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Another shamefully blatant attempt to indoctrinate school children&#33

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I don't identify with "conservatives".


Nah, You just defend them like they're your "special" children.




Best answer you've given yet.


Why exactly am I supposed to be "Fair and Balanced"?


You made the claim, I just Laughed at it.


Let's look at the two quotations back-to-back. Yeah, I'm the hypocrite who uses nonsensical strawman attacks.


Someone swallowed way too much sea water.


Gee, PPP's Reigning Master of the Art of Sarcasm, can't recognize it when it's thrown in his direction, whooda thunk it? [/sarcasm]

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Nah, You just defend them like they're your "special" children.

Specific examples, please. You know how to use the search function, so it shouldn't be difficult.

Best answer you've given yet.

Goody. Maybe you can find me a gold star. My portfolio for "People whose opinions I give a flying !@#$ about" is severely lacking in gold stars.

You made the claim, I just Laughed at it.

Really? Where? I'm pretty sure I've stated over and over again that I friggin' hate Liberals and Liberalism. There isn't a more bankrupt ideology currently offered. I also hate the Republican party. Is that the "Fair and Balanced" you're referring to?

Gee, PPP's Reigning Master of the Art of Sarcasm, can't recognize it when it's thrown in his direction, whooda thunk it? [/sarcasm]

Sarcasm is completely different than bull ****. I'm not surprised you're having a tough time with that.

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Specific examples, please. You know how to use the search function, so it shouldn't be difficult.


Goody. Maybe you can find me a gold star. My portfolio for "People whose opinions I give a flying !@#$ about" is severely lacking in gold stars.


Really? Where? I'm pretty sure I've stated over and over again that I friggin' hate Liberals and Liberalism. There isn't a more bankrupt ideology currently offered. I also hate the Republican party. Is that the "Fair and Balanced" you're referring to?


Sarcasm is completely different than bull ****. I'm not surprised you're having a tough time with that.


You reinforce what I originally said with each post you throw up here. [pun intended]


You can hardly B word about another poster using the overly inclusive "All" this or that when you continuously do it yourself.


The rest is just smokescreen and obfuscation. Your usual old and tired blathering with a few new buzz words thrown in.

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You reinforce what I originally said with each post you throw up here. [pun intended]


You can hardly B word about another poster using the overly inclusive "All" this or that when you continuously do it yourself.

I can B word about whatever I want. I know you former military guys are desperate to keep wearing your rank all over the place. Try facing reality.

The rest is just smokescreen and obfuscation. Your usual old and tired blathering with a few new buzz words thrown in.

In other words:


You threw up a bunch of **** at the wall because you're desperate for some attention. Then you got called on it and couldn't back it up with even a single example. Not surprising since it's pretty much your M.O. But thanks for accusing me of smokescreen and obfuscation (try a new term).


Do yourself a favor and STFU. The 20 years you spent in a tube with other dudes has had obvious long term affects. You're like a choad who can type. You swim around hoping to bump into something.

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In other words:


You threw up a bunch of **** at the wall. Then you got called on it and couldn't back it up with even a single example. Not surprising since it's pretty much your M.O.


Do yourself a favor and STFU. The 20 years you spent in a tube with other dudes has had obvious long term affects. You're like a choad who can type. You swim around hoping to bump into something.


Awww... has the poor little retired dependent got his panties all wadded up? Am I supposed to be impressed by your mastery of schoolyard invective? Choad? What is this 4th grade?


Grow Up. Be a man, admit you're a hypocrite and move on...


Or just blather some more, either way I'll get a laugh out of it...

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Awww... has the poor little retired dependent got his panties all wadded up? Am I supposed to be impressed by your mastery of schoolyard invective? Choad? What is this 4th grade?

I don't know what a "retired dependent" is but if that's your version of an insult I can see why you think you're somehow winning an argument.

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I don't know what a "retired dependent" is but if that's your version of an insult I can see why you think you're somehow winning an argument.


You're a retired dependent, and it can't possibly be an insult, because I would never denegrate your wife's military service.


And there's no argument for me to win or lose. I made a statement of fact. "It's hypocritical for you to call out another poster for posting something which includes the broad brush statement all whatevers are_______ , because you are constantly making similar statements with reference to liberals."


There is no argument. It is a simple and undeniable statement of fact.


You don't like it, I don't care, case closed.

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You're a retired dependent, and it can't possibly be an insult, because I would never denegrate your wife's military service.

In the strictest term used by the paper pusher's, I'm the dependent of a retiree. I guess that matters when it comes to me getting on base and going to the commissary or something. There's certainly a reason you keep using it but I'm sure you're not "denegrating" my wife because even you aren't that stupid.

And there's no argument for me to win or lose. I made a statement of fact. "It's hypocritical for you to call out another poster for posting something which includes the broad brush statement all whatevers are_______ , because you are constantly making similar statements with reference to liberals."

I'll let you know when I care about that.

There is no argument. It is a simple and undeniable statement of fact.

Which is why you threw up charges like "Fair and Balanced", right? And the reason you didn't post a single example to back up that lame ass ****.

You don't like it, I don't care, case closed.

You've got that totally reversed. You don't like it. I don't care.

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In the strictest term used by the paper pusher's, I'm the dependent of a retiree. I guess that matters when it comes to me getting on base and going to the commissary or something. There's certainly a reason you keep using it but I'm sure you're not "denegrating" my wife because even you aren't that stupid.

Just cutting to the core of your "Internet Tough Guy Facade" and pointing out that while there is a "Warrior" in your household, it certainly isn't you.



I'll let you know when I care about that.

Good then I'll let you know when what you "Care About" makes any difference to me.



Which is why you threw up charges like "Fair and Balanced", right? And the reason you didn't post a single example to back up that lame ass ****.

That was in reference to your lame-ass line about delivering the smack-down to Wacka and RK, which is about equal to FAUX & Sean Hannity giving Alan Combes separate but equal billing in an attempt to disguise the show's bias. It didn't work for them, it doesn't work for you.


Everyone but you could see that in the original reply... think about that...


You've got that totally reversed. You don't like it. I don't care.


Whatever gets you through the nite Binkie.


I'm done with this, I know your inner "Internet Tough Guy" will prompt you to keep going until you are able to spew the last insult and claim some sort of pyrric victory, enjoy it.

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Just cutting to the core of your "Internet Tough Guy Facade" and pointing out that while there is a "Warrior" in your household, it certainly isn't you.

I had no idea that the requirement for "warrior" went through you.


Thanks for "denegrating" my service. I'm sure it wasn't nearly as "warrior" like as yours. :P

Good then I'll let you know when what you "Care About" makes any difference to me.



That was in reference to your lame-ass line about delivering the smack-down to Wacka and RK, which is about equal to FAUX & Sean Hannity giving Alan Combes separate but equal billing in an attempt to disguise the show's bias. It didn't work for them, it doesn't work for you.

In your opinion. Which I don't care about. Now toss out another "right wing circle jerk" while contributing absolutely nothing to any conversation and pretending everyone else is at fault. Oh, the victim that you are.

Everyone but you could see that in the original reply... think about that...

First you get to define warrior, now you get to speak for everyone. You're awesome.

Whatever gets you through the nite Binkie.

Yeah, that's exactly the thing.

I'm done with this, I know your inner "Internet Tough Guy" will prompt you to keep going until you are able to spew the last insult and claim some sort of pyrric victory, enjoy it.

I certainly hate to disappoint, though I'm quite sure I don't need your permission. Your "I'm done with this" is pretty typical of your run and hide technique, so it was anticipated. You've been looking for a way out since the beginning.


Thanks though for spending all this time pretending you're somehow different than the things you're accusing me of being - mostly because I hurt your little feelings by proxy. Everyone else is the hypocrite. Your condescension is noted.

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I suppose you were expecting another Obama speech?


Conservatives and religious leaders rewrite text books in Texas.


All the right-wingers with their panties in a wad over Obama speaking to school kids have no issue whatsoever taking the word "Democracy" out of descriptions of of our government or pimping Creationism.






Where's the outrage?

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Read that article and point out the parts that are outrageous.

What is outrageous is bureaucrats deciding what is true. Not scientists, historians, educators, etc....bureaucrats. People who decide everything on dogma. This isn't friggin' North Korea. You want to raise a whole generation if imbeciles in Texas? Like this country isn't falling behind the rest of the world fast enough. But I guess conservatives can't risk having kids become critical thinkers. After all where will the next generation of mouth-breathing Hannity and Beck watchers come from? You know, the kind of people who respond to an attack on the USA by invading some country that had nothing to do with it.


Where is the outrage, indeed!



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What is outrageous is bureaucrats deciding what is true. Not scientists, historians, educators, etc....bureaucrats. People who decide everything on dogma. This isn't friggin' North Korea. You want to raise a whole generation if imbeciles in Texas? Like this country isn't falling behind the rest of the world fast enough. But I guess conservatives can't risk having kids become critical thinkers. After all where will the next generation of mouth-breathing Hannity and Beck watchers come from? You know, the kind of people who respond to an attack on the USA by invading some country that had nothing to do with it.


Where is the outrage, indeed!




That's a wonderfully broad assertion and I ask again: Read that article and please let me know what is so outrageous about what they did. You must have a lot of examples to be this worked up.

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What is outrageous is bureaucrats deciding what is true. Not scientists, historians, educators, etc....bureaucrats. People who decide everything on dogma. This isn't friggin' North Korea. You want to raise a whole generation if imbeciles in Texas? Like this country isn't falling behind the rest of the world fast enough. But I guess conservatives can't risk having kids become critical thinkers. After all where will the next generation of mouth-breathing Hannity and Beck watchers come from? You know, the kind of people who respond to an attack on the USA by invading some country that had nothing to do with it.


Where is the outrage, indeed!




So how do you really feel about the Department of Education?

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