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Official NBA Playoffs thread.....

Special K

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OMG. I haven't seen Jimmy since I fell and was rescued by the code name Jonah Brothers in the Googlebot whale. I had no idea he was dead. What happened? I feel bad missing the funeral and all.

You didn't miss much boss. Poor Spags was stuck on the train tracks in Macungie PA, folks aren't sure if his SUV ran out of gas, transmission failed...nobody knows.


Anyway, Jimmy Spags was apparently trying to get the car off the tracks because he still had his seatbelt on and his hands were tied to the steering wheel, so he wasn't trying to get out of the car or anything.


Anyway, along comes the PRR #666 and it broadsided Jimmy's SUV at full speed. Poor Jimmy was stuck just around the bend, so there was no time for the locomotive to slow down.


Anyway, like I said, you didn't miss much, all they found were Jimmy's hands tied to the steering wheel. He was identified from his finger prints. It was an open casket, those were Jimmy's wishes, still it was odd to look into the casket and see a pair of hands and nothing else.


RIP Jimmy Spags...

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Disclaimer: I wasn't old enough to appreciate the Showtime Lakers or Larry's Celtics...I started watching basketball just as MJ made his rise.


This is not directed at you, AJ, but I think for the most part, peoples' gripes against the NBA are unfounded, exaggerated and often contradictory. Most arguments seem to fall into three groups:


(1) Lack of talent

(2) Thug culture

(3) Style of play


(1) Since the mid-2000s, the star quality in the league has vastly increased. LeBron, Wade, Howard, Carmelo, Paul, Rondo, Williams, Durant, Bosh, etc. represent a great depth of young superstars. The elder-statesmen (Kobe, Duncan, Pierce, KG, Allen, Dirk, Nash, etc.) having numerous rings between them and still lead winning teams.


(2) This was partially legit and partially overblown. A lot of players got in the news for the wrong reasons and the league rightfully paid the price. But a lot of it was an audience's inability to relate to baggy shorts and tattoos. Interestingly, the NFL has never had such a "thug" stigma, but the same kinds of people reviled on the hard-court populate the gridiron.


(3) This is usually separated into two groups: (a) The NBA is nothing but one-on-one dunking and threes (b) The pace of play is boring. The first one is for the most part wrong, yet it is comically ironic. Usually the people championing this viewpoint are the same ones praising Michael Jordan for being the best player of all-time. His Airness is SOLELY responsible for spawning an entire generation of me-first, one-on-one players who grew up wanting to "Be Like Mike™." He is the tongue-wagging, ****-talking, through-the-legs-dribbling, 40-shot-jacking, GTFO of my way architect of the style of play that so many criticize. If you truly think team basketball is dead, then you can blame it on your hero.


Now the pace of play argument obviously has no defense; the game has slowed down significantly. More defense, more set plays, less fast breaks. I personally never experienced the time when 145-132 was commonplace so I can't relate. But I could see how the game might seem less exciting to those who lived through that.



Basically, the NBA has one major weakness right now, and it is really a Catch-22....the league is too nice. After the Palace Brawl, the NBA **** its pants and declared all-out war on its bad image. The results have been mostly great. The culture has been cleaned up significantly and faces of the league are seemingly good guys. But it lost an edge when this happened. The players are all buddies! Everyone hugs after games and hits the clubs together. If two guys so much as glare at each other, referees fall over each other to issues Double-Technicals (the scourge of the league!). While a lot of this is great, the intensity suffers and the fans become less invested. No more MJ choking Reggie Miller after two hours of jawing at each other. No more Charles Oakley clotheslining someone when the come into the lane. Hell, last year when LeBron didn't shake everyone's hand after the Magic loss, David Stern seemed about ready to check him into rehab! What a joke.


It's great that everyone is buddy-buddy, but I miss animosity and bad blood. It's part of sports. The NBA has artificially removed it because it is scared to death of another Brawl. But it makes the game unnatural and wishy-washy. And realistically, they are in a tough spot. People pine for the old days but as soon as a few fights start, the same ignorant "thug" card will be brought up again.


But overall, the quality of play and quality of players has been very good for the past few years...and the future looks bright. A lockout is probably all but certain, but nothing new there (or unique from other sports).


I'm the same age and agree with every word of that. Most of the most common knocks you hear are comical. The Spurs are a good example - because they're the team nobody watches in the finals even though they meet all the "old school" requirements people claim they want to see.


Yet I haven't been all that in to the NBA post Jordan :unsure: I have a difficult time articulating why but I think what I perceive as the predictability has a lot to do with it....I just did not believe for a split second that the Lakers were going to lose to Ok City or Phoenix when those series' were tied 2-2. Hard to say that about any other sport when the favorite is reeling.

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You didn't miss much boss. Poor Spags was stuck on the train tracks in Macungie PA, folks aren't sure if his SUV ran out of gas, transmission failed...nobody knows.


Anyway, Jimmy Spags was apparently trying to get the car off the tracks because he still had his seatbelt on and his hands were tied to the steering wheel, so he wasn't trying to get out of the car or anything.


Anyway, along comes the PRR #666 and it broadsided Jimmy's SUV at full speed. Poor Jimmy was stuck just around the bend, so there was no time for the locomotive to slow down.


Anyway, like I said, you didn't miss much, all they found were Jimmy's hands tied to the steering wheel. He was identified from his finger prints. It was an open casket, those were Jimmy's wishes, still it was odd to look into the casket and see a pair of hands and nothing else.


RIP Jimmy Spags...

Sounds fishy. When did all of this crap happen?

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You da man Crayonz... What? You predicted this script to a tee almost... What... One, two years ago?


Anyway... I am so glad the Celts go served... !@#$ those bastards... They did practice at the LA Clippers facility when they were in LA... Appropriate because that is where they belong. :unsure:

I also predicted Buftex would still be convinced the whole thing is legit.


Honestly I find it really sad. It is not just him either. How much more do they need in terms of story line revelations?


I gave them last year, this year, next year and the year after.

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You didn't miss much boss. Poor Spags was stuck on the train tracks in Macungie PA, folks aren't sure if his SUV ran out of gas, transmission failed...nobody knows.


Anyway, Jimmy Spags was apparently trying to get the car off the tracks because he still had his seatbelt on and his hands were tied to the steering wheel, so he wasn't trying to get out of the car or anything.


Anyway, along comes the PRR #666 and it broadsided Jimmy's SUV at full speed. Poor Jimmy was stuck just around the bend, so there was no time for the locomotive to slow down.


Anyway, like I said, you didn't miss much, all they found were Jimmy's hands tied to the steering wheel. He was identified from his finger prints. It was an open casket, those were Jimmy's wishes, still it was odd to look into the casket and see a pair of hands and nothing else.


RIP Jimmy Spags...



WTF is going on? I received an e-mail from Jimmy this morning. Somethings not right here. I know it was an e-mail from Jimmy because he talked about things that only jimmy knows about.

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I also predicted Buftex would still be convinced the whole thing is legit.


Honestly I find it really sad. It is not just him either. How much more do they need in terms of story line revelations?


I gave them last year, this year, next year and the year after.


Alright....I'll ask the Oracle.......when are my Magic gonna win a title??

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Alright....I'll ask the Oracle.......when are my Magic gonna win a title??

I don't think things look real good at all for Orlando. 2010-11 will go to a flukish team with some heart warming story. Orlando is in a market that makes it a flukish team, but its recent strong run would make it less fluky. If something happens that creates a story then maybe, but I think it will have to be more of a longshot team this year. It's not impossible but I wouldn't put Orlando on top of the list.


After 10-11 we will be in the midst of the LeBron story line. His team will be the dominant one for a while and do most of the winning. I see no way he ends up in Orlando. LeBron's team won't win every year but will 3 or 4 times in 5 years. That is a tight window for Orlando.


Sorry but that is just the way it is. Your best shot is probably this year if someone on or around the team has some terrible personal tragedy. At present my best guess is Denver because of Karl's health issues, but that is just a guess. If it is Orlando, you will know because it will be hyped to the mountaintops by Stern's minions at ESPN and other places.

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Magic was amazing. It's weird, cause I used to always love watching the Celtics v. Lakers growing up, but I don't remember ever choosing a side I wanted to win. For every Laker I enjoyed watching play, there was a Celtic I felt the same way about. I remember Danny Ainge always hitting for 3, which always impressed me. Bird and Mchale never looked the part, but always found a way. DJ just got the job done, and Parrish always had that consistent presence in the middle. Loved James Worthy, byron Scott, magic, Kareem...hell, even Rambis had some gritty skills.


Yesterday just didn't compare to that for me, and it wasn't even close.

Speaking of Danny Ainge...some useless trivia...his brother was my high school US History teacher. He as always talking about is bro. I think at the time Danny was playing for the Blazers.

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Speaking of Danny Ainge...some useless trivia...his brother was my high school US History teacher. He as always talking about is bro. I think at the time Danny was playing for the Blazers.



Not sure if it is the same brother, but Danny Ainge has a nephew, Eric Ainge, who was the starting QB for the Tennessee Vols a few years ago, and, I believe, is the third string QB for the NY Jets, right now.


You know, as a Celtics fan, I was always a little embarrassed by Ainge's antics, but, he really was a great streak shooter...an integral part of the 80's Celtics championship teams. He has been a terrific GM for the Celtics.


I know, many say the Celtics "baught" a championship for the Celtics, when he got his buddy, Kevin McHale to deal Garnett to Boston. Initially, if you recall, Garnett wanted no part of the Celtics, as he had grown up hating them. McHale talked him into accepting the deal... my favorite story to come out of that summer:


As you recall, Kobe Bryant was very unhappy in Los Angeles, and asked for a trade, then backed off, then on, and off again. Eventually, the Lakers decided they would get Kobe some help, rather than trade him. The Lakers coveted Kevin Garnett, who the T-wolves were interested in unloading, so they could start a rebuilding job, and free up some salary cap space.


So, there was a scenario of a 6 team swap, involving, IIRC, the Knicks (always trying to dump salary), Lakers, Trailblazers, Timberwolves (McHale was their GM), Pacers (Larry Bird GM) and the Celtics (Ainge GM).


I recall hearing a story where the deal was at and advanced stage, McHale, Bird and Ainge, the old Celtics are on speaker phone, trying to hash out some details (sorry, I don't recall all the specifics)...McHale is pleading his case, Ainge his, and Larry Bird is just quiet...finally, after a bunch of back and forth, Larry chimes in "I may be a Pacer now, but I am always a Celtic...I don't know about you two. I am not real interested in helping the Los Angeles Lakers out, I ain't sure why you guys are bending over backwards for them", and then hangs up. McHale started busting a gut...that made the deal fall through, as legend has it. So, McHale focused on trying to find a better deal for the Timberwolves, in regards to Garnett... how KG ended up a Celtic, rather than a Laker...of course, the Lakers did okay, picking up Gasol later that season.

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Hearing that Phil Jackson's daughter has been quoted as saying that Phil is "done" coaching... Doc Rivers is rumored "done" coaching in Boston. Has there ever been a time when both coaches involved in a playoff championship retired in the same off season?


Keeping in the spirit of conspiracy theories...maybe Danny Ainge will let Doc step away for a year, and make his buddy Kevin McHale coach, for a year... McHale is already close with Garnett! McHale was a much better coach than GM.

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Hearing that Phil Jackson's daughter has been quoted as saying that Phil is "done" coaching... Doc Rivers is rumored "done" coaching in Boston. Has there ever been a time when both coaches involved in a playoff championship retired in the same off season?


Keeping in the spirit of conspiracy theories...maybe Danny Ainge will let Doc step away for a year, and make his buddy Kevin McHale coach, for a year... McHale is already close with Garnett! McHale was a much better coach than GM.

The Celtics/Lakers story line has run its course. I would not be surprised to see either/both reitre. It clears the air for the next saga.

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The Celtics/Lakers story line has run its course. I would not be surprised to see either/both reitre. It clears the air for the next saga.

We needs to know about FA. Where will all these players end up? Wade? James? Bosh? Dirk?



Regarding Jimmy Spags...I don't think thebug knows him and everyone knows Jimmy couldn't even turn on a computer so I'm doubtful that he got an email from him. Not to mention the fact that the cops have Jimmy's hands. He doesn't have a tail to type with.

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Not sure if it is the same brother, but Danny Ainge has a nephew, Eric Ainge, who was the starting QB for the Tennessee Vols a few years ago, and, I believe, is the third string QB for the NY Jets, right now.


You know, as a Celtics fan, I was always a little embarrassed by Ainge's antics, but, he really was a great streak shooter...an integral part of the 80's Celtics championship teams. He has been a terrific GM for the Celtics.


I know, many say the Celtics "baught" a championship for the Celtics, when he got his buddy, Kevin McHale to deal Garnett to Boston. Initially, if you recall, Garnett wanted no part of the Celtics, as he had grown up hating them. McHale talked him into accepting the deal... my favorite story to come out of that summer:


As you recall, Kobe Bryant was very unhappy in Los Angeles, and asked for a trade, then backed off, then on, and off again. Eventually, the Lakers decided they would get Kobe some help, rather than trade him. The Lakers coveted Kevin Garnett, who the T-wolves were interested in unloading, so they could start a rebuilding job, and free up some salary cap space.


So, there was a scenario of a 6 team swap, involving, IIRC, the Knicks (always trying to dump salary), Lakers, Trailblazers, Timberwolves (McHale was their GM), Pacers (Larry Bird GM) and the Celtics (Ainge GM).


I recall hearing a story where the deal was at and advanced stage, McHale, Bird and Ainge, the old Celtics are on speaker phone, trying to hash out some details (sorry, I don't recall all the specifics)...McHale is pleading his case, Ainge his, and Larry Bird is just quiet...finally, after a bunch of back and forth, Larry chimes in "I may be a Pacer now, but I am always a Celtic...I don't know about you two. I am not real interested in helping the Los Angeles Lakers out, I ain't sure why you guys are bending over backwards for them", and then hangs up. McHale started busting a gut...that made the deal fall through, as legend has it. So, McHale focused on trying to find a better deal for the Timberwolves, in regards to Garnett... how KG ended up a Celtic, rather than a Laker...of course, the Lakers did okay, picking up Gasol later that season.

His brother's name, who taught us, is Doug but I can't remember if he had any other brothers or if Eric is Doug's son.


I'd say, you've been following these teams quite a bit! Thanks for the run-down. I haven't really been following the NBA since the early 90s so it was nice to see what Ainge has been up to. Had no idea he is GM for the Celtics.

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