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They just Railed Us on NFL Network (LINK)

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I was trying to figure out where they got their stats from. They showed Fitz with 8 TDs and 8 picks. NFL.com shows him at 9 TDs and 10 picks. Remember these are the same guys who were calling Fitzpatrick Fitzgerald all day one Sunday after he took over as the starter.


I don't mind them telling the truth. But I do think it kindof sucks that they laugh and joke about it.


But really, who cares what these schmucks say. We'll see what happens when we line up in September.

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I was trying to figure out where they got their stats from. They showed Fitz with 8 TDs and 8 picks. NFL.com shows him at 9 TDs and 10 picks. Remember these are the same guys who were calling Fitzpatrick Fitzgerald all day one Sunday after he took over as the starter.


I don't mind them telling the truth. But I do think it kindof sucks that they laugh and joke about it.


But really, who cares what these schmucks say. We'll see what happens when we line up in September.


Yeah. What really makes me sad an pisses off the hell outta me is the smirk on all their face as soon as our name is mentioned. It hurts as if I feel there talking about me. The worst part is I would never let anyone talk crap behind my back without being able to control it. Unfortunately its the Bills and I cannot control them. I just hope things get better. I really do. I have watched every snap of every pre-season and regular season game for the last 15 years. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Theres got to be. Its been too long guys we deserve it!


Comon BILLS.

Please get back to making us fans Proud


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God look what these buttheads just did to us.





All seems reasonable.


"I don't like their chances in the AFC East for a while to come." Yup, we're rebuilding. I don't either.


"They've got a lot to prove ... I think they're in bad shape." Yeah, that's right.


"They don't have a quarterback, they don't have an offensive line, they've got issues on defense ..." Unh hunh.


"They can't get it wrong in the draft anymore, that's for sure." Right on.


They nailed it. We might not like to hear it, but there's nothing here that we didn't all already know, except for the very few folks here who drink Kool-Aid while wearing rose-colored glasses and reading "Thomas the Tank-Engine." We're rebuilding, and we have too many issues to turn it around in one year.

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Everything they said was true. The simple truth is an ugly truth. The Bills have been bad for four decades out of five. The one decade in which they had success the owner fired the architect of that team, Bill Polian. Besides the Raiders, the Bills are the most ridiculed team in the NFl. Until there is new ownership the situation won't appreciably change.




Go do your homework. You obviously know nothing of Bills history.

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Last year we had the head coaching staff equivalent of a cage full of monkeys. If it weren't for an idiotic fumble late in the opener against New England we would have split with every team in the AFC east. INCLUDING the team that every fell on their knees for, the NY Jets. AND had a turnstile OL and enough guys on IR to fill a bus.




"If it weren't for an idiotic fumble late in the opener against New England we would have split with every team in the AFC east" you say? Nope. If it weren't for that fumble we would have been IN POSITION to split with the Pats*. But we would most likely have found a way to lose. That's what losing teams do.

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The only part I disagree with is the part about losing a lot of good coaches. Wha?




Fewell. April. Kugler. Those are three terrific coaches. It's not a mistake that Fewell got hired by the Giants, April by the Eagles, and Kugler by the Steelers, all much better organizations than the Bills, and all are coaching the same positions they did with the Bills.


Considering all the college coaches Gailey brought in, the Bills lost three terrific guys and replaced them with guys with a lot less experience, DeHaven excepted.

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There's nothing that was said that was wrong.


This team is in a bad, bad way. Even if they hit on every pick in the draft this year, they will STILL be a year or two away from really competing.


Look at what they have to overcome:


-- New schemes on BOTH sides of the ball

-- No starting QB on the roster

-- No starting LT/RT on the roster

-- No starting NT on the roster

-- The weakest LB corps in the NFL

-- Question marks at the number 2, 3 and 4 WR spots.


That's just too many holes to fill in one off season. It might be too many to fill in two.


I hate to be Johnny Raincloud, but this is going to be a learning year. They will play hard. They will win some games they're not supposed to. But this looks like a 5 win season. Couple breaks they could squeeze out 6 or 7. Then again, they could just as easily go 2-14.


It's no wonder they were all laughing at the Buffalo Bills...


To add the new GM just hired a head coach that was fired from a job as an OC, from a team that is struggling to win just like the Bills. Then the new HC hires a bunch of college coaches for his assistants.


To top it off, Gailey will try and implement the 3-4 with Tampa 2 players and change the offense to his "pistol".


5-11 or 2-14... yea somewhere around there, just keeping it real

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What was it exactly that you took umbrage with? What I heard was we have no QB, we have no line, we have no money, Lynch has been a disappointment and might get traded, Chan Gailey has a lot to prove. New England, Miami and the Jets are better, better run, and have more money to get better. Thus, the talking heads have a hard time seeing us being successful in the short term. Yeah? And? I hear this stuff every day around here and I agree with most of it.

If what you posted is what was said at NFL Network, why is this post even in existence? There is nothing in what you have said that anyone with even a trickle of common sense or football knowledge can even attempt to argue. Those things are true and it isn't even close.

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What was it exactly that you took umbrage with? What I heard was we have no QB, we have no line, we have no money, Lynch has been a disappointment and might get traded, Chan Gailey has a lot to prove. New England, Miami and the Jets are better, better run, and have more money to get better. Thus, the talking heads have a hard time seeing us being successful in the short term. Yeah? And? I hear this stuff every day around here and I agree with most of it.

I couldn't have said it any better. You are right on. This team is in a deep hole and it will takes years to get out of it, assuming that we make the right moves; which is problematic given the track record of this team over the past 10 years. It's really bad right now. I don't know how you can take issue with what was said. It's the truth.....and the truth hurts!!!

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Probably more correct to say that they replaced some young coaches that they spent the last 4 years training on the job. They retained Catavolos, DeHaven is a solid ST coach in his own right, they kept Bob Sanders. George Edwards has experience. George Cortez has tons more experience in coaching than Alex Van Pelt. In fact, getting experienced coaches out of the college ranks may be a rather wise decision at this point, since this will be a major rebuilding project from the dirt up.



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They are right. Why get upset? The Bills should get ripped everywhere. Ralph promised a ton of change and big spending. We got the change part. Not necessarily for the better as of now. I seriously hope they go 0-16. Save all the insults. Been a fan for 34 years. Not changing. Just saying, they are going to be worse than last year, might as well lose big. I want the QB out of Washington- Jake Locker in 2011. He will be the 1st overall pick. Lock it up. Get it? Morons will probably go and draft Tebow at #9 this year though. That would be really dumb. Go with a stop gap QB this year. Trade Lynch and Whitner. Get about 10 draft picks. Forget free agents. Cornell signing was a waste of money. Fact of the matter is they they should be planning for 2012. This season is already a washout.


Short Bills history lesson: they were good in 63, 64, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99. That's 20 out of 50 years. It is irrelevant to the future.

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