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Why is my wife so slow?


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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.

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Wow - sorry to hear, man.


Fighting back the urge to finish with a smart alek reply, so I'll simply say, Hang in there, man. At least Dick Jauron is gone.


Listen, this was a weak stab at humor. I WANT to hear smart ass sarcasm, it will help to keep my sanity. This **** really can't be real but unfortunately it is. One thing that's for sure, I like many from our region have the same mentality and that is what Tim Russert was proud of when he referred to how we as Bills' fans keep getting knocked down but we also keep getting back up.

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So wait....why is your wife slow again? :huh:


Seriously, sorry you're going through all that drama, man...who knows, walking out on a job you hate may end up being the best thing for you. Hang in there, my Bills Brotha!

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This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



You type well for a drunk person..... :huh:

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Let me take another tact, May God Bless you friend from now on! Don't let anyone steal your peace and joy, it isn't worth it.... forgive and forget! Oh, and look at your lovely wife once again as the love of your life, just as she was at the very beginning! Find peace brother, ask and it will be given. As for the job, God closes one door to have you enter through another.... bigger and better I would say, so have faith.

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Just don't end up a horrible human being like some other Bills fans.


So how close were you to your father-in-law? That completely sucks and I'm bummed for you and your wife.


Well, I tried to find humor and make light of it but about my father-in-law is truly sad and I'm not trying to find any humor in that. My father-in-law is one great guy and I love him very much. I owe that guy an awful lot and it's a debt that can never be repaid but he wasn't looking for any pay back anyways.

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Seriously, sorry you're going through all that drama, man...who knows, walking out on a job you hate may end up being the best thing for you. Hang in there, my Bills Brotha!


No it won't, it just makes him a douche for screwing his family who's already been through enough. Can't pay the bills already and you walk out on your source of income because you hate your job? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the hell over it, man up and go to work to make a living. You don't like your job, actively pursue another.


Nothing personal tipster, but it needs to be said. Ask yourself, WWBCD?

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So wait....why is your wife slow again? :huh:


Seriously, sorry you're going through all that drama, man...who knows, walking out on a job you hate may end up being the best thing for you. Hang in there, my Bills Brotha!

tipster i feel for ya man. big time. can u elaborate on speed of wifey? u trying to say she doesnt get it? like a little spaced out. most people get like that.

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No it won't, it just makes him a douche for screwing his family who's already been through enough. Can't pay the bills already and you walk out on your source of income because you hate your job? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the hell over it, man up and go to work to make a living. You don't like your job, actively pursue another.


Nothing personal tipster, but it needs to be said. Ask yourself, WWBCD?

Listen, don't be retarded. Car salesmen are a dime a dozen and I happen to be a pretty good one. As long as I can walk and talk then I can replace this bs job. I do respect your view on destituding my family but everyone has a boiling point and today I hit mine. Did you ever watch the moving "Falling Down"? I always thought there was an awful lot of truth in that movie.

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Let me take another tact, May God Bless you friend from now on! Don't let anyone steal your peace and joy, it isn't worth it.... forgive and forget! Oh, and look at your lovely wife once again as the love of your life, just as she was at the very beginning! Find peace brother, ask and it will be given. As for the job, God closes one door to have you enter through another.... bigger and better I would say, so have faith.

That's what i was going to point out too. Good luck and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Things can only get better.

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No it won't, it just makes him a douche for screwing his family who's already been through enough. Can't pay the bills already and you walk out on your source of income because you hate your job? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the hell over it, man up and go to work to make a living. You don't like your job, actively pursue another.


Nothing personal tipster, but it needs to be said. Ask yourself, WWBCD?

very sensitive. uncool.

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