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Jim Kelly for H.C anyone ?


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People really need to get over their mancrushes on Jim Kelly.

Man crush ? Hardly ! What is of the most importance to me is a new Head coach stalking the Bills sideline that has rage induced spit fits , a scowl that would scare a charging Rhino and a HC that the players will FEAR as well as RESPECT ! I am in the process of raising 6 beautiful children and the BIG difference from my generation which was great and this generation is FEAR ! Kids nowadays have very little FEAR of their parents let alone any other authority . I (in a great and healthy way) feared and respected my parents ! That is what i want our players to do ! After watching a man on the sidelines the last few years with the emotions of a dull rock i am ready for the fire and brimstone tactic !

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Is someone spinning a large wheel with random football/Bills related names on it and then posting (using multiple identities): "How about ____ as HC?"



No other way to explain why someone would want Jim Kelly as HC.

Instead of trying to flame someone for having a different opinion other then yours why dont you humor me with why you feel this is not a good idea . Then and only then will I even waste my time to peruse another one of you're posts ! It is easy to flame someone for not thinking the same as you, but i am a person that has always lived my life with spice, thinking "outside the box" ! Perhaps you should instead of always "running with the pack" !

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he wouldn't make a good coach because


1) he has no experience


and 2) He doesn't want to be a coach. Not only does he not want to be coach, but he feels VERY strongly about not wanting to be a coach.

You see in theory , quite a few of you wrong ! Jim ran the "K-Gun" and for the umpteenth time he called 90 % of the offensive plays with the exception of goal line and short yardage which Marv called ! So , in theory Jim has OC experience , more then some HC's a good group of you are pandering for . And as for he doesn't want to, anyone can change their mind at the drop of a hat . To boot, this whole topic was a hypothetical !!!!!!!!!!

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More positives then negatives for sure with this hire if it came to fruition . IMHO, the Bills could do much much worse which is probably where we as fans all are headed..= the much worse hire ! Just like to see some responses and why ..change it up a bit . :thumbsup:

Mr. Over40club, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Mr. Over40club, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Simply stated ..i have reported this infantile attack ! Keep up the good work and perhaps the "points" you tally up can sum up to a ban ! :thumbsup:

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Man crush ? Hardly ! What is of the most importance to me is a new Head coach stalking the Bills sideline that has rage induced spit fits , a scowl that would scare a charging Rhino and a HC that the players will FEAR as well as RESPECT ! I am in the process of raising 6 beautiful children and the BIG difference from my generation which was great and this generation is FEAR ! Kids nowadays have very little FEAR of their parents let alone any other authority . I (in a great and healthy way) feared and respected my parents ! That is what i want our players to do ! After watching a man on the sidelines the last few years with the emotions of a dull rock i am ready for the fire and brimstone tactic !


"Rage induced spit fits"???!!!??? Excuse me, but Carl Mauck is here and gone.


And the type of person you describe is not how Jim Kelly carries himself, anyway.

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You see in theory , quite a few of you wrong ! Jim ran the "K-Gun" and for the umpteenth time he called 90 % of the offensive plays with the exception of goal line and short yardage which Marv called ! So , in theory Jim has OC experience , more then some HC's a good group of you are pandering for . And as for he doesn't want to, anyone can change their mind at the drop of a hat . To boot, this whole topic was a hypothetical !!!!!!!!!!


I don't know if you know this, but a coach is more than just a playcaller. Coaches teach, come up with a gameplan, come up with plays, schemes, and everything else. Just because he ran the no huddle doesn't suggest a good coach. Kelly has said over and over that he does NOT want to coach. Can that change? sure. But he feels VERY strongly about it. This isn't something that he just slips when he is asked, he brings it up first that it isn't going to happen.


And yes, this was a hypothetical question, but it doesn't spark any good conversation. Kelly has been out of the game for over a decade (the game has changed a lot), he has no experience, and he doesn't even want it. No one is going to like the idea unless he comes back as a Quarterbacks coach. There are just so many better questions to ask.

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"Rage induced spit fits"???!!!??? Excuse me, but Carl Mauck is here and gone.


And the type of person you describe is not how Jim Kelly carries himself, anyway.

Do you know Jim personally ? If not , how can you speak as an authority on how Jim carries himself ! As memory serves me, Jim had many spit fits and made many a teammate and reporter feel his wrath..ask Jerry Sullivan about Jim and "how he carried himself " .

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another one reported .... :thumbsup:




What a chump.


Raised 6 kids did ya? And you're sitting here responding to every single response to you and reporting people ? Oh brother....


Keep reporting everyone though. Let's see who is removed first from the board..You and the rest of us :wallbash:

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Simply stated ..i have reported this infantile attack ! Keep up the good work and perhaps the "points" you tally up can sum up to a ban ! :thumbsup:

Shouldn't be too hard if people keep making retarded suggestions on hiring people for head coach who have never coached any position, at any level, and have publicly stated they have no desire to. Posting something of merit might succeed in generating more intelligent responses. And -1 for not recognizing movie quotes, Nancy.

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