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Improve the practice

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Few thoughts while attending the practice...

First of all thank the Bills for having an open practice after not having....many football starved fanatics want it

Kinda incredible you have to thank the Bills for stopping a policy of never allowing fans to watch a brief practice in june....


Lines for hotdogs and concessions unnecesarilly long....also...why charge $2/dog...this is a fan appreciation day

Its 83 degress...can u offr popsicles or freeze peops rather than pizza and pretzels...its not december


Can the coaching staff /admin acknowledge that there are 20,000 fans there and conduct 1 hour of practice thats somewhat geared toward entertaining fans....few 7 on 7's??? etcccc....my god its June....u can afford the 1 hour of practice time

Can they acknowledge most are there to see CJ Spiller and many wish to see some plays go his way???? Showcase what u have and what many there wish to see......why is this so hard to understand????


The whole concept should be focused on a 2 hour practice focused on fan appreciation....and make the staff work within those confines....have a few more mascots? anything for kids???


Also what happened to marrying this with fans "pick a season ticket" day>????


overall...a day that was intended to be benefical to fans....in some ways ticked fans off....longer lines for concessions....no cold icecream freeze pops etccc...nothing for kids....


Please dont tell me the $4 bargain of a beverage to season tix holder was intended to make aseason tix holder feel appreciated....1 look at the long concession line had the reaction of many - f--- the freehotdog and pop if ya gotta wait 30 mins for it....


My point is....if u wanna do a nice thing for fans and season tix holders...cater to what fans need and wish to see for a gosh darn little 2 hours.....in june....do it right !!!!!! you made many of us feel like unwelcome guests....


I bet you also expected Matrix Reloaded to be better than the Matrix.

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Hmmm I don't know. There were no names on the jerseys and I recall seeing a QB with a really big forehead ... just sayin :wallbash:

That was Fitzpatrick.


But he and Peyton do have the same custom helmet maker/haberdasher. I believe it's the same guy who makes Posluszny's ascots.

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You must be joking right???? Just for starters, the Bills have something new called a coach. If you want entertainment then go to a movie. Second if it was so hot, bring a bottle of water instead of crying how hot it was and that it was too much to wait for it?????? Third if the Bills were to show off a few stars, then it wouldn't be a practice. They call it practice for a reason not a show!!!!! For a person to B word about hot weather in Buffalo and complain about what the options were, then it means that you never beeen outside of Buffalo or have nothing better in life to do but B word. Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!

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why do i get the feeling that there's going to be another "Apologies to Everyone" post -- a la bananathumb and bush-league Buffalo -- coming from the OP, explaining how he had a bad day and got drunk and regrets ever posting this on the intrawebs.




Maybe instead of car breathalyzers, we need computer breathalyzers. That way you can't post while you're drunk and embarrass yourself.

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