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Dear Mr. President...Buffalo billboard


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before this thread gets out of control political, I just have to say that my office overlooks Genesee Street a quarter mile from the end of the runway and last evening, the C-17 transport plane carrying the Presidential motorcade and support vehicles landed. What a sight. Easily the largest plane I have seen live. Looking forward to Air Force One in a few hours. I hope they bring it in from my direction. The last time Pres. Bush visited in 2004 they did and that was an awesome sight as well.

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Obama has never had to grind out a buck in his life. Looking to the wrong person for real "hope". He only knows how to destroy jobs.


misdirected hatred aside, who was our last president that actually ever had to work hard for a living at some point?


certainly not the Bushes, def not Clinton, not Hollywood Reagan...


how far back do we need to go to find a president who was once "common folk"?

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misdirected hatred aside, who was our last president that actually ever had to work hard for a living at some point?


certainly not the Bushes, def not Clinton, not Hollywood Reagan...


how far back do we need to go to find a president who was once "common folk"?



FDR had the WPA. It put common folk to work on National Parks and our Infrastructure. Of course nowadays that would be demeaning and damaging to peoples' self esteem to do manual labor.

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FDR had the WPA. It put common folk to work on National Parks and our Infrastructure. Of course nowadays that would be demeaning and damaging to peoples' self esteem to do manual labor.


no doubt, except FDR was the most Socialist President we have EVER had. He wouldnt have had a chance in hell nowadays with Glen Beck around. Other than the fact that he was white. And handicapped. So he actually may have been ok.

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and i finally just clicked the link in the OP....


LOL if people in Buffalo think the President is the problem or solution to the troubles in the area. its far more local than that. Erie County was shutting down even when the economy was good. cmon people...

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misdirected hatred aside, who was our last president that actually ever had to work hard for a living at some point?


certainly not the Bushes, def not Clinton, not Hollywood Reagan...


how far back do we need to go to find a president who was once "common folk"?



Jimmy Carter!?!?

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Nice two step. The thread on the wall about Bills fans leaving Buffalo is telling, but dont let that stop you from your dance.


Your card must be filled with apoligists. Enjoy.


How did you get into the HOF? :thumbsup:

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Nice two step. The thread on the wall about Bills fans leaving Buffalo is telling, but dont let that stop you from your dance.


Your card must be filled with apoligists. Enjoy.


im not sure what answer you were trying to cleverly(?) set me up for. but if you are trying to turn this into an ignorant game of 2-party BS then just save it. there have been thousands of county workers with all types of political views over the past 50 years. and party views change as well. you can not accurately blame the problems on one party, or ANY party. it's the region, and it's people. no matter their affiliation. everyone has !@#$ed it up for decades. dont fool yourself because you have tunnel-vision allegiance to something, if that is what you were going for.

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