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Urban Meyer Stepping down as Florida Coach??


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Sports Illustrated had an article a few weeks ago about his health issues. Apparently he learned how to cope with it and changed his attitude and coaching style to keep healthy. According to SI, he has lived with it fine for years.


That said ...


My own (worthless) conspiracy theory take is that he's NOT stepping down for health reasons. Rather, he's stepping down before the NCAA hands out some heavy duty sanctions against Florida. How many players have been arrested during his tenure? How many times has he been accused of recruiting violations?


Might not happen this way. I have ZERO proof of this. Just call it a hunch. Men like him don't walk away unless they are looking to preserve their legacy. By saying it's health related, he gets off the hook ... until the NCAA comes down that is. But at least he won't have to deal with the ramifications of these (alleged) violations by coaching a team on probation.


Just my two cents.



I too smell a rat. Indeed, I smell a huge rat. So much so, that I went to SIvault.com and read the 10-page article about Meyer.


Two things of note in the article that are alarming.


1. Meyer allows his wife to be too involved with the program. In my mind that's a huge mistake. He even admits, that she decides on punishment when players get in trouble. She wants them to get counseling rather than booting them off the team. Meyer seems to bow to women a little too much, and if he yields to her that much, that can cause disruption in a program for men that is run by men.


Just speculation, but I think he probably got burned out, based on conflict in the building, probably caused by his wife.


2. Mixing religion with football (and a job). I see this as the biggest factor in bringing Meyer down. Let's face it, these people are pretty young and they have younger kids (college age) and I think this kind of religious committment can get old. Old for everyone in the building, players and coaches.


Why? Because church people challenge each other too much. If you're on the job and you're putting in 16 hours a day and it's all about football and God, that can get old real fast. Especially if you have players getting in trouble all the time. Whose to blame? Gotta be the coaches! Whose going to take the blame? No one.

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18 posts and no one suggested making an offer to Meyer to coach the Bills?




The original post says "How bout the Bills?" for a spot for him to coach next.



The thing that gets me is, that nobody picked up on the fact that ESPN reported that Mike Shanahan could be a possible replacement...and all of a sudden he takes his name out of the running for the Bills.



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I too smell a rat. Indeed, I smell a huge rat. So much so, that I went to SIvault.com and read the 10-page article about Meyer.


Two things of note in the article that are alarming.


1. Meyer allows his wife to be too involved with the program. In my mind that's a huge mistake. He even admits, that she decides on punishment when players get in trouble. She wants them to get counseling rather than booting them off the team. Meyer seems to bow to women a little too much, and if he yields to her that much, that can cause disruption in a program for men that is run by men.


Just speculation, but I think he probably got burned out, based on conflict in the building, probably caused by his wife.


2. Mixing religion with football (and a job). I see this as the biggest factor in bringing Meyer down. Let's face it, these people are pretty young and they have younger kids (college age) and I think this kind of religious committment can get old. Old for everyone in the building, players and coaches.


Why? Because church people challenge each other too much. If you're on the job and you're putting in 16 hours a day and it's all about football and God, that can get old real fast. Especially if you have players getting in trouble all the time. Whose to blame? Gotta be the coaches! Whose going to take the blame? No one.


What a porous attempt to insult "church people" and God. I find your comments boring and offensive.

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I too smell a rat. Indeed, I smell a huge rat. So much so, that I went to SIvault.com and read the 10-page article about Meyer.


Two things of note in the article that are alarming.


1. Meyer allows his wife to be too involved with the program. In my mind that's a huge mistake. He even admits, that she decides on punishment when players get in trouble. She wants them to get counseling rather than booting them off the team. Meyer seems to bow to women a little too much, and if he yields to her that much, that can cause disruption in a program for men that is run by men.


Just speculation, but I think he probably got burned out, based on conflict in the building, probably caused by his wife.


2. Mixing religion with football (and a job). I see this as the biggest factor in bringing Meyer down. Let's face it, these people are pretty young and they have younger kids (college age) and I think this kind of religious committment can get old. Old for everyone in the building, players and coaches.


Why? Because church people challenge each other too much. If you're on the job and you're putting in 16 hours a day and it's all about football and God, that can get old real fast. Especially if you have players getting in trouble all the time. Whose to blame? Gotta be the coaches! Whose going to take the blame? No one.


Thanks for the link to the article. Reading your number one, I was wondering if you just came off the set of Mad Men?.............Reading your number two, I have no idea what you're talking about. So, if you're working 16 hours a day on football, that doesn't get old, but if God's involved, it burns you out? :wacko:

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Do you know what issue that was? I am way behind in my SI reading and hope I didn't throw that one out or skip that article.

It was a benign brain cyst if I remember correctly. I don't have the article in front of me, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I know it was brain related.


But as Lori and others have pointed out, it seems as if it's a new heart ailment that is forcing him to step down. That probably puts a big, sinking hole in my idle conspiracy theory. Not that it was based on anything other than a hunch and baseless gossip in the first place :wacko:

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