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The Winds of Change are a blowing

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pessimist= overly negative EVERYTHING AT OBD SUCKS!!!!

optimist= overly positive EVERYTHING AT OBD IS PERFECT!!!!

realist= Not expecting much this season but willing to be surprised MAYBE THINGS AT OBD CAN CHANGE THIS TIME ROUND???


closer to living a less frustrating and more fulfilling life= What are these Bills you speak of? Where is this OBD? :wallbash:


Hmmm...I can't say that I agree with your detective work.


Pessimist: overly negative "EVERYTHING AT OBD SUCKS!!!!" and "With the #1 pick the Buffalo Bills select...", but also those who


Optimist: (me) overly positive "EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!!!!" and "19-0", check


Realist: someone who has assessments of the team tied to reality


Realist is someone who decides independent of whether Scott Norwood missed a kick, or that our streak without the playoffs guarantees we won't be in the Super Bowl, or that Eric Flowers, Mike Williams, etc. have anything to do with this team. Realist does not indicate you are completely accurate in your assessment, just that it is based on reasonable analysis of the things that make teams win and lose.


I think realists probably have this team as a 4-12 to 9-7 team. I think outside that range and you are an optimist or a pessimist (who could end up being right, but just because the outcome is different doesn't mean the expectations were reasonable).


I am an optimist. I admit it, and I will routinely value this team as better than they are (but probably by one or two wins, and not way off the chart). But the guys who say we will be 2-14 and are "just being realistic" are not.


I do think this team has more talent than people realize, and that it was obscured by Jauron and injuries. Whether a new coach and a switch to a 3-4 outweigh that and we really are worse than the 6-10 of last year remains to be seen, but I have a tough time seeing it. It took a perfect storm last year to shake this team off of its 7-9 foothold, and I don't understand why that is out of reach for a much better coaching staff with a draft class at quick impact positions.

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Unsurprising in that the Bills have had one of the highest turnover of personnel already. Only 4 teams have kept less people so far.


We're a very young team in transition, hopefully we can develop that youth and remove the stink of mediocrity.


New coach, new GM, new staff, keeping the fewest number of previous players. Sounds like a good start to me. It also doesn't just feel like change for changes sake. It really feels like we've got a plan and hopefully the right guys to carry it out.


You know, many people have said that you can't turn a team around in one offseason but I ask "Why not?"


Just a few extra moves could've put this team in position to be a playoff contender (and they still might get there). Here's what could've been done:


We all know OT is one of the main weak points of this team. With Fred Jackson & Lynch already on the roster, I still think the selection of Spiller was a luxury pick they shouldn't have made. Prior to the draft, there wasw all this speculation as to how many, if any, of the top 4 OTs would be there when the Bills were to pick at #9. Only 2 were gone so the most logical pick would've been Anthony Davis or Bulaga at 9. They would've made this O-line look a lot stronger.


They still could've picked their NT at #2 but I think the better plan could've been to leave the defensive alignment as a 4-3 for this season and work with the strengths of the players already on the team. Isn't this what Gailey has been saying about the offense?? Why wasn't the defense looked at in the same way?? They wouldn't have had to use their 2nd & 3rd round picks on players to support a change to the 3-4. The offense was the bigger problem in 2009. Why did they have to make such a drastic change to the defense? Switching to another 4-3 defense wouldn't have required such major moves as they made in free agency in acquiring A.Davis & Edwards. They could've used that money to improve on positions that really needed better players, like the O-line.


The coaching staff did an evaluation of the QB position and decided they could work with the current group instead of adding a rookie via draft or veteran. I still believe the strength of the QB position would have increased a good amount if they would've traded for Jason Campbell, who has had more production than any of the current Bills' QBs.


Next is the WR position. Nix & Gailey have already commented that no QB would be successful throwing from his back. Well, if they would've used the 1st pick on an OT and traded for Campbell, the passing game would've already been improved. Why did they decide to let Reed & Owens go without attempting to keep them, thereby weakening another position??? Now one of next offseason's major needs will likely be a WR.


I also believe making improvements to the offense by hiring Gailey would have helped the 2009 defense by not having them on the field for so long. They could've made some tweaks thru the draft and free agency and this team would've become much stronger than the 2009 team.


Instead, we still have the same concerns with the QB position and left tackle, with a questionable addition to the RT slot. The wide receiver position was added to the weaknesses and growing pains expected with the change of the defense to a 3-4 and so many added players to a group assembled for a 4-3 defense.


I know I should give the new regime the benefit of the doubt but this is just my 2 cents on how I believe the team could've looked a lot stronger heading into training camp.

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I know it's a pejorative term, but what exactly is a troll as it pertains to this board?


To me, a troll is someone who just comes here to stir up s##t. probably a fan of another team posting under the guise of a bills fan. I may not be totally right but thats what I have gathered since I've been reading here.

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We all know OT is one of the main weak points of this team. With Fred Jackson & Lynch already on the roster, I still think the selection of Spiller was a luxury pick they shouldn't have made. Prior to the draft, there wasw all this speculation as to how many, if any, of the top 4 OTs would be there when the Bills were to pick at #9. Only 2 were gone so the most logical pick would've been Anthony Davis or Bulaga at 9. They would've made this O-line look a lot stronger.


Nix & Gailey have already commented that no QB would be successful throwing from his back.


Nix indeed mentioned that a QB can't do much (paraphrasing) when he's on his back. In a continued effort to defend everything Bills, some here have said that Nix/Gailey know their roster and must figure the OT's are better than we've seen. We'll see come September, but I don't ever envision D. Bell or Meredith ever being an average to good LOT. On the other side, Cornell Green was among the league leaders in penalties and turns 34 before opening day.


Gailey will attempt to build a run first offense with a poor OL in a pass happy league without a anyone beside Evans that's a proven receiver. So it'll be interesting to see what he does when team's stack the LOS with 8 or 9. The NFL is a very different league than when he last had success in 00-01 with MIA.

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that was f'in HILARIOUS! I have never seen that show but will look for it now. thanks!



Man, you really do it to yourself. You wonder why you get so many negative responses? It's the way you come off and the way you say things. You've been on this board a month maybe and pretty much every post has been talking smack about the Bills. You are entiltled to your opinion, but when you say things like "you guys are living in Fantasyland" and stupid things like that, it's going to piss some of us off. Your latest rant, "Sounds like the new staff is searching for answers with lots and lots of question marks and holes to fill. Wow what a plan! All adds up to another loosing season and or seasons." The tone is condescending. WOW what a plan! do you realize how that sounds. We all know already that you KNOW the bills will suck. many of us like the new direction of the bills for reasons that are discussed here everyday and can see their plan. You are entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't make you right about what you say. None of us know how things will turn out. Many of us here just want good discussion about the Bills. And when a supposed "fan" hops on board and just talks crap and how the Bills are going to suck, well, you just aren't going to make many friends here. It really does seem like you are a fan of another team and are here just to piss us off, hence the word troll.



Mickey, I usually like what you have to say. But not this time. He just said what many of us were thinking. Mpl even got San jose to say something negative the other day(but was deleted), and he never goes off on people so its clear that this guy gets under a lot of peoples skin. He is free to post like all of us. But till he changes the way he says things, don't expect many of us to like or respect what he says. Always being a downer or negative is not fun for many of us. Optimistic people can be realistic too. most of us aren't predicting superbowl or anything, just a markably better, well coached team that DOES have a plan. He can have his opinion but he sure and hell ain't taking me down with him. If he doesn't want to get attacked he should be more careful with the things he says. Certain people know how to push people's buttons, and he is one of them.


I appreciate your candid post. I do understand that my negative post can be unpleasent and undesireable to read. I apoligize to all I have offended. My intention is not to insult or offend anyone. Also, my opinions are simply my opinions and no one elses. If your agree with me that's great and if you don't that's great too. Believe it or not, I do enjoy reading positive post. It gives me a glimmer of hope...IMO, this forum is a great avenue to read others points of view and agree or disagree. I am a passionate Bills fan. For example, the Monday night games we lost to the Cowboys and Browns were heart breaking. Not to mention, last years season opener vs the Pats. I had trouble sleeping at night after those losses...My frustration with this organization had almost reached its limit and I think that reflects on my post. Right or wrong that is the truth. As a result, I believe I take out my frustration on you Bills fans who would rather look at the postive side of things. For that, I do sincerly apoligize. You shouldn't be attacked for you viewpoints. You are entitled to think postively and I will never take that away from you. Similiarly, I should be able to post negative post without the negative TROLL comments. Implying my post are merly "whinning" and lack substance is furtherst from the truth. Instead, I would encourage and welcome substantive responses that counter my points of view. Also, you might be surprised by how many of you agree with the general tone and message of my prior posts.


I do have a difficult time understanding how you can be "upbeat" and "positive" about this team? I think if you "objectively" look at our players and coaches versus the rest of the NFL we come up with medicore scores at best. Maybe my thinking is off? Additionally, what is really frustrating to me is that I have been hearing so many positive things about this team for ten years and counting. Shouldn't the Bills front office be held acountable? Seems like too many of you have given them a free pass to mediocrity. On the same note, I posted on prior post about how long I have been hearing your positive viewpoints (ten years and counting). You don't even hold yourself accountable for being wrong. I am one of those guys who believed in this team... I was wrong! I have believed in this team and this organization for years. End result, I have gotten my heart "ripped apart." Perhaps my pessimism is a defense mechanism to prevent future heartbreaks. Hope this gives you a little prespective regarding on where I am coming from.


Like it or not I am here to stay...

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"Very talented left tackle named Jamon Meredith." What is that sentence based on? Isn't that quite a strong statement with little or nothing to back up that statement. Think before you speak! He is very young, inexperienced, and has potential. He is unproven and who knows how he is going to develop.
This guy has "BUST" written all over him. Another example of the Bills front office passing on the pick of Michael Oher or Brian Orakpo. Wondering what we will be seeing about the Spiller and Troupe pick in the years to come. I would have liked to see Andre Davis and Jimmy Clausen picked 1-2.
Good points but how can you say "I'm not so worried about the OL." Are you trying to say that you think they will be good? Or are you saying that you're ok with them being medicore at best? Strange comment.
Sounds like the new staff is searching for answers with lots and lots of question marks and holes to fill. Wow what a plan! All adds up to another loosing season and or seasons... Hard to get excited about that.
New coach, new offense, completely new defense=new team. Does that mean more wins?
Rabbit that was a great post. I agree with "The Bills hired another loser GM & HC and the fans are so desperate for a winner they are drinking the kool-aid like they are in a desert dying of thirst... only this kool-aid is from Jonestown." I couldn't have said it any better.
I think the recurring theme is that our offensive line has some serious weaknesses. I would be confident enough to say that none of us are happy with the current state of our OL. (including the most optimistic Bills fan) Gailey has had past success with QB's but how is his success rate with a "subpar" OL? IMO, a weak OL = struggling offense = losses.


Yet many of us stand by the Bills front office who have failed to address the OL for years...This year appears to be no different. I JUST DON'T GET IT?

Hard for me to get excited about this team when you have a combination of (at best) medicore OL, QB, and WR. Don't see how any coaching staff can produce many wins with that formula. That is my frustration.
I don't like any of our QB's on our starting roster. I am just hoping that Chan can work his magic...


in·sid·i·ous (n-sd-s)


1. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner: insidious rumors; an insidious disease.

2. Intended to entrap; treacherous: insidious misinformation.

3. Beguiling but harmful; alluring: insidious pleasures.




Every night you come on here and load up the board with your insidious, stealthful posts. You claim to come as a friend, as a Bills fan. At first you would typically end your posts with, "I"m just expressing ten years of frustration" or something along those lines.


None of your posts by themselves mean anything. Lots of posters here are negative. But in aggregate your posts are insidious and dishonest. Like many, I have long suspected you were a troll.


Then a few nights ago you posted some comments and I attacked you. Luckily for you my attacks and your original posts were deleted by the mods. EastRochBillsfan was also involved in this exchange and witnessed your slimy, underhandedness.


These posts showed you in your true colors. You used phrases like "your team" and "that team" instead of your usual "our team" and "the Bills." You let your guard down and were clearly contemptuous of the Bills and the fans here. You are playing games with us and many here are onto you.


For people who are paying attention and are perceptive of such things, none of your writings ring true.


Even the many negative posters here leave in their posts, a clear and authentic flavor that they are Bills fans. Either through anecdotes about their Bills experiences, discussions about their favorite players, or in stories about Bills games, Western New York, or in clear recitals of moments in Bills' history that affected their lives, the great majority of the people here leave no doubt about their allegiances. We are Bills fans. You, for God knows what reason, only pretend to be.


You are like the character, Grima Wormtongue in Tolkein's books. In my opinion, you're a fake, a phony. We tolerate those who are openly fans of other teams. What we can't stand in our community is that lowest form of life, the fake fan.


You are insidious and passive/aggressive. You are a game player and a poseur. You purport to be a friend. But you are not. Please go away. Your parasitic behavior becomes more annoying every day. Go eat at someone else's leftovers.

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in·sid·i·ous (n-sd-s)


1. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner: insidious rumors; an insidious disease.

2. Intended to entrap; treacherous: insidious misinformation.

3. Beguiling but harmful; alluring: insidious pleasures.




Every night you come on here and load up the board with your insidious, stealthful posts. You claim to come as a friend, as a Bills fan. At first you would typically end your posts with, "I"m just expressing ten years of frustration" or something along those lines.


None of your posts by themselves mean anything. Lots of posters here are negative. But in aggregate your posts are insidious and dishonest. Like many, I have long suspected you were a troll.


Then a few nights ago you posted some comments and I attacked you. Luckily for you my attacks and your original posts were deleted by the mods. EastRochBillsfan was also involved in this exchange and witnessed your slimy, underhandedness.


These posts showed you in your true colors. You used phrases like "your team" and "that team" instead of your usual "our team" and "the Bills." You let your guard down and were clearly contemptuous of the Bills and the fans here. You are playing games with us and many here are onto you.


For people who are paying attention and are perceptive of such things, none of your writings ring true.


Even the many negative posters here leave in their posts, a clear and authentic flavor that they are Bills fans. Either through anecdotes about their Bills experiences, discussions about their favorite players, or in stories about Bills games, Western New York, or in clear recitals of moments in Bills' history that affected their lives, the great majority of the people here leave no doubt about their allegiances. We are Bills fans. You, for God knows what reason, only pretend to be.


You are like the character, Grima Wormtongue in Tolkein's books. In my opinion, you're a fake, a phony. We tolerate those who are openly fans of other teams. What we can't stand in our community is that lowest form of life, the fake fan.


You are insidious and passive/aggressive. You are a game player and a poseur. You purport to be a friend. But you are not. Please go away. Your parasitic behavior becomes more annoying every day. Go eat at someone else's leftovers.


I stand by every one of the post! What did I say that was so incorrect? I bet lots of Bills fans like myself share simliar view points? Why don't you try to address my questions, concerns, and issues instead of "pelting insults at me?"


IMO, you have thoroughly embarrashed yourself.


I am here to discuss and talk about the Bills and not here to get into some kinda pis_ing contest with you.

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I stand by every one of the post! What did I say that was so incorrect? I bet lots of Bills fans like myself share simliar view points? Why don't you try to address my questions, concerns, and issues instead of "pelting insults at me?"


IMO, you have thoroughly embarrashed yourself.


I am here to discuss and talk about the Bills and not here to get into some kinda pis_ing contest with you.

Yeah, that's what you always say when people take exception to your little posts.


Your posts are almost unfailingly negative and that would be excusable except that you almost never propose a plan or a remedy. You always come off as an ineffectual little whiner with nothing to add.


Your style of writing is the closest thing to listening to a little kid whining because mommy hasn't given her something that she wants.


And you whine all the time.


Then you resort to your little "I'm an aggrieved party" act.


The truth is, you have nothing to add to this board. Your negativity is exacerbated by your inability to think forward, suggest positive remedies (play GM in a constructive manner). This is then further exacerbated by your very unconvincing portrayal of yourself as a Bills fan. On top of all that, you NEVER have any intelligent insights or ideas that a passionate and astute football fan would find remotely interesting. Your next intelligent football insight will be your first.


You have no sense of humor. No wit. Nothing. You have no game. If you were a football player, you'd be the water boy. Shall I go on?


You can count on three fingers, the number of pissing matches I've had on this board. You get singled out because of your staggering list of unattractive qualities.


Now you can whine and play like you're unfairly treated LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO…or you can prove me wrong.


Why are you a Bills fan?

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Naw. There's all kinds of views as to exactly how the team will do.


But in my opinion, some people well do better than expected, some youngster's will progress, some people wont, and some will get hurt. It's all opinion as to what the future holds.


The problem that many people have is the completely negative nancys who continually say the world is ending. We have no talent, our players suck, our coaches suck, our owner sucks, our schedule sucks, boo hoo. Eventually, some of us more rational fans snap at these people who continually drag everything down.


Of course we're rebuilding, of course some parts of our team are going to struggle, EVERY TEAM struggles from year to year. Some of the better teams struggle less and I hope we get to join that club this year or next. But meanwhile I'm going to enjoy a new coaching philosophy, a new defensive scheme (thank God for no more cover 2 outside in the cold), and new young players who have the chance to be great. I hope they do.


Meanwhile, I don't appreciate people who can only piss in peoples wheaties because we're not the baddest team on the block.


I'm happy to discuss how good we'll be, or how bad we'll be, or who's stepping up, or who isn't. That's great! That's what I come here for. But take the perpetual dark raincloud elsewhere.


+1 what he said

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Yeah, that's what you always say when people take exception to your little posts.


Your posts are almost unfailingly negative and that would be excusable except that you almost never propose a plan or a remedy. You always come off as an ineffectual little whiner with nothing to add.


Your style of writing is the closest thing to listening to a little kid whining because mommy hasn't given her something that she wants.


And you whine all the time.


Then you resort to your little "I'm an aggrieved party" act.


The truth is, you have nothing to add to this board. Your negativity is exacerbated by your inability to think forward, suggest positive remedies (play GM in a constructive manner). This is then further exacerbated by your very unconvincing portrayal of yourself as a Bills fan. On top of all that, you NEVER have any intelligent insights or ideas that a passionate and astute football fan would find remotely interesting. Your next intelligent football insight will be your first.


You have no sense of humor. No wit. Nothing. You have no game. If you were a football player, you'd be the water boy. Shall I go on?


You can count on three fingers, the number of pissing matches I've had on this board. You get singled out because of your staggering list of unattractive qualities.


Now you can whine and play like you're unfairly treated LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO…or you can prove me wrong.


Why are you a Bills fan?

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Yeah, that's what you always say when people take exception to your little posts.


Your posts are almost unfailingly negative and that would be excusable except that you almost never propose a plan or a remedy. You always come off as an ineffectual little whiner with nothing to add.


Your style of writing is the closest thing to listening to a little kid whining because mommy hasn't given her something that she wants.


And you whine all the time.


Then you resort to your little "I'm an aggrieved party" act.


The truth is, you have nothing to add to this board. Your negativity is exacerbated by your inability to think forward, suggest positive remedies (play GM in a constructive manner). This is then further exacerbated by your very unconvincing portrayal of yourself as a Bills fan. On top of all that, you NEVER have any intelligent insights or ideas that a passionate and astute football fan would find remotely interesting. Your next intelligent football insight will be your first.


You have no sense of humor. No wit. Nothing. You have no game. If you were a football player, you'd be the water boy. Shall I go on?


You can count on three fingers, the number of pissing matches I've had on this board. You get singled out because of your staggering list of unattractive qualities.


Now you can whine and play like you're unfairly treated…or you can prove me wrong.


Why are you a Bills fan?


I don't want to get in the middle of a fracas and add to it. You took nine of his quotes to demonstrate his negativity. If you separately take each of his points they are for the most part accurate and reasonable. There is no doubt that there is a frustration with the way the franchise was being run. Is the Nix/Gailey regime a change in approach? In my view it is. Will there be a dramatic change in outcome for this team? Probably not. What I do see is a more professional and reasonable plan to turn things around.


San Jose, I always enjoy reading your posts. They are very thoughtful and well stated. In this case with your strong response to mpl6876 I think you are overstating the subversive nature (insidious-as you call it) of his posts. Sometimes major skepticism is warranted when confronted with a steady stream of mediocrity. Being subjected to a constant expression of negativity can be withering. Sometimes you just have to bear with it and hope that the tide has finally changed for the better.

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If you separately take each of his points they are for the most part accurate and reasonable....

San Jose, I always enjoy reading your posts. They are very thoughtful and well stated. In this case with your strong response to mpl6876 I think you are overstating the subversive nature (insidious-as you call it) of his posts.

John. I like reading your posts, too. You're an excellent poster. Informed, intelligent, and incisive.


But I already said that there are many chronically negative posters here. It's not a matter of accuracy or not. That's not my objection to mpl's behavior as I've already stated.


I stated a litany of things which I object to in this person:


She brings zero to the table. No insight, no remedy, no humor, no knowledge, nothing interesting. Like listening to a kid whine all the time.


In addition, I have an instinctive conviction, that she is not a Bills fan but is really a troll.


mpl does not pass the test, does not ring true, seems phony and inauthentic.


This person has not proven in their commentary, like the vast majority of us have, our passion for our football team.


It's always the milquetoast "I've lost hope over the last ten years" nonsense. Baloney.


This person has every opportunity to prove a Bills fan. The ball is no longer in my court.


mpl has the ball. Let's see what she does with it.

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John. I like reading your posts, too. You're an excellent poster. Informed, intelligent, and incisive.


But I already said that there are many chronically negative posters here. It's not a matter of accuracy or not. That's not my objection to mpl's behavior as I've already stated.


I stated a litany of things which I object to in this person:


She brings zero to the table. No insight, no remedy, no humor, no knowledge, nothing interesting. Like listening to a kid whine all the time.


In addition, I have an instinctive conviction, that she is not a Bills fan but is really a troll.


mpl does not pass the test, does not ring true, seems phony and inauthentic.


This person has not proven in their commentary, like the vast majority of us have, our passion for our football team.


It's always the milquetoast "I've lost hope over the last ten years" nonsense. Baloney.


This person has every opportunity to prove a Bills fan. The ball is no longer in my court.


mpl has the ball. Let's see what she does with it.


With all do respect San Jose, I do not think this forum is appropriate for us to debate one another. This is a forum to discuss the Bills and like it or not that is what I intend to do. You can continue to "sling mud" and make incorrect statements/assessments. I will not respond to them.


Now, like talk about the Bills...Currently speaking:


(1) I am not happy with our offensive line. Don't like our LT( Meridith or Bell) and RT (Green). I think our center Hartgardner is average. I really like Levitre and a healthy Woods. Bottom line is a think teams will expose our tackle positions. Are you happy with the OL? I am disappointed that the Bills haven't addressed a LT position in either of the last 2 drafts. Wang is a project and I hope he works out...Stated this in prior post.


(2) I am not happy with our current QB situation. I don't think any of our 4 QBs are top 15 material. Are you happy with our current QB roster? Stated in prior post that I think the Bills "missed the boat" on not picking Clausen at 41. Received many responses from hopeful fans that Galiey can make one of our QB productive. I stated skepticism regarding this due to weak OL and weak WR personnel. Was this so out of line?


(3) I am not happy with our WR roster. LEE EVANS IS MY FAVORITE BILL and I think he is a stud. After that, I don't see much. Johnson unproven, Easley raw, Parrish I don't like, and Hardy appears lost having difficulty separating and learning routes (not to mention coming off a serious injury). Are you happy with the Bills WR core? Was this so out of line?


Stated poor OL, QB, and WR personnel doesn't equate to winning many games. Is that so out of line?


(4) I am fully anticipating Schobel is going to retire. IMO, he is our only bonafide pass rusher. Maybin is young raw and learning new position. As a result, I don't know how effective he will be. Are you happy with our pass rush? Stated in prior post wish the Bills would have picked Orakpo. Easy to say after the fact but on that draft day I wanted Oher badly or Orakpo. Time will tell on the Maybin pick. Previous post stated Maybin appears to be a bust. Too early to tell in hindsight . Not really a correct statement to make. I stand corrected.


(5) Are you confident the Bills can stop the run? This has been a nemesis of our for the past few years. Trope pick has addressed this situation. I have stated I was unhappy with this pick. I like the guys motor and attitude. However, I think the Bills could have gotten him much later (round 3,4 or 5). Cody and Thomas were also on the board. Time will tell. I have my doubts that this unit with a new scheme and unproven DC is going to be able to effectively stop the run...Stated in prior post I think Pery Fewell will be missed. (I do like the LB Davis we picked up from Denver)


(6) I have spoken about Chan Gailey's track record as a head coach in college and the NFL. IMO, it is a definite upgrade from Juaron. That's being an arm chair fan. I remember when DICK Jauron was hired and I liked the hire. I liked his defensive mindset and his ability to communicate with his players. I liked the direction Levy was taking...I was the one oozing with enthusiasm. Boy was I ever wrong........ Could we all be wrong with Gailey/NIX? With todays NFL coaching carousel how come coach Gailey wasn't snagged up by any other team prior to us? Just a thought? Yet, when I show skepticism regarding Gailey and Nix I get crucified. Just food for thought. How did Wade Philips do with the Bills?


(7) I really like the Bills secondary and special teams. I am glad Bruce D is back.


(8) Piror post indicated teams are likely to "stack the box," run blitz, and have thier DB/LB "squat" sit on short passes. Those forces the Bills to beat them with a intermediate/long passing game. I stated that I didn't think the Bills could be successful doing this because of a weak OL, QB, and WR. Not to mention the double teams Lee with have to endure. I am not a ciach and I don;t know what Gailey has in mind. I have yet to hear a fan tell me how they think the Bills can overcome and beat this defensive scheme...


(8) Every time I ask you to respond to comments like" what have you been saying about the Bills for the past several years? Have you been saying the same basic thing after every regime change? I never seem to get a response with the exception of being a TROLL.


Prior post predicted Bills would be 4-12. Is that so out of line?


Wondering if a Bills fan has a right to criticize his team and vent years of frustration?

Wondering why it is so "taboo"not to paint a rosey picture of the Bills?

Wondering why it is ok to post positive things but not ok to post negative things?

Wondering why negative post are seen as whinning?

Wondering if anyone has ever thought that some fans are sick of hearing fans "talk up the Bills."


These last 5 questions are rhetorical....(San Jose if you don't now what that means look it up or I will assist you) San Jose, thanks for passing me the ball. You just get dunked on. Game over. Be a man and respond by not attacking. Lets hear some valid counter argruments.



I would like to hear what you guys think. I don't need to here about the other crap that has been going on...Lets talk football!

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