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The constant harping on Bledsoe is assinine - He's not being asked to run a pass-happy attack.  He QB's a run-first offense that is unable to consistently move the ball on the ground.


I could not have said it better myself. Thanks Campy.

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ANy team that faces the Bills has the blueprint to beat buffalo. Force the game into Drews hands. Only games we have won are games where teams have not had 8-9 guys in the box to eliminate the run. That is why we can't beat th Pat's. They have the same gameplan for us everytime we face them. Make Drew beat them, he can't, and never will.

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SHANE MATTHEWS SUCKS. FORGET HIM. HE'S HORRIBLE.  He wouldn't have us with a winning record right now.  He was available in the 3rd week of preseason in LATE AUGUST. if he was so good he would've been signed by some team who could've used a backup qb a lot sooner. Good backup quaterbacks don't sit around  twiddling their thumbs at home in LATE AUGUST, Matthews should never see a snap on the field ever.  Start Losman he's the future. Keep matthews holding that clipboard on the bench.



Kind of like when Kurt Warner was bagging groceries before getting signed. Or Rodney Pete (could be another qb that played for the vikes) laying tile in Las Vegas before going to the NFC championship. Never say never.

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Bledsoe is done...period...


21 Losses in his last 33 Starts....45 Losses in his last 75 Starts...Good God Folks, is that not evidence enough?



My good lord, that is unreal. How can anyone not accept the fact Bledsoe is a LOSER?


He can't be fixed. Please, can we just move forward without him and go through some growing pains with a rookie QB.

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SHANE MATTHEWS SUCKS. FORGET HIM. HE'S HORRIBLE.  He wouldn't have us with a winning record right now.  He was available in the 3rd week of preseason in LATE AUGUST. if he was so good he would've been signed by some team who could've used a backup qb a lot sooner. Good backup quaterbacks don't sit around  twiddling their thumbs at home in LATE AUGUST, Matthews should never see a snap on the field ever.  Start Losman he's the future. Keep matthews holding that clipboard on the bench.



And this is based on what observation? Have you been actually seeing any Bills games? How can any QB play worse than Drew Bledsoe right now? By the way, Kurt Warner was stocking shelves in a supermarket before he took the Rams to the Super Bowl, so your "thumb-twiddling" theory is not perfect.



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Agreed... Drew is only about 99% of the problem.



99%, huh?


Obviously, you've proven yourself to be, yet again, clueless about football.


But stellar at character assassination.

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Guest Gueteroo
What is it YOU do for a living these days? :lol:


To the others:


Saying Bledoe is the sole problem with the offense is akin to sticking your head in the sand because you're afraid of the sun.  It works, but only to a certain point, and certainly does not address the bigger issue.


There is more wrong with this offense than just Drew Bledsoe.  The offense must be able to run the ball to win.  Most people with a remedial understanding of the game understand that "smash-mouth football" is predicated on the ability to run the ball.  When they've managed to run the ball, they've been competitive and/or won the game.  When they haven't run well, they've lost the game.


The constant harping on Bledsoe is assinine - He's not being asked to run a pass-happy attack.  He QB's a run-first offense that is unable to consistently move the ball on the ground.


I find it amusing the way Campy talks down to the rest of the board. It's really hilarious. He always says things that make him sound like his knowledge of football is so much greater than the rest of the "remedial" football minds on this board. He's "forgotten more about X's and O's than most of the rest of us ever knew" was his classic line. And therefore, his opinion should carry so much more weight then us football flunkies.


Wake up Campy. . . even MM knows DB is done. Even a football retard can see that. You're missing the point that we are trying to run against 8 man fronts much of the time. WHY? because the opposition has no worries about our QB making plays. Shut down our run and you will beat us. Period.

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I find it amusing the way Campy talks down to the rest of the board. It's really hilarious. He always says things that make him sound like his knowledge of football is so much greater than the rest of the "remedial" football minds on this board. He's "forgotten more about X's and O's than most of the rest of us ever knew" was his classic line. And therefore, his opinion should carry so much more weight then us football flunkies.



I stand by that post as well as the earlier one where I defended myself. I also said that DB isn't playing well, but that he's far from the only "problem" the Bills' offense had in New England.


If I say things that make me sound like my knowledge of football is so much greater than yours, that should probably tell you something.


Thanks for playing, now run along and fire up your copy of Madden. :lol:

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I stand by that post as well as the earlier one where I defended myself. I also said that DB isn't playing well, but that he's far from the only "problem" the Bills' offense had in New England. 


If I say things that make me sound like my knowledge of football is so much greater than yours, that should probably tell you something.


Thanks for playing, now run along and fire up your copy of Madden. :lol:




Umm, I've never been impressed with your knowledge of the game. This stance you've taken only strengthens my feelings in that area.


I don't mean to stick up for a "guest" but people who know little should keep mum.


Of course Drew isn't the ONLY problem. Does he make people around him better? Does he come through in the clutch? Is he more a part of the solution, then the problem?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have a bridge to sell ya.

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Umm,  I've never been impressed with your knowledge of the game.  This stance you've taken only strengthens my feelings in that area.


I don't mean to stick up for a "guest" but people who know little should keep mum.


Of course Drew isn't the ONLY problem.  Does he make people around him better?  Does he come through in the clutch?  Is he more a part of the solution,  then the problem?


If you answered yes to any of these questions,  I have a bridge to sell ya.


Too funny. Remember the thread from Oct 31 you just resurrected about 5 minutes ago that said something to the effect of "Whip-de-doo, Drew beat a sub .500 team"?


Did you read my only post in that thread? I stated that I'm alot less excited about 'Drew' beating a sub-.500 team than I am about the fact the D and the Special Teams played well, and the O ran the ball effectively against a team that had to give up a red zone TD.


And did you read my above post were I said DB wasn't playing well, but that he wasn't the only problem?


How can you insult me about that when you turn around and say, "Of course Drew isn't the ONLY problem. " It seems you and I are in agreement.


As far as whether you (or anyone else) is "impressed" with my knowledge of football, I really (and I mean really) could care less.

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Far from it dude.


Huh? :lol:


You and I may disagree on whether DB is the QB who gives us a best chance to win this week.


But in your own words, you believe that "he's not the ONLY problem," which is exactly the point I've been making in just about every DB-sucks thread all season.

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I dont think he is the only problem.....




I also think that the subtraction of the problem that he DOES bring to this offense would make this team better immediately......


There are many factors that go into a game...the QB is only one....BUT...if you can by one change make a HUGE impact to the other problems....well......



God I hate to say this, but does anyone here remember when the midget replaced surfer boy? A QB CAN make a huge difference in an offense. Sure, he can't do it alone, but he has the biggest singular effect on an offense's success (with just an average O-Line in front of him....hummm ...we already have that). With that said, Moulds has NOT had a very good year to date. Sure he has his catches, but he seemingly has dropped more balls this year than I can recall in the past few years. That third down catch out of bounds Sunday night was just an example of how off his game he seems to be at the moment. The running game, on a run first team has not been successful for the most part. Our O-Line couldn't move anyone Sunday night. Evans may be overlooked but many times, he's just not open. Reed has been hurt and prior to that, he was working on playing himself out of the NFL. Our TE's? At best, inconsistent. Reality? They're well below average at this point. McGahee has played solid, but needs an occasional hole to run through for crying out loud. Whatever yards he gained Sunday night were on plays he just beat the Pats to the corner. Our defense? Sunday they were well seen as "whipped". For example, big Pat Williams seems to becoming less and less a factor. Ron Edwards may or may not be the answer, but he's made more plays to date than I can recall Williams making and I always liked big Pat. Not good for Pat, especially in his "last" contract year, to be showing signs of slowing down. Williams won't get a raise next year, from the Bills or anyone else. He may play, but for less $$$.


I could go on and on with our Safeties, McGee's penchant for falling down in coverages, Posey's invisible man imitation, etc., yet it still boils down to Bledsoe and the lack of spark he's shown for some time now. The man shows no confidence, in his line, his receivers, or himself. He's been throwing flat footed since the second half of 2002 and getting worse. Recall the Minnesota game from 2002? Recall him stepping up in the pocket, making solid, if not great throws, taking big hits, then getting up and doing it again and again? Where did that guy go? I'll tell you, he's taken too many hits and has become gun shy. Mentally, he's just not there. Let's also not foget how he locks onto a receiver and teletypes to the world who he wants to go to. When's the last time anyone saw Bledsoe look off a safety? I believe as others do here that the time has come. He's a classy and likeable guy and I wish it weren't true, but Drew is no longer a consistently competitive NFL caliber QB.


The time for another direction being taken is now. If JP isn't ready, and I believe he isn't, give Shane a start. Sure he sucks, but what have we gotten from Drew for some time now? ......Times, they are a changing.....

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Huh? :lol:


You and I may disagree on whether DB is the QB who gives us a best chance to win this week. 


But in your own words, you believe that "he's not the ONLY problem," which is exactly the point I've been making in just about every DB-sucks thread all season.




Way to go out on a limb...


I believe we disagree heavily on how much of a problem he is. That is what I meant about us not agreeing.


He is by far the biggest problem on this team, for the money he earns and position he plays, this can't happen.


I'm not asking Drew to be great, just be a bigger part of the solution, then the problem. For 2 1/2 seasons, this hasn't been the case, and Bills fans have had enough. Can you blame them?

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