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No one, but no one, ever uses cocaine only once. Just like the steroid addicts in football and baseball, when these phonies are caught, they lie like a rug. Throw the bum out. I am so sick of all of these prima donna's I could puke. I know this is not about the Bills but I need to vent.


I agree with you. If a "celebrity" or "Star Athlete" does this kind of stuff, "They made a mistake" Yet if i were to do anything of the sort, i would be fired from my job, thrown out on my A$$ and no one would look back, and everyone would say how bad i Effed up. Not to mention ever trying to find a decent paying job, ever again.



These athletes, stars, celebs get away with murder. What makes me sick is how most will see more money in one year, then most of us see our entire lives.

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I agree with you. If a "celebrity" or "Star Athlete" does this kind of stuff, "They made a mistake" Yet if i were to do anything of the sort, i would be fired from my job, thrown out on my A$$ and no one would look back, and everyone would say how bad i Effed up. Not to mention ever trying to find a decent paying job, ever again.



These athletes, stars, celebs get away with murder. What makes me sick is how most will see more money in one year, then most of us see our entire lives.



well you are right that many jobs would can you for being a cokehead. However, there are quite a few jobs where they may force you into rehab instead, in order to keep your job. As for pro athletes, it isn't explicitly taken as a performance enhancer, so get the guys some help and suspend them for so many games. For that coach, I would expect the same treatment.


If you are that appalled that pro athletes have issues just like normal people then don't buy a ticket or watch their games. Whereever this hero worship of pro athletes comes from is unwarranted, they are people just like you and me. Then again we live in a country where our last president and current president have admitted to snorting up. The most powerful men in the world are still human and have issues.

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well you are right that many jobs would can you for being a cokehead. However, there are quite a few jobs where they may force you into rehab instead, in order to keep your job. As for pro athletes, it isn't explicitly taken as a performance enhancer, so get the guys some help and suspend them for so many games. For that coach, I would expect the same treatment.


If you are that appalled that pro athletes have issues just like normal people then don't buy a ticket or watch their games. Whereever this hero worship of pro athletes comes from is unwarranted, they are people just like you and me.


I understand they are just like you and me, and thats what makes me quite angry. They get away with alot of crap, and this has been seen numerous times befor. I hate the superstar treatment that some get.


Im not saying all are bad, so i would not be able to stop watching. There are a select number or athletes that take no respnsability for their actions, and feel they will have to not deal with consequences for what they do.

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I understand they are just like you and me, and thats what makes me quite angry. They get away with alot of crap, and this has been seen numerous times befor. I hate the superstar treatment that some get.


Im not saying all are bad, so i would not be able to stop watching. There are a select number or athletes that take no respnsability for their actions, and feel they will have to not deal with consequences for what they do.


If you're angry at the superstar treatment, look in the mirror or at the rest of society if you happen to be immune (though I doubt you are 100% immune). The superstar treatment comes from us, not them.

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If you're angry at the superstar treatment, look in the mirror or at the rest of society if you happen to be immune (though I doubt you are 100% immune). The superstar treatment comes from us, not them.


I really understand that, but you have me pegged wrong. Yea i have a couple autographs, but who doesen't. I dont see these athletes as supernatural people. I se them as normal, and should be held accountable.


I know our society has dubbed theses people as superstars and will do whatever it takes to support them.


Back when i was in college, i wrote me senior thesis on how people are treated differently based on what they do in life(athletes, movie stars). Also had to deal with the spending of money on sports, entertainment, but thats a different story.


Yes i enjoy sports just as much as the next guy, but if these athletes do wrong, I will not sit back and give them free passes.


I actuallly think im overly harsh on athletes, just because of the major role they play in most societies. But thats just my $.02

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No one, but no one, ever uses cocaine only once. Just like the steroid addicts in football and baseball, when these phonies are caught, they lie like a rug. Throw the bum out. I am so sick of all of these prima donna's I could puke. I know this is not about the Bills but I need to vent.



If doing coke gets you a million dollars and gets you to the top of your profession, maybe more people should do it. I bet Josh Hamilton got him started.

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I thought this story was kindof odd too. He's 57 years old and wakes up one day decides to do cocaine for the first time in his life. He does. Then the next day he gets called in for a random drug test. Would have had to be within a day or two because, unlike weed, it only shows up on a drug test for the next 36 hours or so. World's unluckiest guy I guess.


I was immediately thinking of what Judge Judy would say. "If it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true." Sure enough comes out in the paper today he did it and weed while a player.


Actually I am a Rangers fan. This could be our year !!

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Anyone who has actually lived in the real world and knows what people do behind closed doors would tell you there is virtually no difference whatsoever in the quality of person, overall, if he has or hasn't done cocaine, if he has or hasn't smoked a bunch of weed. There are millions of idiots in the world, everywhere you look, and probably an equal number of great people, and whether or not they have tried or done or even are regular users of certain drugs has little or no determination whatsoever if they are a good citizen, family man, worker, friend, colleague, neighbor, relative, etc.

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No one, but no one, ever uses cocaine only once. Just like the steroid addicts in football and baseball, when these phonies are caught, they lie like a rug. Throw the bum out. I am so sick of all of these prima donna's I could puke. I know this is not about the Bills but I need to vent.


I tried coke once in my late twenties. A smarmy consultant offered me a hit at a party after our team closed a big software project for a top three firm. The only effect of a big belt was an anesthetized nose. I was liquored up at the time and a bit curious (as I never partook in any substance save booze in my growth years in the NYC metro during the drug addled 80s).


Wasn't impressed and never did it again. Can't see a similar scenario of being piqued in my late 50s either.

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No one, but no one, ever uses cocaine only once. Just like the steroid addicts in football and baseball, when these phonies are caught, they lie like a rug. Throw the bum out. I am so sick of all of these prima donna's I could puke. I know this is not about the Bills but I need to vent.


he only did it once guys...please if your 57 and you only did it once your full of ****

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No one, but no one, ever uses cocaine only once. Just like the steroid addicts in football and baseball, when these phonies are caught, they lie like a rug. Throw the bum out. I am so sick of all of these prima donna's I could puke. I know this is not about the Bills but I need to vent.

i think you can use it once and hate it, but probably not at that age...


but really, why do need the guy fired for getting a little toot? i mean, it's a shame for him if he likes that garbage, but it's the moral equivalent of drinking, smoking weed, etc...NOT at all like steroids.


i figure pissing your money and brain away on coke is it's own punishment. when he starts sucking at work they fire him.

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but it's the moral equivalent of drinking, smoking weed, etc...NOT at all like steroids.


I think the moral issues go beyond what the user does to his or her body. The violence that the international drug trade creates should be part of the equation (look at Mexico currently, the Taliban/poppy connection, etc.). Liquor use can kill obviously, but Seagrams hasn't executed any pregnant women to secure their market share lately.



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I think the moral issues go beyond what the user does to his or her body. The violence that the international drug trade creates should be part of the equation (look at Mexico currently, the Taliban/poppy connection, etc.). Liquor use can kill obviously, but Seagrams hasn't executed any pregnant women to secure their market share lately.




And if it was legal and regulated like Seagrams?

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