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Franchise QB is the only thing....

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People tend to see things as mutually exclusive, black or white, this or that. Both the QB and the lines need upgrading. Doing either/or would most likely help this team. What I want to see is a commitment to doing it right. IF Nix and Gailey think either Bradford or Clausen is the answer (or whomever, for that matter), then I want them to do what it takes to get him. If not, then I want them to do what it takes to fix the lines. I'm tired of grabbing the also rans and expecting miracles. For example, the belief is that we wanted Big Ben, and instead of doing what it took to get him, we rolled the dice that he would fall to us, he went to Pittsburgh, and we reached for JP. This is the S*&T I'm sick of. Identify who you want and get him. Stop shopping in the clearance section. If they are wrong in their assessment, at least they had the stones to go with it, and can say they did what it took to try to make it happen. Am I saying that that player is available? No, but my opinion isn't the one that matters.


Agree with all of this.

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We all agree... a franchise QB is the only thing that will turn this team around.


We're not stupid... we all know that!


However, "BUFFALO, WE HAVE A PROBLEM". There are no freakin franchise QBs in this draft!


The last time we drafted a QB in round one or two, they sucked! Kelly was the only QB the Bills drafted #1 that was worth it, and he had two years to tear it up in another pro league before coming on board.


Bills are best jjust going with young players and sucking for the next year or two and hope they land a top 7 pick in 2011 or 2012 and getting a shot at a good young franchise QB.

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I think my point is being misconstrued and exagerated oout into somethingits not.


1. DO I believe we need a Franchise QB? YES I DO

2. DO I feel we need to waste a draft pick on it in the first three rounds of this years draft? NO I DONT

3. DO I feel that Chan gailey can make any QB on our roster now effective enough to win consistently this season? YES I DO

4. DO I Feel there are more pressing needs on this roster then a QB? YES I DO

5. DO I think IF Trent or others fail this year we should go after a QB next season? YES I DO

6. DO I feel that the top 2 QB prospects will turn into a frchise QB for any tem in the futere? NO I DONT.


QBS are a crap shoot. Trent is perfectly capable of running this offense. You will see Chan work his magic with him and that gives Brohm a year under his sytem as well to see if he will be worht anything. im supporting TE and I am not a fan of him. But understanding what Chan is capable of if anyone can maximize his potential Chan gaily can.


So to recap YES we need a franchise QB do we need to draft one on the first day no we dont. DO i still think theres aachacne that Edwards could be well he has the same chance as any other unproven rookie QB doesnt he?


Harrumph. Harrumph. Harrumph..

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I think my point is being misconstrued and exagerated oout into somethingits not.


1. DO I believe we need a Franchise QB? YES I DO

2. DO I feel we need to waste a draft pick on it in the first three rounds of this years draft? NO I DONT

3. DO I feel that Chan gailey can make any QB on our roster now effective enough to win consistently this season? YES I DO

4. DO I Feel there are more pressing needs on this roster then a QB? YES I DO

5. DO I think IF Trent or others fail this year we should go after a QB next season? YES I DO

6. DO I feel that the top 2 QB prospects will turn into a frchise QB for any tem in the futere? NO I DONT.


QBS are a crap shoot. Trent is perfectly capable of running this offense. You will see Chan work his magic with him and that gives Brohm a year under his sytem as well to see if he will be worht anything. im supporting TE and I am not a fan of him. But understanding what Chan is capable of if anyone can maximize his potential Chan gaily can.


So to recap YES we need a franchise QB do we need to draft one on the first day no we dont. DO i still think theres aachacne that Edwards could be well he has the same chance as any other unproven rookie QB doesnt he?

Well stated. It sums up my own feelings about the available QBs this year, and the real needs the Bills have to address right now. Even if Clausen or Bradford were universally accepted by all the scouts and pundits as "can't miss franchise QBs," -- which I don't believe they are by a mile -- their chances for success behind the O-line as it stands today would be somewhere between astronomical and impossible.


Add in the TE situation where Nelson (if he stays healthy) is essentially a rookie, a running game that is one injury to Fred Jackson away from non-existent, to a WR corps that is nothing more than the under-achieving Evans and a couple of guys with extremely limited experience, a defense that is undergoing a change-over (and short a proper NT) with a so-so linebacking corps and a secondary built for the Tampa Two, and what you're basically doing is guaranteeing your supposedly "game-changer QB" will become another gunshy, babbling, run-for-your-life mess.


Yes, the Bills need a "franchise QB." But this year isn't the year for one (and, realistically, none are available anyway). The Bills must pick players who can contribute RIGHT NOW, not in two or three years. And that means O and D linemen, WRs, another RB, linebackers, and, in my opinion, even a stouter secondary. Realistically, they can only address some of these needs this year, so they must make do with what they have for now.

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We all agree... a franchise QB is the only thing that will turn this team around.


We're not stupid... we all know that!


However, "BUFFALO, WE HAVE A PROBLEM". There are no freakin franchise QBs in this draft!


The last time we drafted a QB in round one or two, they sucked! Kelly was the only QB the Bills drafted #1 that was worth it, and he had two years to tear it up in another pro league before coming on board.


Bills are best jjust going with young players and sucking for the next year or two and hope they land a top 7 pick in 2011 or 2012 and getting a shot at a good young franchise QB.



A bunch of people like to think the Bills are the worst organization in sports. They are not. The problem is they are good enough never to hit rock bottom. The one time they did was when they went 3-13 in 2001 and had the #4 overall pick. They draft Mike Williams and we all know how that turned out. If instead they go 3-13 in 2003, they get to choose between Phillip Rivers and Big Ben. Even this year, they would have a shot at Big Ben but this draft is one of the worst QBs drafts in a long time.


Timing is everything.

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The bottom line is there are many different ways that we can go about building an offense and a winning team in the future. No matter what you have to roll the dice and hope things work out. Different possibilities...


1. draft a QB in the first round and grab a lineman with a high pick or a quality free agent. (win in 2 or 3 years)


2. find a way to get Mcnab and draft a lineman or a quality free agent. (immediately start winning)


3. take a chance on D. Anderson and get some lineman through the draft or free agency. (not what I would do)


4. get Vick and get some lineman through the draft or free agency. (not what I would do)


5. allow Edwards another chance to succeed under a new regime and draft or get lineman through free agency.


6. I'm sure we can all come up with a million other scenarios like picking up Tebow or one of the other QB's in the third or 4th round. etc...


I'm not sure of the right way to go about this but I'm sure hoping Chan Gailey and the front office make the right decisions. We need better O-line and QB-play or we'll be 7-9 again. I do think that a quality QB can get away with an average line and make them look better; but it would need to be a veteran QB. If you have a rookie in there or a guy like Edwards you need a stud O-line.

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A bunch of people like to think the Bills are the worst organization in sports. They are not. The problem is they are good enough never to hit rock bottom. The one time they did was when they went 3-13 in 2001 and had the #4 overall pick. They draft Mike Williams and we all know how that turned out. If instead they go 3-13 in 2003, they get to choose between Phillip Rivers and Big Ben. Even this year, they would have a shot at Big Ben but this draft is one of the worst QBs drafts in a long time.


Timing is everything.


The point is, they were involved in the 2003 draft, just like every other team. Players can be had, and teams that are well run prove that all of the time. If they wanted Rivers, or Manning, or Roethlisberger bad enough, and they BELIEVED that they would be the franchise, they could have put a deal together to acquire the pick. We missed out on Big Ben by what, 1 or 2 picks. What would it have taken to get him? Evaluation of talent is one thing, having the courage of conviction to get the targeted player is what has been lacking in this organization. I hope that has changed. Again, I'm not saying THE Qb is in this draft, but THE somebody is, whether NT, LT, or whatever. I want this FO to shape this team instead of fate.

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I've made this observation before, but I don't know how to reference it so I'll say it again. Denver had a decent team when they traded Cutler to Chicago. Chicago's team was crap. When they swapped QB's the talking heads all said that Denver will suffer and Chicago will return to the playoffs, because Cutler was so much better than Orton. The results weren't as planned.

Another case where the team makes the QB...Brady goes down and Castle still gets them to the playoffs. How's Castle doing now in KC?

My point is you just can't say a QB can fix it all. He can't! Football is the ultimate team sport.

All that being said if we draft a QB (Clausen or Bradford) in the first round I will not be upset. Just as I wouldn't be upset with drafting a LT, LB, NT because they are all positions we need to upgrade.

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We need a franchise QB to lead this team. I know that's an obvious statement, but here's my take. Anything else in my opinion isn't worth draft picks at all, especially before round 5. We are one of the many teams in the NFL that need to keep trying to find that guy, and never settle. Even if its painful we need to just recognize when a player isn't going to be that guy and move on quicker. We just haven't been lucky enough to land that guy.


Why even think about guys like Jackson, Campbell, Orton, Pennington, etc? The only reason to go after these types are to claw your way to 9 wins to just be respectable.


It just seems like the Bills haven't been focused on this obvious goal enough. I hope the new regime spends the necessary time needed to solve this problem. I would support them on any bold move they would make. If they evaluate Bradford has a franchise QB, then give up what ever it takes including 2 first round picks. What QB in the first list below would you not give that up for (except Favre of course)?


When you have a franchise QB all the glaring holes mysteriously get smaller. San Diego lost some RB's, but it doesn't matter they will win with Rivers.


Put any of these QB's on the Bills roster and we are a dangerous playoff team:










I think we make the playoff's with these guys:










Let's draft 11 franchise QBs and win the Super Bowl!



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I am not saying that ALL the other players are irrelevant to winning. I'm simply saying the Bills are talented, and our QB play doesn't allow that to manifest. Matt Ryan turns Lee Evans into Roddy White.

I get that, but we absolutely have to solidify our LT spot at some point, preferably ASAP. We can't get a new QB without shoring up the position that was arguably our biggest weakness in previous seasons.

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