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Trent Edwards

Guest dog14787

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Guest dog14787



Nice if you like BS, especially if you think Fitzpatrick's play has given anyone confidence except maybe our opposition this week.

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Flacco is a star in the making. He's cool calm and has a true rifle for an arm (puts JPL to shame) and is accurate. I wouldn't call him a gunslinger, though. Not his style.


TE's psyche is fried. He has lost all confidence. he neds to be a backup for a while and get his sack refilled.


JPL's mythical 2006 season is simply that. You can count all his "long bombs" without taking off your shoes. His sack total was mainly due to his inablility to get rid of the ball and/or his total lack of actual mobility (running around in circles or running backwards behind the line of scrimmage dosn't equal "great scrambler"). There seemed to be no evidence he played football at even the college level. Cringe inducing with every snap.


This is one of the few sensible things that have been said on the topic. TE desperately needs to be a back up for a bit and get some of the pressure taken off of him. He, unfortunately, has been both knocked and coached into uselessness. He needs time to get his head straight, get passion for the game and get de-dicked. The way he's been acting/playing this season helps no one. He starts we lose. Fitz starts....well we probably lose. But seeing as he was responsible for 4 of the 5 wins this season clearly he is the one guy that gives us a chance. As sad as that is, that is what it's come to.

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Our standards have clearly dropped for Quarterback play going by these posts. All you hear is excuse after excuse for Edwards. It is clear that throughout the last 10 seasons our expectations for a decent signal caller have dropped. What a sad state of affairs we are in. Personally I don't like any quarterback on this roster. We need to start over with this position. A good quarterback will shine through, a bad offense, line, coaching etc. He will at least show some promise. Edwards has shown nothing.

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Flacco is a star in the making. He's cool calm and has a true rifle for an arm (puts JPL to shame) and is accurate. I wouldn't call him a gunslinger, though. Not his style.


TE's psyche is fried. He has lost all confidence. he neds to be a backup for a while and get his sack refilled.


JPL's mythical 2006 season is simply that. You can count all his "long bombs" without taking off your shoes. His sack total was mainly due to his inablility to get rid of the ball and/or his total lack of actual mobility (running around in circles or running backwards behind the line of scrimmage dosn't equal "great scrambler"). There seemed to be no evidence he played football at even the college level. Cringe inducing with every snap.


This is one we actually--for the most part--agree on, WEO.


Losman was lousy. My only point in bringing him up was that Edwards was never able to duplicate even a lousy Losman's best season.


Regarding Flacco, I guess it depends on how you define gunslinger. He does love to throw the ball deep, but he really lacks a good deep threat that would allow him to do it very often in Baltimore. I do agree, however, that he is going to be very good for a long time.

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:lol: Right. Fewell is meek and cowardly :lol:

You are right to question my statement. However I did not say or mean to imply that Perry Fewell is meek or cowardly. I don't think that he is. I like Perry Fewell. I don't know whether he is the best man for the job but at least he is not counted amongst the living dead. He has all of the outwardly observable characteristics of a living, breathing, sentient human being. Seeing him on the sidelines breathes new life into the players and into the fans as well for that matter. A little goes a long way in Buffalo these days, I guess.

To be more precise, while we may never know, I have a strong and abiding suspicion that TO has trashed Trent Edwards in the clubhouse (and indeed publicly on the field). While this may be true, it is not to say that this is all on TO. No need here to dwell on or debate the things that Trent has been unable to do, for whatever reason.

TO has a lot of influence amongst his peers, especially I would expect amongst younger, African American players. He is a physically impressive specimen and he has a strong personality. He also has a resume for a player at his position that is literally second only to one or two other players in football history. He continues to be hypercompetetive with the ability to back it up. Enough said.

When it comes to deciding who to start, what Fewell cannot do is turn the tide of player sentiment that, amongst a certain group on both sides of the ball, is now decidedly against Trent. He may indeed have lost the team. Having Fewell lend Trent his support would make a difference, but it would go against the trend and likely not be enough to bring about an overall improvement in team performance. That is why, and is the only reason why, starting Ryan Fitzerald gives the Bills the best chance of winning. Bears mentioning that winning in the short term is important to Fewell because he is competing for a job.

I have seen enough young QBs struggle and veteran QBs have off years and then come back strong to know that there is a possibility that Trent Edwards may someday realize his potential and develop into a solid starter in this league.

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Ok... I'm a child because you disagree? LOL! So many people out there point the finger in one place rather than looking at the entire picture. I'm not saying FLAK-O is better or worse than TE. I'm saying he had the talent around him which gave him a "chance" to succeed. One player doesn't make a team great...there are many other pieces that have to be in place in order for success to come through. So stop giving FLAKE-O all the glory for Baltimore’s good season last year. He didn't do it alone. Ben Rothlisberger won a super bowl his second year...was it because he was better than Tom Brady? LOL man wake up and smell what you are shoveling.

You have unsuccessfully diverted the argument. The debate was not if "Flacco deserves all of the glory" but rather is he comparable in ability to TE. Which is still, not even a debate.


The talent around Flacco was literally the same talent that was around Kyle Boller the year before. Credit for the turnaround goes to a number of different places but largely to Flacco. What do you have against the guy?

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Really,ya think so?.Seems like people forgot about those forth quarter comebacks before the Arizona games last season,that showed Trent IS a capable quarterback in the NFL.So will we all be happy when he is cut in the offseason and signed by the Pats and Bill Bellicheat to back up Brady?I think not. :lol:


Maybe you shoudl go back and review those games...2 of those wins were because of Mitchell, Lynch and ST, not because of Trent who blew the whole game against 2 of the worst teams in the NFL last year...but go ahead, give Trent the credit for the win and the excuse for when he loses...


This thread is absurd...even people trying to argue that Flacco isnt any better than Trent...give me a break

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Guest dog14787
Maybe you shoudl go back and review those games...2 of those wins were because of Mitchell, Lynch and ST, not because of Trent who blew the whole game against 2 of the worst teams in the NFL last year...but go ahead, give Trent the credit for the win and the excuse for when he loses...


This thread is absurd...even people trying to argue that Flacco isnt any better than Trent...give me a break


Flacco has proved himself and TE hasn't even come close so I'm inclined to agree.

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This is one of the few sensible things that have been said on the topic. TE desperately needs to be a back up for a bit and get some of the pressure taken off of him. He, unfortunately, has been both knocked and coached into uselessness. He needs time to get his head straight, get passion for the game and get de-dicked. The way he's been acting/playing this season helps no one. He starts we lose. Fitz starts....well we probably lose. But seeing as he was responsible for 4 of the 5 wins this season clearly he is the one guy that gives us a chance. As sad as that is, that is what it's come to.

Passion is what TE is missing. Always has. And, it can't be taught or coached. I think he plays football now because he's good at it and can make lot of money doing it. He comes out at the beginning of the season and looks good every year. Then after a half dozen games or so he gets worse until he can't even produce any points with the offense. He often does this in games too. Comes out hot as pistol for the 1st half and then nothing. He can't come back into town in Feb/Mar to try to get used to the cold and practice. He's got golf on his mind. I just don't think he has the fire and attention span to play at a high level for very long.

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You have unsuccessfully diverted the argument. The debate was not if "Flacco deserves all of the glory" but rather is he comparable in ability to TE. Which is still, not even a debate.


The talent around Flacco was literally the same talent that was around Kyle Boller the year before. Credit for the turnaround goes to a number of different places but largely to Flacco. What do you have against the guy?


I have nothing against him. I'm telling you HE isn't the ONLY reason for the turn around.


Tell me why Matt Cassel did't take the Cheifs to 11-5 this year genious? He was a winning QB in New England so according to your logic that should carry over to the Chiefs right?


If the talent isn't there, if the coaching isn't there, if the system doesn't fit the players it aint gonna happen. Plugging in one guy and expecting him to be a miracle man doesn't work. Cassel doesn't look like the same QB this year...Gee I wonder why?


It must be because he "sucks" and doesn't have a "rocket arm". LOL!


You can't compare Edwards to Flacco because nobody knows how TE would do with a surrouding cast of talent, coaching, the right system, etc etc...

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Nice if you like BS, especially if you think Fitzpatrick's play has given anyone confidence except maybe our opposition this week.

both qbs in question dont inspire confidence. might as well continue with the one that has given the team some spark. and dont tell me its trent. cuz then you're not being honest.

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I have nothing against him. I'm telling you HE isn't the ONLY reason for the turn around.


Tell me why Matt Cassel did't take the Cheifs to 11-5 this year genious? He was a winning QB in New England so according to your logic that should carry over to the Chiefs right?


If the talent isn't there, if the coaching isn't there, if the system doesn't fit the players it aint gonna happen. Plugging in one guy and expecting him to be a miracle man doesn't work. Cassel doesn't look like the same QB this year...Gee I wonder why?


It must be because he "sucks" and doesn't have a "rocket arm". LOL!


You can't compare Edwards to Flacco because nobody knows how TE would do with a surrouding cast of talent, coaching, the right system, etc etc...

Flacco and TE aren't comparable players in terms of talent and that has nothing to do with supporting cast. Nobody has said it takes one player to make a winning team and that was NEVER the point. It's kind of ignorant to pretend there isn't obvious differences between Flacco and Edwards but whatever.


If you want a perfect comparison for TE, then just stick with the Bills. He can't beat out Ryan Fitzpatrick under the exact same circumstances and that should say it all.

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Flacco and TE aren't comparable players in terms of talent and that has nothing to do with supporting cast. Nobody has said it takes one player to make a winning team and that was NEVER the point. It's kind of ignorant to pretend there isn't obvious differences between Flacco and Edwards but whatever.


If you want a perfect comparison for TE, then just stick with the Bills. He can't beat out Ryan Fitzpatrick under the exact same circumstances and that should say it all.



Cassle to the Chiefs...Brees to the Saints...... It aint a one man show dude. Thats the point you are missing.


How about Favre to the Jets...how many people were saying he was washed up last year.....where are those people now?

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After watching Matt Cassel play the Bills yesterday knowing how much the Chiefs have invested in him and watching our backup QB for a few games, the difference in the Caliber between TE, Fitz and Cassel is obvious in my opinion. Trent Edwards is better then Cassel, he's better then Fitzpatrick, probably better then half the QB's starting in this league.


Trent Edwards regressed because we stuck him behind a rookie O-line. Trent Edwards regressed because our coaching at the HC and OC position over the last 5 plus years has been pathetic. Trent Edwards regressed because of a self centered idiot we brought in at the WR position to supposedly help this ball club. Do you think the Steelers are looking for a new QB after losing to the pitiful Browns and giving up 8 sacks. Big Ben is a championship caliber QB coming back from a concussion and you see the results when playing behind a sub par O-line.


Judging from our offense yesterday, we now have another defensive minded coach trying to run the offense. Fewell, if you are going to run a ball control, run it down your throat type offense which considering our O-line and youth at the QB position is not such a bad idea, put a QB in that can hit the broad side of a barn. If this is the offense you want to run, Captain Check down is the guy for you. Fitzpatrick fumbles and turns the ball over way to much and its a miracle we even beat the pitiful Chiefs in my opinion.


Because of our O-line I really didn't want TE back onto the field this season, but TE can run a conservative offense. He's much more accurate and will not turn the ball over near as much.


Ryan Fitzpatrick cannot beat the Pats, but in my opinion Trent Edwards can and he almost proved it once this year already.



We should let TE play,



Flame away...



Dog I agree 100% Too many Morons on this site.

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The only way to have a chance against the Pats is with the big play and we all know TE is blind past 20 yards down the field.



And why do you think this is true ???????? Could it of been his o-line, his OC ??? Wake up man. He's the best we have.

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Guest dog14787
Dog, I can respect your arguments because you are approaching this from a non-condescending perspective. The biggest problem I see with Edwards is when you have a wideout singled up, that's a pre-snap look. At that point, all he is doing is assessing the defense. Sitting in the stands and seeing Lee or TO singled up to the outside, I get excited. Single safety high, chuck it up to the guy that the safety doesn't roll towards. Edwards never even either A) recognized this single coverage or B) Disregarded it. Those are my biggest issues, his unwillingness to go after plays when they present themselves.



I'm sorry I missed your post,


There's no question that TE's not hitting his WR's intermediate and long as much as he needs to be, but the breakdowns in protection are causing TE to speed through his progressions and check down in my opinion and it is a mental thing, but I believe TE can play through it provided he stops getting concussions and the O-line continues to improve.


Defenses are all over Fitzpatrick now, they know his weakness's and Belicheat and his pack of wolves are all licking their chops at the prospect of us trying to run the ball down their throat with our O-line.


Trent Edwards was baptized into the fire once upon a time facing our worse enemy the New England Patriots and he almost took that first important step at the beginning of the season this year and came so close, and things could have probably turned out very different had we won the game, for TE, and for the season.


Trent Edwards is a good QB who needs to fight through his problems and we should afford him the time to do so or it makes the Buffalo Bills look bad in my opinion.

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