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Dilema in San Diego....


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All that money on the BENCH and NO playing time!! Man gotta be a tough situation over there!! Bree is a free agent next year, but they are SECOND in the league in scoring, HOW do you let Brees go? And what will he command for salary?? Hind site is 20/20, but what if they got Roy Williams instead of the headache of Rivers? Then sign Brees to an extension and this would have been a team with play-off potential! Think WE have a tough situation, Slow here at the Fire Station today (thanksgiving none-the-less!!!!)

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Franchise Brees, trade him for the highest 1st round pick you can get.  No way they look stupid and not start Rivers next year.


Yeah, much smarter to trade away the good (now veteran) NFL QB and turn over a playoff team to an unproven rookie. That'll ensure the locker room is stable.

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Yeah, much smarter to trade away the good (now veteran) NFL QB and turn over a playoff team to an unproven rookie.  That'll ensure the locker room is stable.



Actually, that is probably their only choice. If they trade Rivers, they will have to eat his entire bonus. I dont know how much it is, but one would assume at least 10 million (cap ) dollars. Who knows if they have other dead cap space?

Look at the Bengals. Kitna had a good season only to be benched for a rookie because he was a #1 pick. The larger the bonus, the more difficult to impossible it becomes to trade or cut a player, let alone pay a ufa to play his position.

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Yeah, much smarter to trade away the good (now veteran) NFL QB and turn over a playoff team to an unproven rookie.  That'll ensure the locker room is stable.


Didnt say it was the best thing to do for them, just said it was what they were going to do. What choice do they have? Trade Rivers? Sadly, they have to stick with the guy they drafted for the "future" last year and get another pick out of Drew Brees.

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Yeah, much smarter to trade away the good (now veteran) NFL QB and turn over a playoff team to an unproven rookie.  That'll ensure the locker room is stable.



I agree, look how its turned out for cincy... :w00t:

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The Chargers will be in a bind. Since Brees is scheduled to become an UFA next year, their only real way of keeping him is making him a FP. The problem with that is it will cost upwards of $8M to keep him for a year. And then when it comes time to shop him for a pick, he'll likely demand that as his average salary, along with a gigantic signing bonus. You think any team will pony that up for a 1-year wonder, plus a 1st rounder? I don't but I guess it's possible.

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Franchise Brees, trade him for the highest 1st round pick you can get.  No way they look stupid and not start Rivers next year.



That's exactly right. But they also don't have to trade Brees. They could give Rivers another year to develop.

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Brees got screwed hard the year before with Shottenheimer yanking him around and going between him and Flutie to save his own behind. Really hurt his development. It's only fitting that he's blowing up this year and I'll get to enjoy him with the Cards next year.

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All that money on the BENCH and NO playing time!! Man gotta be a tough situation over there!! Bree is a free agent next year, but they are SECOND in the league in scoring, HOW do you let Brees go? And what will he command for salary?? Hind site is 20/20, but what if they got Roy Williams instead of the headache of Rivers? Then sign Brees to an extension and this would have been a team with play-off potential! Think WE have a tough situation, Slow here at the Fire Station today (thanksgiving none-the-less!!!!)


Rivers shouldn't have held out. He may have ended up starting early.

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This a good example of why teams should not ivest their salary cap limited money in a first round selected QB. The accepted thinking in the league (both unfortunately and fortunately) is that if you have two starting QBs you do not have a starting QB. The way these players are developed and the premium salary they command simply makes them a real tough investment to make.


It might be different if these 1st round QB choices actually produced SB wins or even SB berths from drafting them. However, the facts are simply the facts. The last QB selected in the 1st round who delivered an SB win for the team which chose him was Dallas in 1989 who rode Aikman (and Irvin, and Emmitt Smith and Deion Sanders and a host of back-ups gifted to them by MN for another 1st round overreach( to an SB win. In fact, the last 1st round QB pick to even lead his team to an SB berth was McNair back in 1999 for TN.


As ga-ga as anyone wants to get over 1st round QB selections in the draft I challenge anyone to point to even one example more recent than this retired example of Aikman of a 1st round pick delivering an SB win to the team which picked him.


I know I am repetitive in this rant, but the facts remain uncontroverted and there are an even more repetitive wails from Bills fans that advocate draft Harrington or start JP now when there is simply little or no recent record of this method producing an SB win or berth.


Posters instead somewhat feebly try to rebut the facts of 1st rpund QB delivery for the team which drafted them by pointing to former 1st round or highly drafted QBs who did win SBs, However, this argument misses the point which is do not draft a QB in the first round if you want to win. In fact, 1st round talent QBs like Dilfer or John Elway or reject QBs capable of winningthe SB like Brad Johnson, Brett Favre or Steve Young can be had on the market through trade. These trades are all the more important now under the cap as it allows a team to acquire a 1st round level talent who has been run out of his draft town and saddle the team that drafted him with his bonus while you manage the cap and build a winner. The Elway example and others are reasons why you do not draft a QB in the first.


Look, the cadillac of QBs in this league is Peyton Manning, but yet just until last season he had delivered exactly the same number of playoff wins for the team that drafted him as bust Ryan Leaf had for SD which was none.


The key Peyton number is not 41 and counting (the phenomenal number of TD passes has so far this year a he chases fellow non SB-winner Dan Marino's record). The key number for him is 2 and couting which is the number of playoff wins he has delivered for his team in his 7 years. He is a great QB with a pathetic record in the main number which counts for something in this league.


Its funny but I finally expected last year to FINALLY be the one where the sorry record of highly touted QBs would be broken as 1st round selectees Manning or McNabb would deliver at least an SB berth or likely a win for the team which drafted them. Instead, they both failed (AGAIN) to secure even an SB berth and if they pull it off this year (which thanks to the aid of Terrell Owens, Edgerrin James and Marvin Harrison it looks like they might) it will actually be the exception in the last 15 years or 20+ years since the vaunted QB draft of 1983, that proves the rules that drafting a QB in the first is almost certainly a fool's gold approach.


The Losman pick may work for us if we develop him with the same care and conservatism which allowed us to develop the unique pick of McGahee. Yet, there are loud advocates on TSW that we instead use the Todd Collins development program of rushing JP to start before he is ready.


RoboQB looks great right now for Pitts, and maybe he will be the exception that proves the rule (though past experience says he will not). Once again it appears that folks are going to be fooled into the same type of thinking which caused us to overinvest in the shared QBs Flutie/RJ.

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Rivers does not fit into the San Diego type of offense. For those who watched him in college, he performs his best in the shotgun airing the ball out. He would be a great fit in St Louis. I think Rivers has some trade value and they could get a 1st rounder for him. Two teams that are looking for a QB are Dallas (who we all know has two number 1 picks) and San Francisco.

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