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Illegal immigrants living in AZ

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My mention of libs in that post was primarily because they are the ones making the most noise against the Arizona law, especially with their idiotic boycott ideas, not because I blame them for the problem. I'm aware the illegal immigration problem isn't a right or left problem. Presidents have been refusing to wall-up the border for years. But the libs are ass-deep in problems for November, and they need to fire up their base, and the best way to do that is to get the unions and latinos upset. It's just that simple.


The libs only care about the vote for November, and to repeat my point since it was missed the first time, the libs just got done yelling how the health care law isn't perfect and it'll take time to improve it, and then Arizona passes a law they don't like,and make amendments to improve it, and the left is sitting in a corner pissing all over themselves about what a horrible, horrible law it is in hopes they get their base pissed off enough to vote in November.


Which is different from you, (and conservatives in general) how?

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Saw that. Liberals arguing for segregation and conservatives arguing for integration? :rolleyes:


At first glance is looks as though they've sunk into bizarro world but politics has always been bizarro. If one party picks up a cause that is on the agenda for the other party the other party all of a sudden disagrees with that cause. <_<

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Saw that. Liberals arguing for segregation and conservatives arguing for integration? :thumbsup:



Intergration? No. Assimilation, yes...




4. The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.



Either you're here to become a proud and legal American first, Mexican heritage second or you need to go back to Mexico were they'll teach you the Mexican version of history and culture.


If America does nothing about this non-assimilating Mexican immigration problem, a generation from now this country will be a 50-50 hybrid of America and Mexico. Maybe this issue will finally be dealt with since this is a huge election year and every candidate will have to get on record of where they stand on something so important to the future of what it will mean to be an American.

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You state "libs" as in meaning those (If I'm considered to be one, I accept willing) who find the Arizona law unconstitutional, fine. Yet I don't find immigration laws currently on the books being upheld or enforced so I don't have any problem with Arizona making an effort on their own. But please, this illegal immigration problem is not a "liberal" creation anymore than it's a neocon one. GOP likes the cheap labor (GWB, ...Hey, where's the workers?" Do you recall that beauty?) and the Democrats pursue their support. Both parties bear the blame on this one....


So what is a "neocon"? Do you understand what one is or are you parroting a term you've heard? Enlighten us please...

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I guess it's ok to publicly show your disapproval of the Arizona law, but not ok to support it.



Two fans at a Phoenix Suns basketball game were ejected from their first row seats and removed from the arena last week after refusing orders from security guards to take off their shirts in support of Arizona’s recently passed law against illegal immigration.


One of the fans, businessman Jim Clark, said he and a friend, who were wearing orange shirts that read “Viva Los 1070,” eventually were allowed to return to their seats during last Wednesday’s game against the San Antonio Spurs after speaking with a security director.


This is not the first occurrence of politics creeping into the Suns basketball games: On Cinco de Mayo, team owner Robert Sarver came up with the idea for the team to wear “Los Suns” on their jerseys in protest of the immigration law. That’s what drove Clark to don his own shirt.

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Gee, you'd think for all the public criticisms of this law, SOMEONE in the current administration would have read it.


Holder? Nope.


Napolitano? NOPE.


Amateur Hour continues....


Janet to me is the most embarrassing cabinet member. A really poor choice by the savior.


While Governor in AZ she blamed the Feds for not enforcing the borders and now that she's a Fed she blames AZ for trying to enforce it.


Can anyone here defend her?

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Can anyone here defend her?


Yeah. She's doing her job - as a fed, supporting federal policy, and as a state governor supporting state's rights.



Doesn't make it any less ridiculous, of course.

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Janet to me is the most embarrassing cabinet member. A really poor choice by the savior.


While Governor in AZ she blamed the Feds for not enforcing the borders and now that she's a Fed she blames AZ for trying to enforce it.


Can anyone here defend her?

The funny thing is, she apparently wrote letter after letter to Bush, begging him to send National Guards to the border. Now she's getting beaten up out here for being a complete Obama suckass.


Though you have to admit, she's lucky to have Holder around to keep from looking like a complete fool.


On the other hand, they should look over their shoulder in the Super Dolt Race, where Michael Posner, the Asst. Sec. of State for Democracy Human Rights and Labor, is giving them a run for the money after explaining to China that if they think THEY have human rights issues, they should see what we're dealing with in Arizona. Apparently China can't hold a candle to Arizona. I mean, China just kills people who dissent. Arizona asks them for proof of citizenship if they're doing something illegal. Obviously the Chinese should consider themselves lucky...at least according to Pozner. :bag:

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AZ law needs to be explained to Chi- Coms


Posner said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights, which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.


He said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record and in fact raised on its [their?] own a new immigration law in Arizona that requires police to ask about a person’s immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally.

Looks like we now need to approach China hat in hand on human rights issues.

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Attention all illegals: Arizona doesn't want you, but San Francisco does.


In fact, they want you so badly that the Board of Supervisors President will introduce a ballot initiative soon that will give illegal immigrants whose students attend their schools the right to vote in school board elections.


That's right; you're illegal, but since you're already using the school system, you should have the right to pick your school board members.


Story here.


New try to let non-citizens vote


Non-citizen immigrants whose children are enrolled in San Francisco public schools would be able to vote in school board elections, under a proposed charter amendment for the fall ballot that Board of Supervisors President David Chiu will introduce Tuesday.


The proposal resurrects a ballot measure that city voters narrowly rejected six years ago, with 49 percent in favor and 51 percent opposed.


Chiu ran the 2004 campaign in favor of the limited extension of voting rights and said the idea deserves a second airing. He said an estimated 1 in 3 households with children in public schools are headed by parents who aren't citizens.


Allowing them to vote in Board of Education races would help boost their involvement in their children's education, Chiu said. ''And that helps improve the quality of the schools,'' Chiu said.


San Francisco...you so awesome.

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Attention all illegals: Arizona doesn't want you, but San Francisco does.


In fact, they want you so badly that the Board of Supervisors President will introduce a ballot initiative soon that will give illegal immigrants whose students attend their schools the right to vote in school board elections.


That's right; you're illegal, but since you're already using the school system, you should have the right to pick your school board members.


Story here.




San Francisco...you so awesome.


Looks like I registered to vote up here yesterday just in the nick of time.

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