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Yeah, right. Cortez? A guy that wasn't even coaching American football.


But he did coach AMERICAN QBs.


I hear you, though. I can't think of a single Canadian Football League QB coming to the NFL and having success.


Somewhere, Joe Kapp weeps.



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By the time Chan & Co. are through, we will be referring to the Jauron era as "the good old days". What a disgrace this coaching staff is. Anyone that's guzzling the kool aid is beyond help. On the bright side, our first round draft position will only get better!

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Couldn't disagree with you more. I think Chan's put together a nice staff. I also think Nix is doing a great job, Doug Whaley was a very nice signing and a great succession plan. Ladies and Gentleman things are coming together nicely in Buffalo.




Now, the proof will truly be in the pudding, but Pittsburgh is not an economic metropolis the last time I checked. Yet they continuously have drafted superbly for atleast the past 10 seasons.


I don't pretend to know how much of that Whaley was a part of, but to take from the Steelers and their success is not a bad thing, IMO.


And it's exactly what I said they needed to do to regain their prominence.


Back when the Bills were in the Super Bowls, they had 4 GM's either working or in the wings in Polian, Butler, Nix, and Smith. The front office was full of talented football men. One only need look at San Diego and Indianapolis to understand how great these men were to the Bills.


I stated a while back before the Nix hire that the Bills need to stock the front office full of future GM's. Whaley seems to be a nice addition.

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Typical Ralph Wilson hires. Guys who are in over their heads, wouldn't hold their current position with any other NFL team, and most importantly, are inexpensive.


I'll give you a free pass because we all have suffered with a decade of mediocrity from Ralph and the former souls that haunted OBD since the Super Bowl Bills all left, retired, or moved to Indy and San Diego.


Let's see what this season brings before jumping to conclusions.


They haven't even drafted yet.

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I'll give you a free pass because we all have suffered with a decade of mediocrity from Ralph and the former souls that haunted OBD since the Super Bowl Bills all left, retired, or moved to Indy and San Diego.


Let's see what this season brings before jumping to conclusions.


They haven't even drafted yet.


I can see this train wreck from here. No need to wait for anything. How many times do you need to be smacked in the head before you think about ducking?

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Looking at our now complete coaching staff, I would have to say that Coach Gailey has put together one of the truly outstanding staffs in all of college football.

We should be serious contenders in the ACC West next year.



One word to describe our coaching staff: scrubs.

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Looking at our now complete coaching staff, I would have to say that Coach Gailey has put together one of the truly outstanding staffs in all of college football.

We should be serious contenders in the ACC West next year.


Very nice...lol

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But he did coach AMERICAN QBs.


I hear you, though. I can't think of a single Canadian Football League QB coming to the NFL and having success.


Somewhere, Joe Kapp weeps.



Did you ever hear of a QB named Warren Moon? Started his career with the Edmonton Eskimos. And there was this little guy named Flutie who was the best QB we had since Jimbo. Played for the Calgary Stampeders for a whole lot of years.

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Why start complaining about the coaching staff before they even play a game, just waste of time IMO.


Lets see who the Bills draft and how they set up an offense before jumping to conclusions.


I've read that Gailey wants to bring in Thigpin and run high powered passing offense...which seems kind of foolish considering how much time it usually takes to install any new passing offense.

You know, kinda the same way Jauron told the world the Bills would run the no huddle, then fell on their face.


Then I've also read that new GM Nix wants Gailey to build a power running game first and then work up the passing game. Guess we will see what happens by September.

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all of you negative, narrow-minded thinkers are just too pathetic for words.


you all wanted change - blow it up is what i read a lot of - well they did


you wanted a fresh look with mostly new faces to get new ideas and a tough attitude - well they did


you wanted a 3-4 defense - well now you have it


the coaching staff is good - all teachers - all of a tough smash mouth mold


the mind set of "just because they didn't pick the guy you wanted - then anybody they did pick can't be any good" reminds me of the little girl who threw a hissy fit over the fact that her tutu wan't pink enough - grow up please


it is annoying to most of the readership - oops overstepped my boundaries that's the admin guys line - hehehehehehe


i know that buddy nix is a footbal guy and a respected one at that


i know that coach gailey will put forth a better product on the field than we have seen in a decade - and his staff will be a large part of that success


and hopefully, if we can get a few good fa's and have a good draft - we just might see a dramatic change in 2010


just have a little faith - and for goodness sakes - stop whinning like little girls

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Did you ever hear of a QB named Warren Moon? Started his career with the Edmonton Eskimos. And there was this little guy named Flutie who was the best QB we had since Jimbo. Played for the Calgary Stampeders for a whole lot of years.


I thought I toggled the "sarcasm" button to the "on" position. Guess my Joe Kapp reference didn't register. Must be getting old.



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It'll be a miracle for a team needing players to fit a new defense and a new QB to go anything better than 6-10 in 2010. Keep in mind who else is in the division.

I hear you, but a team with NO plan on offense and 22 players on IR went 6-10 in that same division this year -- and in all but two of those losses (80%) they were leading, tied, or within one score in the 4th quarter.


Folks, it's not as "hard to win" in this league as Dick Jauron would have you believe. A couple of plays (and players), and competent coaching, can make the difference.


It would APPEAR the competent coaching may have arrived. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a little optimistic.

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But he did coach AMERICAN QBs.


I hear you, though. I can't think of a single Canadian Football League QB coming to the NFL and having success.


Somewhere, Joe Kapp weeps.




Doug Flutie, Warren Moon, Jeff Garcia, etc.

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