to sell tickets- they never built anything.


Bruce, OJ and Thurman all were better than Kelly.


Its all a matter of opinion, who is better than who though

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And I understand your point. But in my humble opinion, too many born again Christians don't even ask me if I want to hear their personal testimony, they just start right in, as though it is a badge of honor. Why can't they simply start a normal conversation with me or anyone they are speaking with, instead of always forging ahead with a statement such as; "I was this horrible person or that horrible person and then I found the Lord".


Of course I'm not perfect, but I find myself being much less of a horrible person then so many of these good hearted well meaning people, that I simply get turned off my their "testimonies."


Wow, have we ever turned off the Bills blog highway here, huh???


I think you and I are closer to agreeing than you might think. Not that I believe we are arguing in anyway. But check this out. Christians are still human beings, that are flawed. Just because they found God doesn't instantly make them great orator's (I'm not suggesting you are insinuating that).


But I completely know what you mean and have rolled my eyes at my fellow Christians before on their approach. And I'd admit some people would get turned off by my approach and yet my approach might be perfect for someone else, although my intentions are genuine in both instances. In the end God has to be the focus and hopefully you can look beyond human beings imperfections to find him. Furthermore, there's nothing more effective to get your point across then how you live your life, and to be an example.


I tithe right? But yet I don't agree with all the financial decisions my church makes. But God wants me to tithe as an act of obedience. I've had people in my church say they aren't tithing anymore because of a couple of ding bat mistakes the people in charge of the money made. But my obligation is to God, not them. I give to God, and if God puts those people in a position to have control over the money and they do the wrong thing, that's on them. But no one is going to get me to go against God. See what I mean? Now if it gets that bad, I obviously have a decision to make about possibly switching churches. But some people will use things like this to get out of doing what God wants and blame people. When its them. I would encourage you to look beyond people and a perfect God is waiting to introduce himself to you.


I agree that the conversation has taken a turn, but this is what I mean by the effect this book is going to have. It's going to get people talking. Never anything wrong with that, whether we agree or disagree.

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From what I read in the link, it looks like the problems in their marriage where a huge part in their conversion to a more spiritual life and a recommitment to the marriage. While I agree that people generally should keep marital problems themselves, where the revelation is for a higher purpose and is honest, I think it serves a good purpose.


Perhaps if more people opened up to their infidelity, and asked for forgiveness, instead of closing it off and not admitting to it, then the divorce courts might be out of business. It takes tragedity to come to God. It is same as with a Chiropractor; you only end up there when nothing else works. We don't seek God until our lives are shambles and desperation forces us to move outside the box.


For the Kelly's who have been in the limelight for 20+ years, the book probably is a tool to let the world learn they are very imperfect and been hiding behind this facade. I'm just surprised that Frank Reich didn't have anything to do with it. It must have been difficult for Frank to room with Jim over all those years.

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I agree. And, if thinking that you know so much that you can declare there is no God keeps you feeling smarter, so be it.

I didn't suggest I feel smarter than anyone. My conclusions are based upon my experiences and my interpretation/application of science and logic. I don't think anyone is stupid for believing in a god, although most who do (believe in god) have probably not put nearly as much thought into it as I have.

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Perhaps if more people opened up to their infidelity, and asked for forgiveness, instead of closing it off and not admitting to it, then the divorce courts might be out of business. It takes tragedity to come to God. It is same as with a Chiropractor; you only end up there when nothing else works. We don't seek God until our lives are shambles and desperation forces us to move outside the box.


For the Kelly's who have been in the limelight for 20+ years, the book probably is a tool to let the world learn they are very imperfect and been hiding behind this facade. I'm just surprised that Frank Reich didn't have anything to do with it. It must have been difficult for Frank to room with Jim over all those years.

Did you really just compare god to a chiropractor? Talk about irony.

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I didn't suggest I feel smarter than anyone. My conclusions are based upon my experiences and my interpretation/application of science and logic. I don't think anyone is stupid for believing in a god, although most who do (believe in god) have probably not put nearly as much thought into it as I have.


Usually you have to think yourself *out* of believing in God, so it ought to go without saying that an atheist/agnostic has put mucho thought into it.


Typically a construct of God is established, "science and logic" are applied, and the construct is rejected.


If God is objectively real, science and logic probably couldn't directly establish that fact. Science and logic are human tools to satisfy human needs (or at least psychogically felt needs). God is not contingent on human methodologies.

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Usually you have to think yourself *out* of believing in God, so it ought to go without saying that an atheist/agnostic has put mucho thought into it.


Typically a construct of God is established, "science and logic" are applied, and the construct is rejected.


If God is objectively real, science and logic probably couldn't directly establish that fact. Science and logic are human tools to satisfy human needs (or at least psychogically felt needs). God is not contingent on human methodologies.


The good shepherd leading his flock, protecting his flock from wolves, of course the flock still gets sheared and finally eaten in the end- and I find it amusing you are woolly.

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I didn't suggest I feel smarter than anyone. My conclusions are based upon my experiences and my interpretation/application of science and logic. I don't think anyone is stupid for believing in a god, although most who do (believe in god) have probably not put nearly as much thought into it as I have.


So, you don't feel smarter.......Just more thought out? You think you've thought more about it than me? I doubt it......My conclusions based upon experiences put me in the agnostic camp for a long time, and then they put me in the believing camp.........You think you've thought more about it than the millions of people who have dedicated their life's work to God, in one form or another?

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