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Breaking News for the Senator


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His ass is gonna be fired and he should be.

So Leach has been accused by a disgruntled redshirt sophomore 3rd-string WR son of ESPN announcer, former Patriettes* panty-waist and USFL standout Craig James of being made to - after showing up for practice in sunglasses - remain in a dimmed equipment room adjacent the practice field, and the slacker who didn't practice hard to begin with and claimed the sun glasses would speed his healing, was made to either stand in or ride a stationary bike in a comfortably cool, darkened equipment shed 'til he cried to daddy - then 'helicopter dad' ("I know he 'hovers' over the program and calls position coaches more than any other dad to complain about his son's lack of playing time." - Ted Liggitt, Attny for Mike Leach) swoops in and files a law suit.


(I believe 'daddy' was involved, along with Eric Dickerson and several other players, in a money-taking scandal at SMU that resulted in the 'death' of their program for several years.)


Your reasoning as to why Leach should be fired? I mean, other than the obvious - you would just love if he suddenly became available, and for the next Bills head coach to be the 'Mad Scientist of Football', offensive genius...


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The more I look at Mike Leach the more I begin to like the guy. Would he fit the NFL let alone the Buffalo Bills? I don't know it seems like his system is a great fit for college but that it might not translate that well to the pro game. HOWEVER if the Bills were to hire him I wouldn't hate the move its bold move that just might work out. Now I would only like the move if the top guys like Cower said no to the Bills and it was between Mike Leach and a Coordinator type.


If the Bills can't get a hold of a "Big" name then Leach is just the hire that might catch lighting in a bottle for the Bills. As for this whole suspension business I don't know what to make of it on the surface it seems like this kid is just wining like a B word to get back at his head coach who made an example of him. HOWEVER I don't know all the details so its all still up in the air until it all comes out.

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I've never been pro or anti Leach. I just don't know enough about him, or really care very much about college football either.


And the facts are clearly in dispute here.


And I don't care if he was sent to a dark room. No problem there. But if he was made to stand for hours while possibly suffering from a concussion, I can't see him being able to stay around.


A very weird story, though it's hard to tell exactly what really happened.

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I've never been pro or anti Leach. I just don't know enough about him, or really care very much about college football either.


And the facts are clearly in dispute here.


And I don't care if he was sent to a dark room. No problem there. But if he was made to stand for hours while possibly suffering from a concussion, I can't see him being able to stay around.


A very weird story, though it's hard to tell exactly what really happened.

I think the general perception is, and what the facts will eventually reveal, is that the kid - a 3rd year, 3rd-string red-shirt sophomore WR already perceived to be a bit of a 'slacker' and a malcontent by Leach - with a meddling, former NFL player and ESPN announcer, 'helicopter' dad - suffered some sort of injury, diagnosed as a possible mild concussion, yet not deemed serious enough for the examining doctor to request cat-scans, pupil measurements, or hospitalization or bed-rest, and was cleared by same said-doctor to return to practice, but not cleared for contact (much like Trent Edwards - who clearly suffered a 'bell-ringer' - was cleared to ride a stationary bike, but not take part in contact drills).


Leach and his coaches have the kid walk the track while the team practices and, the next day, kid shows up for practice sporting shades - claiming his doctor said they would 'speed his recovery' - at which point (now this is conjecture) Leach gets a little frosted, and sends the kid to the equipment garage (apparently a large out-building out of the sunlight and so much cooler than on-field that the o-line uses it for breaks), orders any chairs or anything else that the 'slacker' might sit (or nap) in, provides a stationary bike for the kid to work out, and assigns 3 trainers to watch over the kid (probably to make sure he doesn't just !@#$ off for 3 hours).


Kid whines to daddy, former NE* Cheatriettes* panty-waist Craig James (who may still be receiving illegal checks from that whole program-killing SMU scandal in the mid-80s) about the humiliation, who then whines to the chancellor, all-the-while claiming how much the entire James family loves Texas Tech, how they're only doing this to make guarantee the safety of other TTU athletes (who support Leach almost unanimously), and how much his 'sophomore' son Adam has enjoyed his first three years there! :rolleyes:


(A 3rd-year sophomore - obviously not a very bright gene-pool in the James household!)


If I'm wrong about any of this, and if Leach isn't 100% vindicated regardless of whether he remains at TTU (obviously, I hope he won't because I'd like to see him here), I'll eat my hat.

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Thanks for that news, Joe - have been a bit 'out of pocket' the last few days with the holidays, and attending to a sick relative at Roswell.


My guess is that the know-nothing dolts that are part of the anti-Leach campaign will, in a most 'knee-jerk'-like fashion, instantly side with the snot-nosed punk son of former Cheatriettes* panty-waist Craig James - who played alongside Cheatriettes* QB, Tony 'Should Be Wearing a Skirt' Eason.


(Wish I could take credit for the 'Tony Eason should be wearing a skirt' line, but attribution must be given to Eason's own teammate, HOF guard and one of the best offensive lineman ever, John Hannah.)


Expect obvious Craig James fan and cross-dressing Patriettes* diehard...




...to lead that anti-Leach brigade, in defense of the 'Doug Neidermeyer-like' Craig James and his soon-to-be-former Texas Tech 3rd string WR son, Adam.



Myself, I do think the incident widens the chasm between Leach and Texas Tech AD Gerald Myers, which almost resulted in Leach getting fired last February for wanting to honor his existing contract, and may make Leach once again cast his wandering eye toward other head coaching opportunities - including, hopefully, the one here in Buffalo.


Meanwhile, I'd hate to be the a-hole underclassman Adam James, who just got my head-coach suspended on the eve of a major bowl game, and whose college football days are likely over. Wonder just how many Texas Tech mens' rooms he'll be found in this Spring, hanging by his jockey shorts with TT offensive lineman Brandon Carter's worn jock strap draped over his head, and what school he'll transfer to next Fall?



When this is all over, Leach will be found to have done nothing too eggregious - certainly nothing more than a Woody Hayes or Bear Bryant or countless others might have done, and the holier-than-thou Patriettes* panty-waist Craig James and his wussier-than-thou, spoiled, snot-nosed son will be the ones doing the apologizing. My guess is that these Lubbock looneys are no match for...


Mike Leach, J.D.

Wrong, Senator Craig.


I really don't care what happens to Leach at Texas Community College--in fact I hope he keeps his job there. That way no moron in the Bills FO will be tempted to hire this QB killer of a coach. (Still waiting on your explanation as to how he murdered the NFL hopes of so many "great TT QBs", despite being "an offensive genius".)


Also, if he stays there--we get to see you endlesly crow on mindlessly about this fraud.


Still got those patriots season tickets, buddy?

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3rd year sophmore is in reference to his football eligibility not his academics. Looks like the gene pool at The Senator's household is lacking as well. :rolleyes:

Uh, yeah, JC, I do know what it refers to. If poor maligned Adam James intends to use all of his football eligibility, it means that he'll be in school (though certainly not at Texas Tech - maybe there's a community college that will accept the whining troublemaker) for 2 more years - not exactly a stellar academic achievement for a 3rd-string WR with no future in college or pro ball.

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Wrong, Senator Craig.


I really don't care what happens to Leach at Texas Community College--in fact I hope he keeps his job there. That way no moron in the Bills FO will be tempted to hire this QB killer of a coach. (Still waiting on your explanation as to how he murdered the NFL hopes of so many "great TT QBs", despite being "an offensive genius".)


Also, if he stays there--we get to see you endlesly crow on mindlessly about this fraud.


Still got those patriots season tickets, buddy?

MS. WEO! How are things on Herring Cove Beach this winter?


Er, um...I've already explained to you (or tried), along with several others, that while Leach was responsible for developing Tim Couch into the number one overall pick in the NFL draft, he bears no responsibility for throwing the rookie QB into the starting lineup of the expansion Cleveland Browns behind an atrocious o-line, breaking Couch's leg, injuring Couch's shoulder, or forcing Couch to ruin his career by taking steroids and HDH. I've also tried to explain to you (again, along with others) that Couch DID throw for 3000 yards in a season and lead those expansion Cleveland Browns to the playoffs, so if you want to insist that Leach has no record of QB sucess in the NFL, I guess it just shows that you're probably about as smart Billy Davidson, who used to sit behind me in 3rd grade and eat paste.


Again, the fact that several of Leach's most unlikely QBs led the NCAA in passing and even got a shot at the NFL is a monument to Leach's program and his ability to groom QBs. Others have also tried to enlighten you that Leach has never has the caliber of QB such as, oh...say...Matt Leinart or Matt Sanchez, if you want to talk about successful transitions to the NFL. (How 'bout that Pete Carroll and his record of NFL QB standouts eh?) :rolleyes:


As for Cheatriettes* tix, had them for 4 years, mostly 'cause I'm a football fan and it gave me an opportunity to see live football including my hometown Bills - but I haven't had them since I moved from Boston to California in 1989, and have held Bills season tix since moving back here in '97. What's in your wallet?

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Uh, yeah, JC, I do know what it refers to. If poor maligned Adam James intends to use all of his football eligibility, it means that he'll be in school (though certainly not at Texas Tech - maybe there's a community college that will accpt the troublemaker) for 2 more years - not exactly a stellar academic achievement for a 3rd-srting WR with no future in college of pro ball.

10 years, 3 WR in the NFL, despite all those passes. Yup, if he's looking for "no future in pro ball", he's in the right place.


Oh, that's right---Tim Couch! Imagine, a number 1 QB pick went to crappy team.


Anyway, his successors at TT had equally impressive numbers in Leach's system. What happened to them?


Leach runs the most potent passing offense perennially, and the best you can say is that they "even got a shot at the NFL is a monument to Leach's program and his ability to groom QBs"??



Sanchez, as a rookie, is starting for a team that might make the playoffs. Leinert is sitting the bench behind a HOF QB. Neither came from a school that led the nation in passing.

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10 years, 3 WR in the NFL, despite all those passes. Yup, if he's looking for "no future in pro ball", he's in the right place.


Oh, that's right---Tim Couch! Imagine, a number 1 QB pick went to crappy team.


Anyway, his successors at TT had equally impressive numbers in Leach's system. What happened to them?


Leach runs the most potent passing offense perennially, and the best you can say is that they "even got a shot at the NFL is a monument to Leach's program and his ability to groom QBs"??



Sanchez, as a rookie, is starting for a team that might make the playoffs. Leinert is sitting the bench behind a HOF QB. Neither came from a school that led the nation in passing.


First, I do believe you responded the the wrong freaking post, unless it was your intent to respond to my own reply to Mr. Cockcosten with a rebuttal of remarks I had yet to make. :doh:


Second, you point out that Sanchez is on a team that 'might' make the playoffs, yet downplay that Couch DID make the playoffs - with an expansion team). :death:


Third, thanks for supporting my claim that Leach is an offensive genius whose explosive offenses perennially lead the NCAA in passing yardage and scoring. :rolleyes:


As I stated, regarding your intelligence and the kid who sat behind me and ate paste... :beer:

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Uh, yeah, JC, I do know what it refers to. If poor maligned Adam James intends to use all of his football eligibility, it means that he'll be in school (though certainly not at Texas Tech - maybe there's a community college that will accept the whining troublemaker) for 2 more years - not exactly a stellar academic achievement for a 3rd-string WR with no future in college or pro ball.

Well AJ and Leach do have something in common after all!

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First, I do believe you responded the the wrong freaking post, unless it was your intent to respond to my own reply to Mr. Cockcosten with a rebuttal of remarks I had yet to make. :doh:


Second, you point out that Sanchez is on a team that 'might' make the playoffs, yet downplay that Couch DID make the playoffs - with an expansion team). :death:


Third, thanks for supporting my claim that Leach is an offensive genius whose explosive offenses perennially lead the NCAA in passing yardage and scoring. :rolleyes:


As I stated, regarding your intelligence and the kid who sat behind me and ate paste... :beer:

Nope, responded to both of your poorly thought out posts: TT is a graveyard for aspiring QBs, and not much better for the WRs they are throwing all those passes to. So this kid is in the right place if he, as you posted, has no future in the NFL.


Second, I didn't "downplay" Couch's playoff appearance--didn't mention it at all, actually (take a step closer to the screen, son). Just responding to your poor choice of comparison to two QBs who are actually playing in the NFL. The guy played for 5 seasons on the Browns. He broke his leg at the end of his 4th season. His best season, he put up JPL numbers. Ultimately, and also like JPL, he was replsaced by the great Kelly Holcomb.


Once The lowly Browns dumped him, he tried out for the Packers, Bears, Bengals, Titans, Dolphins, Steelers, Texans and Jags. In fact, he begged all 32 teams to give him a tryout. Only the PAck and Jags briefly signed him.


But you're really throwing up the white flag with this: "forcing Couch to ruin his career by taking steroids and HDH"---probably the dumbest comment in your impressive pantheon. His career was, as it would turn out, over before he took the roids. No one "made him do it". He was a broken down bust of a first round pick who already proven why no one wanted him. He was desperate.


"Third", your pointing out the fact that TT leads the nation in passing yearly actually reinforces the irrelevance of Leach's college boy game for the pros. Why haven't all of Leach's QB been able to achieve such a level of "success" as Couch???


By naming the pathetic Tim Couch as the only evidence for Leach's NFL worthiness, you couldn't have made a worse argument---yet, as others have pointed out here, you are not quite bright enough to understand this.

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Well AJ and Leach do have something in common after all!

Not so fast, JC - Poor maligned, mistreated Andy James departure is a sure thing, and probably can't come fast enough for TTU or for the sake of his own personal safety, but it remains to be seen whether Mike Leach or Gerald Myers/Gus Bailey win this skirmish...


The Saga of Mike Leach :: Something is Rotten in the state of Texas Tech University


BREAKING: Leach Injunction Hearing Open


Video - Tour of 'Shed' & 'Electrical Closet' in question with Leach's Attorney


Texas Tech vs. Team Leach



Of course, my money's on Leach.

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To bad Chris Farley is dead because he could've played ML's lawyer when they make a movie about ML's life.


I hate to say this, but I'm with you on this one The Senator. I've seen a lot worse in locker rooms, on the practice fields, during film sessions, etc. Leach is just making an example of James. The team was probably going through the motions at practice and Leach saw James with sunglasses on and he lost his sh*t. No big deal, hell, Jackie Sherrill castrated a freekin bull in front of his team to make a point! It seems pretty obvious that the higher ups at TT do not like Leach and want him gone. I just hope he doesn't get anywhere near OBD!



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Link - LA Times: Texas Tech fires football coach Mike Leach, two days after suspension


I must say I'm shocked, and the timing (as they were about to walk into an open hearing on Leach's suspension before a Texas judge) suggests that TTU knew they would lose today's legal round, and that this was maybe more about the $800K bonus Leach was to receive tomorrow and AD Gerald Myers ego, than any mistreatment of student athletes.


I still say Leach will be vindicated, awill win any legal battles with TTU over 'termination with cause', and will get the $800K bonus, the $1.6M buyout, and then some.


Oh well, TTU's loss may be the NFL's - and Buffalo Bills' - gain.

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