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Mosque coming to Ground Zero

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On the lighter side


You build a Super mosque and it attracts more Muslims to NY city.


The more Muslims the more money from outside (Muslim)sources to help that debt ridden ....hole(and I say that affectionately).


Soon NYC will be a thriving city with Arab penthouses and road signs.


NYC was almost conquered by the Islamic Jihad with that ground zero B word slap now phase 2 is to infiltrate it from the inside out.


"Having a foreign policy of a self defeated pretension puss means you are a conquered people and should by all means continue to self medicate until you disappear" --- Ghengis Khanski


*clicks the minus button frantically

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Way to keep up brother. *points at the changes to the site

I can't imagine that that "reputation" thing is going to run very well here. Has Scott talked about how he's going to implement it yet?

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I can't imagine that that "reputation" thing is going to run very well here. Has Scott talked about how he's going to implement it yet?


Well, I was joking. I can see issues with it. Scott has yet to say how it will be implemented as far as I know. I say two ratings total for each individual poster. So you could conceivably rate a person positive and negative canceling out your vote. Two negatives max or two positives max. Just my take and may not be possible with the software.

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Well, I was joking. I can see issues with it. Scott has yet to say how it will be implemented as far as I know. I say two ratings total for each individual poster. So you could conceivably rate a person positive and negative canceling out your vote. Two negatives max or two positives max. Just my take and may not be possible with the software.


Just set mine to negative ten thousand right off the bat.

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You are !@#$ed beyond belief. Still, no reason to deny the ones who want you mark you negative. Consider yourself a test subject. You can set the max negative.


Saddest thing is that there's only two kinds of people on the board: those that dislike me and will rate me negative, and those that like me...and will rate me negative just to !@#$ with me.


Some might consider me myself as a third group...but no, I'm solidly in the second.

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Saddest thing is that there's only two kinds of people on the board: those that dislike me and will rate me negative, and those that like me...and will rate me negative just to !@#$ with me.


Some might consider me myself as a third group...but no, I'm solidly in the second.


So true

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Saddest thing is that there's only two kinds of people on the board: those that dislike me and will rate me negative, and those that don't give two ***** about me...and will rate me negative just to !@#$ with me.


Some might consider me myself as a third group...but no, I'm solidly in the second.

That's better.

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Saddest thing is that there's only two kinds of people on the board: those that dislike me and will rate me negative, and those that like memy copious alternate logins...and will rate me negative just to !@#$ with me.


Some might consider me myself as a third group...but no, I'm solidly in the second.



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Actually, there's already a relatively large catholic church right next to Ground Zero (actually, about a block away, but you get the idea). They actually use a crossbeam from the ground-zero wreckage as a symbolic cross outside.


And so...very little need for another one :sick:

They use the wreckage for a cross?

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Not that I want toget this back on track, after all the interesting talk today about how to rate certain posts, but.....


It is not wrong to be fearful and cautious after the tragedy of 9/11 and all that followed. The footprint is not a matter of blocks, or where the dust of the fallen had touched. The footprint will be forever scarred in the minds and hearts of all Americans and many non americans who were alive on that dreadful day. Although, I still don't know if any family or friends were in the towers that day, having to watch the reaction of kids who had parents in the tower that they couldn't reach by phone was gutwrenching. It sometimes had me wishing I had been in the tower, so I didn't have to deal with the reality of what was happening.


Yes, caution is good, but cowardice is not. The people who associate muslim with terrorist are wrong. When we see a bank robber or a murder on the news, do we ask ourselves what religion the person was? A person is good or bad based on their own merits and deeds, not religion.


I have seen posts that Imam Rauf thinks that we had a part in what happened. I say so what! Thw loonies at moveon.org also think that, as do many others. We don't try to silence them (no matter how much we want to). Al Quaeda from what I understands, wants to see him dead, so I don't think he is with them.


If the only reason to prevent the mosque is the muslim association, then holy war has been declared. And if that is the case, the protesters can be associated with fundamentalism and that will lead to terrorism.


We need to show the courage and conviction to stand by what used to make this country great. I say used to, because the country resembles talk radio, reality tv, angry america, more than it resembles what the founding fathers built for us.


There were many muslim americans that died at ground zero. The cowardice that is going on right now, not only shames their memory, but the memories of all those who died on that horrific day.


Remember that day, look at the family and friends you have now. Don't take any of it for granted and don't try to place blame or take vengence on those who are innocent. Life is too short for the hatred that has enveloped our country.


Good night and God bless.

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Y'all wrapping yourselves in the flag and your feelgood expressions of "tolerance"....yeah...cant wait for the next three pages of posts mocking the Pope next time he happens to comment on some news item or for the next clown to take a trip to some city down south and whine that "there are too many churches."


You are all so full of ****, your eyes are brown.

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Y'all wrapping yourselves in the flag and your feelgood expressions of "tolerance"....yeah...cant wait for the next three pages of posts mocking the Pope next time he happens to comment on some news item or for the next clown to take a trip to some city down south and whine that "there are too many churches."

You mean because there's no difference between calling out a religious leader for being a hypocrite on things like covering up the systemic sodomy of children and not allowing a religion to build a church because it annoys a group of bigoted tards?


Criticizing the Pope for specific things he's done isn't anywhere near the same thing as denying someone a Constitutional Freedom because they share the same religions as criminals.

You are all so full of ****, your eyes are brown.

You're starting to annoy me. Go ride your bike in traffic.

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