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Uniform Design

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How about the throwbacks? Almost everyone likes them. They look good. Everytime the Bills are on TV with them, the announcers think they look good. The players like them better. They signify a cool era of Buffalo football.


Problem solved, now move on to the O-line!


Why not just do what makes sense for once, and switch? Oh wait, cuz we're the Bills. I almost forgot there for a second.





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Agreed on the Throwbacks. Those are real football uniforms, not the kindergarten designed current version with 6 shades of blue. What color blind administrator decided they looked good in the first place? The standing red buffalo, white helmet, white pants, royal blue throwback jersey. No one complains about the Colts, Bears, Packers, 49ers, Giants or Jets uniforms, and they're all pretty much original versions that have been in use going on 50 years in most cases. They're traditional, they're not too busy looking, and they look great.




Yes, throwbacks baby! All the way except I do like the white helmets with the running Buffalo, red stripe, and white face masks instead of blue. Clean and simple.


Just like the idea of the Buffalo moving rather than standing there making a pile of Buffalo chips... :thumbsup:

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Agreed on the Throwbacks. Those are real football uniforms, not the kindergarten designed current version with 6 shades of blue. What color blind administrator decided they looked good in the first place? The standing red buffalo, white helmet, white pants, royal blue throwback jersey. No one complains about the Colts, Bears, Packers, 49ers, Giants or Jets uniforms, and they're all pretty much original versions that have been in use going on 50 years in most cases. They're traditional, they're not too busy looking, and they look great.




Too many marketing yahoos opt for what kids in the 'hood might buy, rather than respect for tradition. Whole marketing schemes are directed at 13 year-old boys. Look at the Saints' Championship hats: no one over the age of 25 would wear that abortion in public. But a plain black hat with a gold fleur-de-lis? Classic.


Professional teams also like change for change's sale. Think of the Sabres' switch to Black and Red when the Rigases took over. All those fans in Cheektowaga had to put away their SabreJaks and buy new stuff. That put money right into the Rigases hands, even though the Blue and Gold had a winning and storied history.


Nothing beats the throwback uniforms. Whatever Joe D. wore pulling around the end in the Rockpile is what we should wear today. A team's uniform is its identity. Winners do not screw around with tradition. They were the same clothers their fathers wore. They worry about how to get the job done, not what they look like on HD.


Yankees, Red Sox, Steelers, Colts, Packers, Penn State, Alabama, etc., all win with uniforms that haven't changed in years. Change is for losers and expansion teams.

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Respect your opinion but I despise current home unis... and I think I am not alone. What you call blue I call blue-black. That's not blue. And virtually "all black" looks absolutely ridiculous (my opinion). The Bills had one of the most classic-looking uniforms in the 60's. Why they did these changes over the years to end up with the hideous current ones is beyond me. The Jets realized their lunacy long ago and went back to the classic 60's jerseys. As with everything else, it seems to take the Bills a while to catch on.


Its a dark blue no doubt about that but I like it. For the away Uni's I like to go throwback white full time. I felt like the 1990's uni's looked dated around the time they changed. I like the all dark blue Uni's the pants are simple and the jerseys look nice (Once again my opinion). I hate when they have white pants with the dark shirts it looked like a cluster!@#$. I feel that with matching pants on the home uni's it looked more ordered.

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If they don't go with the throwbacks full time then I wish they'd do a full overhaul: logo, colors, everything. Again, aside from the 60's throwbacks I actually wish we'd dump the red, white and blue. I guess I just think it's lame. I get the possible meanings behind the colors (ranging from Buffalo being an All-America city to being based on the former Buffalo All-Americans Football team), but the colors bore me. I have literally nothing to offer with new ideas or even colors, I just wanted to vent that.

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Going back to the royal blue. Modern but yet still simple (unlike the vikings). Red would just be an alternate. Helmets would be charging buffalo with white helmet and white facemasks, red stripe down the center. i would love to see something like this to start a new decade of football.


real life example would be Oklahoma State Uniform, just switch their orange to blue, black to red.


Buying sports car doesn't make you a race car driver.

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Having a design/illustration program on your computer doesn't make you a designer.

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No offense but....I'd be happy with the same uniforms, nobody bitched when we went to 4 Super Bowls !

u know what? i agree with you. i have heard so much trash talk of the current unis on this site....the jersey that i bought this year is bomb. love it.

the player...not too cool. yes, T.O.

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Going back to the royal blue. Modern but yet still simple (unlike the vikings). Red would just be an alternate. Helmets would be charging buffalo with white helmet and white facemasks, red stripe down the center. i would love to see something like this to start a new decade of football.


real life example would be Oklahoma State Uniform, just switch their orange to blue, black to red.

your design looks cool. however, i would prefer a winning season over what they wear.

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Throwback! Or SB era. Or Late 70s. Just get rid of the current abortions-that-should-have-been.


Sorry man, the best uni is the white throwback. I haven't bought any jersey (not counting throwbacks) since the Donahoe redesign and I wouldn't buy yours either.


Nothing personal, of course.

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