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Check out this video and tell me what you think...

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I know it's long and advocates for buying gold and silver, but it is factually correct about the fiscal mess we're in here.


For those of you who think we're out of the woods with the recession, think again.




Who thinks we're out of the woods? Just because we've clawed back from the precipice from the moment doesn't mean much. As the recent equities rollercoaster indicates, people are still plenty worried.

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I know it's long and advocates for buying gold and silver, but it is factually correct about the fiscal mess we're in here.


For those of you who think we're out of the woods with the recession, think again.




The problem is that when the solid biological waste material really intersects the oscillating cooling device, precious metals aren't going to be all that precious...just pretty. The most valuable items will be hard-to-get necessities. You can keep your gold and silver - I'm stocking up on soap, salt, pepper, medicine, toilet paper, and those little airline bottles of hard liquor.

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The problem is that when the solid biological waste material really intersects the oscillating cooling device, precious metals aren't going to be all that precious...just pretty. The most valuable items will be hard-to-get necessities. You can keep your gold and silver - I'm stocking up on soap, salt, pepper, medicine, toilet paper, and those little airline bottles of hard liquor.

You obviously are not a believer in werewolves. They exist, and they are to be reckoned with, silver is the only solution. Get with the program.

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You obviously are not a believer in werewolves. They exist, and they are to be reckoned with, silver is the only solution. Get with the program.


You do make a valid argument that silver is a solid investment. But I would also recommend that one diversifies their portfolio


What if you don't run into a werewolf?


What if you run into a Vampyre instead? Silver won't help. But you will see an immediate return on an investment in timber


Or what if you encounter a Zombie? Chainsaws are a solid investment

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You do make a valid argument that silver is a solid investment. But I would also recommend that one diversifies their portfolio


What if you don't run into a werewolf?


What if you run into a Vampyre instead? Silver won't help. But you will see an immediate return on an investment in timber


Or what if you encounter a Zombie? Chainsaws are a solid investment

One shouldn't speculate, but rather invest, and investing consists of diversification. Garlic, Wood, Silver and etc.

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You do make a valid argument that silver is a solid investment. But I would also recommend that one diversifies their portfolio


What if you don't run into a werewolf?


What if you run into a Vampyre instead? Silver won't help. But you will see an immediate return on an investment in timber


Silver crosses. Duh. :w00t:

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Several AR's 50000 rounds ammo. I will just take what garlic, silver, etc is needed. :w00t:

That's my strategy. If I have guns, ammo, and reliable transportation, I can get whatever I need.

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You do make a valid argument that silver is a solid investment. But I would also recommend that one diversifies their portfolio


What if you don't run into a werewolf?


What if you run into a Vampyre instead? Silver won't help. But you will see an immediate return on an investment in timber


Or what if you encounter a Zombie? Chainsaws are a solid investment

Anyone know how to ward off those pesky sleestaks? Isn't it some kind of crystal?

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$150 for seeds.


But that's a steal, because once you make off with the Giant's golden egg laying goose, you'll be set. Just remember to sharpen your axe so you can cut the thing down.


Are we back to gold? Dammit, let me go cancel that order for the silver crucifixes. :thumbsup:

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Good stuff fellas! LOL! I didn't post it because of the gold/silver advocacy, but mainly because of the facts the video contains and it paints a bleak future that is hard to counter. I posted it in the hope that some of the financial gurus who post here would be able to counter some of the main arguments and explain to me how, contrary to the video makers assertion, we're not fukked.


But the responses were entertaining...I've got to give you that.

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Good stuff fellas! LOL! I didn't post it because of the gold/silver advocacy, but mainly because of the facts the video contains and it paints a bleak future that is hard to counter. I posted it in the hope that some of the financial gurus who post here would be able to counter some of the main arguments and explain to me how, contrary to the video makers assertion, we're not fukked.


But the responses were entertaining...I've got to give you that.


I don't think it's a stretch to say that our debt is and has been Americas biggest crises. Bigger than health care, immigration, nuke war, terrorism, human rights, jobs, world markets, cap and trade, peak oil, global warming all put together. If you do not have a stable US you do not have the ability to solve these problems, third world country comes to mind.

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For the record, I am ULTRA Bullish on Gold. Having said that, Dow Theorist Richard Russell, whom I respect, came out with an interesting article yesterday.


For anyone who has money in the markets, you may or may not want to read this.

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For the record, I am ULTRA Bullish on Gold. Having said that, Dow Theorist Richard Russell, whom I respect, came out with an interesting article yesterday.


For anyone who has money in the markets, you may or may not want to read this.


A couple people had articles yesterday predicting gold-$800 by 2012. The gold-nicks (and most are nudnicks) are always a step away frmo doom. It's how they promote their stocks.


The reason the market isn't reacting to good news over the last month is because the market had already priced in this good news in the run-up over the last year. I wouldn't expect that good news will start moving the market up substantially unless it keeps coming into 2011. Not only that, peopel are rightfully anxious about Europe. Spain and Portugal will dwarf Greece's problem.

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A couple people had articles yesterday predicting gold-$800 by 2012. The gold-nicks (and most are nudnicks) are always a step away frmo doom. It's how they promote their stocks.


The reason the market isn't reacting to good news over the last month is because the market had already priced in this good news in the run-up over the last year. I wouldn't expect that good news will start moving the market up substantially unless it keeps coming into 2011. Not only that, peopel are rightfully anxious about Europe. Spain and Portugal will dwarf Greece's problem.

Gold has proven to be a valuable asset class. I buy it because I look to trade it. If you are in a period of currency devaluation Gold will do well. Once interest rates go through the roof (not initially, because it will be a sign of inflation), and stays high for a while, gold will fall out of favor for decades. Right now, this is a race of all the developed economies on who can debase their currency the fastest. Right now Europe is winning, but at some point, the focus will shift to the U.S and Japan.


Gold at $800 by 2012 could happen, but most likely because of some sort of systemic sell off. These guys that are predicting $800 or lower gold prices are stock cheerleaders, they know that high gold prices are usually a sign of something ominous, which usually means not good for equities. Meanwhile, all those stock cheerleaders and critics of gold will most likely continue to be wrong, while my clients and myself will likely continue to keep gaining equity.



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