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Marshall going to Miami


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For the sake of argument, let's just say that a third of these were cases of domestic violence against women. That's about 160 reported incidents in 10 years out of 4000 players in the decade who wore an NFL uniform. That's certainly not a lot. I would bet you that 0 of these 4000 players had 11 domestic disturbance calls in a four year period. The fact that you're still pinning away for this scumbag tells me that you're beyond help at this point.


I'm just curious as to why you are so interested in player's personal lives?? Are you Oprah or something??

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While I'd like a big signing, the smart use of a big signing in free agency is to get over the hump- say from a 8-8 or 9-7 club to a playoff contender or a playoff team to a super-bowl contender- but there is no sense putting fancy rims or a carbon fiber hood on a Yugo.

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Dude, come on get real. First of all your guesses at numbers are pointless. 160 incidents out of 4000 players in a decade? How bout I have been around 4 decades, met a lot more than 4000 people in that time and to this day, other than my ex brother in law I know of one person who beat on his girlfriend, but it wasn't even reported. So what the hell is your point with that crap? I showed you actual facts. And I'm sure plenty of these guys have beat their wives/girlfriends plenty of other times that weren't documented. And I include Marshall in this as well. And please show me exactly where I defended Marshall or have given him props, other than saying I think he is a top 4 WR in the league. I never said the Bills should have traded for him and I never said this guy was an outstanding human being, did I? That has absolutely nothing to do with his off the field issues. He is a talented WR with a messed up head. I don't understand why you think I have been sticking up for him. Just saying, and proving with facts, that the league is full of garbage. Some worse than others. Why you keep posting the same thing over and over and trying to justify it with your own made up numbers is really sad. You my friend, are beyond help. If you want to keep embarrassing yourself be my guest.


While you didn't specifically say you wished the Bills could have traded for scumbag Marshall, you really didn't have to after writing this...


"I'm also sick of hearing everyone use the excuse "he has off the field issues, I don't want him here". That is the biggest load of BS."


"If they help you win, who !@#$in cares."


...and you call me the embarrassment? Anyone who lays their hand on a women is a coward, and any fan who pines away on a message board for a coward like that is pathetic. Do us a favor, go root for your boy and become a Miami fan.

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And also gave the fans some excitement along the way, as in they actually thought there was a playoff shot. AFAIK, he got into the play-offs twice since 1999.


Parcells has taken 3 if my memory is right...2 Cowboy teams and won the division a couple years ago with the Dolphins. I would take 3 playoff seasons in 10 years opposed to none.

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The Bills tried to get Mike Shanahan. They tried for the Chin. They tried to get McNabb and even (reportedly) offered him an extension.


Add to that, we've added two good 3-4 players (Edwards and Davis) plus Nix has explicitly said that he builds teams through the draft.


What aren't you impressed with again?



Honestly, How many of us knew who Edwards and Davis was when we signed them? I'm not saying they wont be good but I am talking about impact players here. Like a 5th round pick for Holmes? We could have afforded that

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Honestly, How many of us knew who Edwards and Davis was when we signed them? I'm not saying they wont be good but I am talking about impact players here. Like a 5th round pick for Holmes? We could have afforded that.

I knew who Davis was a long time ago, and I knew who Edwards was after he sacked Brady on the Pats' final drive in that playoff game :w00t:. And 30 other teams could have used a WR like Holmes and many of them could have gotten him fotr a 5th as well (since the Jets have a late pick in that round), but they passed.

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While you didn't specifically say you wished the Bills could have traded for scumbag Marshall, you really didn't have to after writing this...


"I'm also sick of hearing everyone use the excuse "he has off the field issues, I don't want him here". That is the biggest load of BS."


"If they help you win, who !@#$in cares."


...and you call me the embarrassment? Anyone who lays their hand on a women is a coward, and any fan who pines away on a message board for a coward like that is pathetic. Do us a favor, go root for your boy and become a Miami fan.

Again, you fail to prove anything. This is why I brought up the FACTS that Marshall is far from the only scumbag in the NFL. So by your logic, you can't be a Bills fan because the Bills have had their share of scumbags. And I also said you should stop following the NFL altogether because or your morals. I really can't believe just how ignorant you are. You want to rag on me because I said a guy has talent and helps a team get better. You have some really serious and deep issues I think.


So as you put it "for arguments sake" let's say the Bills did sign Marshall and the Bills go on to win the Superbowl an Marshall is the MVP of the game and season. I assume you wouldn't be happy with the outcome. Need I keep proving my point over and over to you? Donte Whitner smacked his girl around back in 06. What's worse, hitting a girl with your hand or with a Porsche Cayenne like Marshawn did a few years ago? He easily could have killed that girl. The only thing about Marshall is all his problems have been documented. I guarantee there are many women out there scared shitless to report anything to police and some that don't just because of the financial security. And I bet some of these women have been assaulted by present Bills players.


I am done proving you wrong. Stop grasping for straws like you have been. You should go to Miami and picket outside Landshark Stadium if it makes you feel any better. I will always be a Bills fan and root for the players and what they do on the field. I could hate their guts as soon as they leave the Ralph, but that's not my problem and out of my control. I root for my football team and do not need to get into all the players personal lives. They will get what's coming to them in due time if warranted. Karma is a lovely thing.

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Again, you fail to prove anything. This is why I brought up the FACTS that Marshall is far from the only scumbag in the NFL. So by your logic, you can't be a Bills fan because the Bills have had their share of scumbags. And I also said you should stop following the NFL altogether because or your morals. I really can't believe just how ignorant you are. You want to rag on me because I said a guy has talent and helps a team get better. You have some really serious and deep issues I think.


So as you put it "for arguments sake" let's say the Bills did sign Marshall and the Bills go on to win the Superbowl an Marshall is the MVP of the game and season. I assume you wouldn't be happy with the outcome. Need I keep proving my point over and over to you? Donte Whitner smacked his girl around back in 06. What's worse, hitting a girl with your hand or with a Porsche Cayenne like Marshawn did a few years ago? He easily could have killed that girl. The only thing about Marshall is all his problems have been documented. I guarantee there are many women out there scared shitless to report anything to police and some that don't just because of the financial security. And I bet some of these women have been assaulted by present Bills players.


I am done proving you wrong. Stop grasping for straws like you have been. You should go to Miami and picket outside Landshark Stadium if it makes you feel any better. I will always be a Bills fan and root for the players and what they do on the field. I could hate their guts as soon as they leave the Ralph, but that's not my problem and out of my control. I root for my football team and do not need to get into all the players personal lives. They will get what's coming to them in due time if warranted. Karma is a lovely thing.


You're the one who was wishing for a known women beater on the Bills, and now you're saying that I'M the one with serious and deep issues? Your lack of self-awareness is simply amazing.


As far as "morals" goes. There's mistakes and knuckleheadedness, and then there's women beaters, rapists and dog killers. Apparently you're the one who doesn't have any sort of filter when it comes to the degrees of seriousness in regards to poor player behavior. I can forgive the drug stuff, I was even forgiving of Marshawn's gun in the trunk of his car. But there are some things that bother me to the point that I would never want the guy on the Bills. Marshall, Vick and Rothlesberger fall into that category. Take it or leave it, but my suggestion is that you rethink what behavior is acceptable to you as a Bills fan.

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You're the one who was wishing for a known women beater on the Bills, and now you're saying that I'M the one with serious and deep issues? Your lack of self-awareness is simply amazing.


As far as "morals" goes. There's mistakes and knuckleheadedness, and then there's women beaters, rapists and dog killers. Apparently you're the one who doesn't have any sort of filter when it comes to the degrees of seriousness in regards to poor player behavior. I can forgive the drug stuff, I was even forgiving of Marshawn's gun in the trunk of his car. But there are some things that bother me to the point that I would never want the guy on the Bills. Marshall, Vick and Rothlesberger fall into that category. Take it or leave it, but my suggestion is that you rethink what behavior is acceptable to you as a Bills fan.

I feel like I'm going around and around in circles with you. AGAIN, PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I, THAT BEING ME MYSELF, SAID OR WISHED (as you put it) I WANT THIS GUY IN A BILLS UNIFORM???? PLEASE SHOW ME? I said anyone who says they don't want that kind of player here is full of crap, especially if the Bills won a SB in the process. You're rationalization is mind numbing to say the least. You don't think drugs or alcohol play a part in these situations? I've been there and I have seen it. I want to know why any woman in her right mind would stay around a guy after one beating, let alone 11. Give me a break. But drugs and and loaded guns are okay with you. Again, I'll use one of you're comparisons. What if Marshawn was drunk and ran over your sister? Better yet, what if he was drunk or high and pulled the gun out of his trunk and shot your sister? Drugs and alcohol play a very high % in most domestic cases. Nowhere have I ever stated beating women is okay, so why you think that is beyond me. Can we drop this crap already. It's driving me nuts. FYI I have a background in drug and alcohol counseling so I know the numbers don't lie. I respect your opinion and I agree beating women is a sick and twisted problem. But this guys job is playing football and I trust Goodell (a little) that he will take care of the situation. I work with guys that have smacked a woman I'm sure and you probably do to. But us being regular piss ant citizens don't hear about all the BS going on. I don't know how Marshall is even walking the streets with 11 charges against him. If it were you or me, we'd be getting 3 hots and a cot downtown.

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I feel like I'm going around and around in circles with you. AGAIN, PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I, THAT BEING ME MYSELF, SAID OR WISHED (as you put it) I WANT THIS GUY IN A BILLS UNIFORM???? PLEASE SHOW ME? I said anyone who says they don't want that kind of player here is full of crap, especially if the Bills won a SB in the process. You're rationalization is mind numbing to say the least. You don't think drugs or alcohol play a part in these situations? I've been there and I have seen it. I want to know why any woman in her right mind would stay around a guy after one beating, let alone 11. Give me a break. But drugs and and loaded guns are okay with you. Again, I'll use one of you're comparisons. What if Marshawn was drunk and ran over your sister? Better yet, what if he was drunk or high and pulled the gun out of his trunk and shot your sister? Drugs and alcohol play a very high % in most domestic cases. Nowhere have I ever stated beating women is okay, so why you think that is beyond me. Can we drop this crap already. It's driving me nuts. FYI I have a background in drug and alcohol counseling so I know the numbers don't lie. I respect your opinion and I agree beating women is a sick and twisted problem. But this guys job is playing football and I trust Goodell (a little) that he will take care of the situation. I work with guys that have smacked a woman I'm sure and you probably do to. But us being regular piss ant citizens don't hear about all the BS going on. I don't know how Marshall is even walking the streets with 11 charges against him. If it were you or me, we'd be getting 3 hots and a cot downtown.


I can't get upset at what a guy might do, but what he's done in the past sometimes matters a whole lot. I didn't know that Whitner beat up his girlfriend. I never wanted him to be picked by the Bills in the first place and have been one of his biggest critics ever since the bust got here. I now don't like him even more. But a one time, completely random "incident" is one thing. A long rap sheet like Marshall's is another. I still can't get over the media white washing of this guy. I have yet to hear anyone mention the specifics of repeated violence against women or even the case regarding the assaulting of a police officer. It's all sunshine and lollipops with Marshall and the media with them using catch phrases like he has a "troubled past". Troubled past???? I don't understand why it's so hands off with this guy. Since he's still walking the streets, he's free to get with any team that will have him, I'm just glad the Bills weren't on the list of possible teams.

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The Jests are obviously trying to pick up as many big name free agents as possible to make a run at the Super Bowl for this year. Miami is just trying to play catch up. Miami is giving up a lot for him, and I don't think he would make the Bills any better.


If you want to know what the league will be like without a salary cap. It is obvious with this year. The New York teams are going to try to get every big name player that they can. It will stink.


As far as character, I think it is much better to have high character guys on the team. It is a question of do you want players you can root for or do you want to root for a winning team. In the end, I think they are basically the same.

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I can't get upset at what a guy might do, but what he's done in the past sometimes matters a whole lot. I didn't know that Whitner beat up his girlfriend. I never wanted him to be picked by the Bills in the first place and have been one of his biggest critics ever since the bust got here. I now don't like him even more. But a one time, completely random "incident" is one thing. A long rap sheet like Marshall's is another. I still can't get over the media white washing of this guy. I have yet to hear anyone mention the specifics of repeated violence against women or even the case regarding the assaulting of a police officer. It's all sunshine and lollipops with Marshall and the media with them using catch phrases like he has a "troubled past". Troubled past???? I don't understand why it's so hands off with this guy. Since he's still walking the streets, he's free to get with any team that will have him, I'm just glad the Bills weren't on the list of possible teams.

Don't waste your time anymore. You're not going to convince him. Anyone who says that "You have some really serious and deep issues I think" to an entirely legitimate point isn't on the verge of changing an opinion.

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Don't waste your time anymore. You're not going to convince him. Anyone who says that "You have some really serious and deep issues I think" to an entirely legitimate point isn't on the verge of changing an opinion.


Is that what this is, 1 poster trying to change another poster's personal opinion of Brandon Marshall??


I think not.


It's pretty simple; Rayzor made reference to wanting a WR with Marshall's ON FIELD abilities on the Bills, and 1billsfan accused him of worshiping a woman beater.

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Is that what this is, 1 poster trying to change another poster's personal opinion of Brandon Marshall??


I think not.


It's pretty simple; Rayzor made reference to wanting a WR with Marshall's ON FIELD abilities on the Bills, and 1billsfan accused him of worshiping a woman beater.

Thank you! I couldn't have said it any better myself, obviously, because I didn't. :bag:

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