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As a result of playoff loses this weekend,

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Of the eight teams playing this weekend, how many of them could get fired as a result of losing their first playoff game??


My take, the coaches of the following teams are safe regardless of what happens:






Green Bay


I think if Dallas loses Wade Phillips is likely gone


The one that could come as a surprise might be Philly.


Reid's been there for a number of years and overall has maybe .500% record in playoffs. There's speculation that if they lose their first playoff game, they may also want to get rid of McNabb, however it also sounds like Reid isn't to keen on that idea, so maybe you dump Reid just to start over with Kolb. Things may be gettign stale in the city of brotherly love.


The last one is New England. Win or lose I doubt BB would be fired, but wouldn't shock me to see him walk away either. He may be reaching burnout. I'm sure he realizes the team is in decline, so maybe decides it's a good time to step away while his legacy is still intact.


Will see what happens next week.

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Agreed. If the Cowboys lose, Wade is a goner. Jerry has had plenty of patience with him, as much patience as Jerry is capable of at least. Jerry has to be a little nervous seeing Shannahan in DC and I bet he is starting to consider what other options are out there.


Belichick will never get fired anytime soon or probably never. Kraft would look like an ungrateful idiot if he tried it.


Reid has survived and I think will make it through even with a Philly loss tomorrow.


Outside of Wade, I see everyone as being safe.

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Of the eight teams playing this weekend, how many of them could get fired as a result of losing their first playoff game??


My take, the coaches of the following teams are safe regardless of what happens:






Green Bay


I think if Dallas loses Wade Phillips is likely gone


The one that could come as a surprise might be Philly.


Reid's been there for a number of years and overall has maybe .500% record in playoffs. There's speculation that if they lose their first playoff game, they may also want to get rid of McNabb, however it also sounds like Reid isn't to keen on that idea, so maybe you dump Reid just to start over with Kolb. Things may be gettign stale in the city of brotherly love.


The last one is New England. Win or lose I doubt BB would be fired, but wouldn't shock me to see him walk away either. He may be reaching burnout. I'm sure he realizes the team is in decline, so maybe decides it's a good time to step away while his legacy is still intact.


Will see what happens next week.


Reid was given a 3 year extension last month. Phillips is the only coach in danger. Can't remember an off-season with less coaching changes? If Bills can't find a quality head coach now, they never will.

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Didn't realize Reid signed an extension that recently. In that case I agree he'll likely survive. I agree totally Kraft would never fire BB, but I still could see him resigning, where he just feels he's had enough. Will see, if not this year, one of these years may happen.


There's usually always one surprise every year, last year was Gruden.

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