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Checkout Brett Favres bad ankle and hamstring

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Not taking away from his performance but I guessing he got a few shots for the pain. I remember when Kelly separated his shoulder against Pit in the playoffs. Got a shot and came back in. He later said no way he could have played the following week if the Bills had won.

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Not taking away from his performance but I guessing he got a few shots for the pain. I remember when Kelly separated his shoulder against Pit in the playoffs. Got a shot and came back in. He later said no way he could have played the following week if the Bills had won.


He didn't get any shots. They showed him on the sidelines getting re wrapped right there in the open. Then he went back out and played. No shots for the Favre man.

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When I was playing football I had ankles sprained and swollen that badly SEVERAL times. Only once did I break an ankle though...

Same here. Actually I've had ankle sprains so bad that the black and blue went all around the foot and up the calve. I sprained my ankle in the military first and it has never been the same. They had to cut the boot off, to look at it. I don't play basketball anymore and i don't feel comfortable dropping down from a certain height. The ankle is full of scar tissue and has zero mobility.


In short severe ankle sprains are the worst.

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The guys played how many straight games? I certainly don't question his heart. But for those in shock, let me say, how do you think most players look after these games? I remember in just high school my hand sandwiched between two helmets, swelling like something out of a science fiction. Not broke, so I played. I had a teacher ask me if I was having problems a home because my forearms were constantly black, swollen, and lumpy. These guys might pop right up after a big hit but we usually never see the damage it leaves behind. At that level it has to be very severe, and if it ain't broke, most players will play threw it. I really can't imagine what these guys body's look like after a games over.

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I hate to say it, but the worst part about those photos is that my right ankle looks exactly like that right now. (I wiped out on my dirtbike last week.) My left knee looks just as bad!

As a fellow 40 year old, I can tell you... things sure heal up a lot slower than they did back in the day.

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