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When we are winning the song makes for more fun. If you attended the games in the 90's and tell me that you did not sing that song I would have a very hard time believing you.

i did......... fifteen years ago , even twenty years ago i loved it back when the team matched the song 0:) , but like everything else its worn out now.

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I know some of you have danced up and down the aisles with your grandma to this number, but it's time to let it go.


Kinda like "The Charleston" or "The Lindy Hop".


Great stuff - swing dancin' ! 0:)


For your entertainment - the swing dance scene (mostly Lindy Hop) from A Day at The Races:


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Let me see ... here is a song that gets every Bills' "fan (notice the word fan)" up on our feet when the team scores and unifies the stadium ... a song when we hear it at weddings or other events reminds us of the glory years of the team ... a song that never is associated with the negatives of the past 10 years ... a song other teams' fans that I am friends with with they had something similar to use in celebration with their fellow fans.


We don't need a parody ... this is a song of celebration! And, if I remember right .. we went to Four Super Bowls with that song ... and the playoffs ... not sure what world you are living in if you look back on the last 25 years as years of failure. The only team that has ever gone to four consecutive Super Bowls and the only team that ever will go to four consecutive Super Bowls celebrated every field goal, touchdown, and safety with SHOUT!


Even in these losing seasons there has been something special about going to Bills' games that is wrapped up in tradition, fun, occasional celebration, and music (all the music pre-game) that is unique ... if you really don't like a fun atmosphere and would prefer to sit back and curse the team ... not join with fellow fans in having a good time ... then perhaps you should just sit at home and turn the sound down.


In my office here in NJ I have a small Buffalo Bills' football that has three background "music' tracks. One is 'LET's GO BUFFALO' but the one people who visit my office and pick it up and play it enjoy hearing and listen to over and over again is THE BILLS MAKE ME WANT TO SHOUT. Not a single person has ever said 'that's stupid' or 'you've got to be kidding me the fans sing to that?' but they do say how cool it must be to be in a stadium where everyone is up on their feet singing and dancing to the song after a score. :lol: Some tell me that they remember seeing a Bills game where it happened and wondered what the fans were dancing to.


There are some things in life worth saving and savoring ... THE BILLS MAKE ME WANT TO SHOUT is one of them ...


Those who want no music ... or who want to get rid of this tradition make me sick and I feel sorry for you that you somehow do not like to be part of the celebrations that have been a Bills' Nation Tradition for years and now has been passed down to a new generation of fans.



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Listen to these 3, and tell me which one you think pumps you up the most and is the best one to get people excited:










It's a no brainer. and its not just the fact that its a song celebrating the Bills. The "let's Go Buffalo" at the end is a celebration of our city and i'm proud to scream it at the top of my lungs when i'm watching a game in or outside of Buffalo

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Listen to these 3, and tell me which one you think pumps you up the most and is the best one to get people excited:










It's a no brainer. and its not just the fact that its a song celebrating the Bills. The "let's Go Buffalo" at the end is a celebration of our city and i'm proud to scream it at the top of my lungs when i'm watching a game in or outside of Buffalo

you have and still are missing the point, i dont care about any of those songs, any of them, why do we need some cheesy song to celebrate to? what is the point, the score that was just made makes the crowd erupt, the music comes second.

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Listen to these 3, and tell me which one you think pumps you up the most and is the best one to get people excited:










It's a no brainer. and its not just the fact that its a song celebrating the Bills. The "let's Go Buffalo" at the end is a celebration of our city and i'm proud to scream it at the top of my lungs when i'm watching a game in or outside of Buffalo

just out of curiousity, when was the last time you saw a game outside of Buffalo?

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Listen to these 3, and tell me which one you think pumps you up the most and is the best one to get people excited:










It's a no brainer. and its not just the fact that its a song celebrating the Bills. The "let's Go Buffalo" at the end is a celebration of our city and i'm proud to scream it at the top of my lungs when i'm watching a game in or outside of Buffalo



the steelers one is hilariously bad. I mean awesomely horrifically bad.


The Eagles sounds like a college fight song.


The bills is the best of the three, not that it says much

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Back in '93 - '94 at the divisional game we won against teh Raiders, a cold, cold day, we came back to win. I was standing up with my wife and the other 60,000 or so people, just enjoying the win. The Shout song was playing and the stadium was going wild. I don't mean the last 10 years or so wild. For those of you that were there, or remember, it was different back then when we were winning. There was "fandemonium." I wanna feel that again, and I want to SHOUT !


That was '90-91 dude, when we went to Super Bowl 25 (if you want to talk about ditching something, how about the NFL ditching the roman numerals for Super Bowls. Talk about old....)


I was at the game, and I can remember not sitting for the whole thing.


I think that you really hit on something though- that song came up when the Bills were coming up. Kelly, Smith, Reed, Conlan, Wolford, Talley, Tasker, Bennett, Lofton, Davis, Thomas....there was a euphoria with the song because it was attached to the winning. The Bills were a laughingstock for so long, and now they were dominating! The SHOUT song encapsulated those sentiments. We were PROUD of our team and we're going to shout about them!!


So, do we throw the baby out with the bathwater?


I think if we were to recapture the winning ways and watching the Bills became fun again, the song would be a welcome part of Bills pride.

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lets poll bills players!?!


i would respect that, would you?



Why don't we poll ESPN announcers, who try to bring the gameday atmosphere through your TV screen. If you recall, which I'm sure you don't, but during the Dallas Monday Nighter two years ago, Mike Tirico stopped Jaws from talking so that the ESPN guys could stop and just listen to the crowd sing the Shout song. The cameras panned the crowd and the announcers said nothing during the duration of the last half of the song. Yeah, let's get rid of that. :w00t:


His comments were something like this: "Let's just be quiet and let the country here this place sing".

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