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Trent deserves better...


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Guest dog14787
You want Edwards job because he sucks??


Forget Edwards and his hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Take Aaron Maybin instead. You get $5M a year -- far more than Edwards. And you get the opportunity to get an offside penalty on a recovered onside kick return, that nullifies any comeback opportunity by your team.


Way to go first round draft pick! Showin' us LOTSA promise on the field


I'm going by memory, but it seems like someone posted awhile back that Trent Edwards salary is one of the lowest on the team.


TE makes peanuts compared to some of the players like T.O., just so TE can go out there and get mowed over by unblocked Dline coming from all directions and then bashed by the fan base for something the FO could have prevented.

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Uh oh... Another Trent apologist!! They're popping up out of the woodwork!! No DC in the league respects Trentative Edwards and his abilities (or lack thereof). Stop trying to make excuses as to why he can't get the job done, you're making a fool out of yourself on a message board. ;)


It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault!


Like a broken record, bashing one guy out of 53


And not a word about our Jello Offensive Line


JayBaller10 = making a fool out of yourself



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We have seen Losman, Bledsoe, Collins, Johnson and Flutie leave this team in the past decade. I felt all of these QBs had seen their course with the team and we had seen enough. In summary we knew what they were capable of and it was time to move on.


I dont feel the same about Edwards. He is better than his production and has been dragged down because of the support system around him. If he leaves the Bills next year there is very little doubt that he will flourish elsewhere. I dont think he is a Pro Bowler but he is better than 1/2 of the QBs in this league. There are many playoff teams that are making it happen with less talented QB's than Edwards. Today's game frames the situation. He sits for four weeks behind a journeyman at best....and gets sacked twice because of a turnstile O-line. If this front office had done NOTHING with last years o-line Edwards would have had a chance to springboard this year.


Edwards deserves far better than this BS.


Time will tell on this one. Although the injury is unfortunate, when he came into the game he just didn't look comfortable in the pocket.

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Yes, you're right, Trent couldn't make the Offensive Line better than him.


Trent could have done far more to improve the play of Kirk Chambers and also to prevent Demetrius Bell from taking so many false start penalties.


Trent, you deserve ALL the blame for not making the Offensive Line around you better.


It's all your fault Trent


Never said that. Unfog the windows.

However, Trent did take a lot of sacks because he was holding onto the ball too long. So yeah, that could have made the o line appear better.

Trent sucks. He's not going to be a starter for the Bills. Get over it.

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Uh oh... Another Trent apologist!! They're popping up out of the woodwork!! No DC in the league respects Trentative Edwards and his abilities (or lack thereof). Stop trying to make excuses as to why he can't get the job done, you're making a fool out of yourself on a message board. ;)


No DC respects the Bills coaching staff.... remember TO said, he only runs the plays that are called. Last I checked our QB doesnt call the plays.

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Never said that. Unfog the windows.

However, Trent did take a lot of sacks because he was holding onto the ball too long. So yeah, that could have made the o line appear better.

Trent sucks. He's not going to be a starter for the Bills. Get over it.


We're over it honey.


Of course he's not coming back.


But barking away at how Trent is the bad bad bad guy is wearing out as your tired trade.


It's Trent's fault. It's Trent's fault. It's Trent's fault.



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I will say that the playcalling in the 2nd half was very suspect. Fitzy was getting dropped in the drive before, and the line allowed the same exact thing to happen to Edwards.


Regardless of who is quarterback, the Bills line will allow them to get killed on a weekly basis to the point where the quarterback looks like crap.


That said, Fitzy did better this week than in previous weeks, but again a qb gets killed and mentally destroyed behind our Swiss cheese of a line. The only way our O will look good is a system that effectively moves side to side with roll-outs and screens. However, our O doesn't do that well either. So, you have to pick your poisons well this year, and just pound it on the ground

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Personally, for whatever reason, I think Edwards lost whatever mojo he might've had when he got his bell rung in Arizona and was then joined to the hip to Dick Jauron, Buffalo's Caspar Milquetoast. Who knows what might've been had that not happened, I'll go for that, but to say "many playoff teams" have less talented QBs than Edwards .... wow, I'm not sure his own family would go that far.


I agree...


Say what you want, but before he got his bell rung against the Cards, he had 2-3 games early in 2008 where he played well

bring the Bills back from behind to win. Since then, he's not been a shadow of himself (or what he displayed early last year).

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We have seen Losman, Bledsoe, Collins, Johnson and Flutie leave this team in the past decade. I felt all of these QBs had seen their course with the team and we had seen enough. In summary we knew what they were capable of and it was time to move on.


I dont feel the same about Edwards. He is better than his production and has been dragged down because of the support system around him. If he leaves the Bills next year there is very little doubt that he will flourish elsewhere. I dont think he is a Pro Bowler but he is better than 1/2 of the QBs in this league. There are many playoff teams that are making it happen with less talented QB's than Edwards. Today's game frames the situation. He sits for four weeks behind a journeyman at best....and gets sacked twice because of a turnstile O-line. If this front office had done NOTHING with last years o-line Edwards would have had a chance to springboard this year.


Edwards deserves far better than this BS.



You're an Idiot!!

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It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault!


Like a broken record, bashing one guy out of 53


And not a word about our Jello Offensive Line


JayBaller10 = making a fool out of yourself




Obviously the offensive line is a problem, but Trent did NOTHING when he had the opportunities to make plays. Continuing to blame the offensive line for every 1 yard pass that Edwards throws is just ridiculous. You ARE making a fool of yourself when you argue that he can be successful and agree with statements that he is better than 1/2 the QBs in the league. He's barely better than Jamarcus Russell at this point. You want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year? Tell me again what teams Trentative beat...? Didn't he struggle against some of those lowly teams as well? Including college, the guy has 1 300 yd passing game on his resume. Get over the OL play, they could give him 5 seconds to throw and it wouldn't make a difference. The guy flat out sucks! No, he isn't the only problem, but he is a large part of the problem. Do yourself a favor - take off your rose colored glasses and you'll see the points that everyone else has been arguing. OL = bad; Trentative = very bad. Your hero isn't the savior you so desperately want him to be. Face the facts...

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You ARE making a fool of yourself when you argue that he can be successful and agree with statements that he is better than 1/2 the QBs in the league.


You want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year? Tell me again what teams Trentative beat...?


You're utterly brilliant at attributing comments to someone who didn't make them.


In fact JayBaller10, you're the one making a complete fool of yourself for attributing these comments.


"better than 1/2 the QBs in the league" ... HUHHH???? Didn't say that honey

"worship the 4-0 start" ... HUHHH? ... Where's the worship? I've re-checked all my posts and nowhere was that stated.


JayBaller10, you're a wonderful writer of Fiction. You should write the story of the Bills for the next decade with your misuse of facts and phantom evidence

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As I said a couple years ago - Trent isn't better than Losman he's just flawed in different ways that will become painfully apparent - The Bills need to take a look at Brian Brohm also Steve Johnson, and James Hardy these last two games- T.O and Reed are both free agents in 2010

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You're utterly brilliant at attributing comments to someone who didn't make them.


In fact JayBaller10, you're the one making a complete fool of yourself for attributing these comments.


"better than 1/2 the QBs in the league" ... HUHHH???? Didn't say that honey

"worship the 4-0 start" ... HUHHH? ... Where's the worship? I've re-checked all my posts and nowhere was that stated.


JayBaller10, you're a wonderful writer of Fiction. You should write the story of the Bills for the next decade with your misuse of facts and phantom evidence


No, you didn't say he was better than 1/2 of the QBs in the league, but your other Trentative apologist did, so excuse me if I just lump all of you guys together - in one big pile of stupidity..

Oh and by the way, I was asking a rhetorical question, "you want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year?" because I know this is the reason why you defend your hero - Trentative "Super Bill" Edwards...

Thank you for the complement, but I also write non-fiction much better than you ever will as well... ;)

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Miami gives LT Jake Long a big time $$$ contract to lock him up for the long term. Bill Parcells know the value of a LT.


We boot our Pro-Bowl LT out of town and have no valid replacement.

And we blow up our O-line


Brilliant. Russ Brandon, Dick Jauron, and Decision-making by Committee, Thank you! ;)

And the Bills gave their Pro Bowl LT big time $$$$ contract to lock him up for the long term, except he came right back and decided he was worth even more


enough with the Peters whining already. He wanted out and he wanted more money withut having to work for it. He's to blame as much as the Bills are.

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No, you didn't say he was better than 1/2 of the QBs in the league, but your other Trentative apologist did, so excuse me if I just lump all of you guys together - in one big pile of stupidity..

Oh and by the way, I was asking a rhetorical question, "you want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year?" because I know this is the reason why you defend your hero - Trentative "Super Bill" Edwards...

Thank you for the complement, but I also write non-fiction much better than you ever will as well... ;)


You're truly a desperate poster JayBaller10.


So you attribute comments to a poster who actually didn't make them.


And now you're asserting Trent is our "hero". That's quite a theoretical leap on your part.


We're making assertions about the offensive line and its complicity in our QB corps (Fitz, Trent) poor play and you assert that Trent is our "hero"


Bring it on honey. You're hate-on for the benched QB is breathtaking.



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You're truly a desperate poster JayBaller10.


So you attribute comments to a poster who actually didn't make them.


And now you're asserting Trent is our "hero". That's quite a theoretical leap on your part.


We're making assertions about the offensive line and its complicity in our QB corps (Fitz, Trent) poor play and you assert that Trent is our "hero"


Bring it on honey. You're hate-on for the benched QB is breathtaking.




I don't hate Trent, I just know something that you apologists can't seem to come to terms with - the guy flat out sucks.

He is your hero, your defensive posts make this painfully obvious to see.. What's theoretical about it? Our QBs play poorly because our QBs suck. Step back for a minute and take that in.. Our QBs suck - repeat that 10 times, or take off your rosy glasses, whichever is easier.

You're hate-on
? What does that mean?? I don't speak apologist...
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