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guys, while not downplaying the severity of his injury, i'm pretty sure fractures are less serious/career ending than blown ligaments/knees. Junior Seau's arm looked like that a couple years ago and he played again the next year. If it is a fracture, and no veins were disrupted (serious blood loss etc) I wouldnt be surprised to see him play again next year.


Correct me if im wrong, but arent bone breaks more easily treated than blown knees?


from a Dr on another fourm


From a medical standpoint, if that break is anywhere close to as serious as it looks, Wood's Tibula and Fibula might have to b shortened if they cannot be set. By the looks of the break, from an outside strike and by the fact that the shin bends at a near 90 degree angle, it may not be settable.



more from him.


If they have to do that what is the down side? What if it isn't settable? etc. etc.


That depends competely on the break. If the bone breaks into a bunch of little shards at the break, then the will do surgery by going in and securing the bone together by a plate, screw, etc and removing the bone matter. But if the break is messy and we are talking about 1-2 inches of destroyed bone, then the Fibula/Tibula wil have to be fabricated so that they can be secured together. There is way too many variables though to say anything. One thing I do know though, that a bad leg break is one of the most serious things you can have.


If the Fibula/Tibula have to be shortened, then walking will be hard, running harder, NFL football really hard. It would be like wearing one shoe.

What most people do when one leg is shortened is order special shoes that even them back out.


Wood is having surgery to re-set the bones. He’s expected back in Buffalo on Monday.


Well it doesn't sound too bad, not career threatening. That was a scary looking break though. When the bones break like that, they basically turn into a bunch of shanks inside the leg. They can cut flesh, arteries, and viens, which makes internal bleeding a serious concern. If he is going to be in Buffalo monday then that means they can just set it and cast his entire leg. Looks good for Eric Wood.
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Well, its not good guys. hoping we hear how the surgery went over the next few hours, that'll give us an idea of the severity. honestly it does not look good, but with no bone protrusion it may not be as bad as it looks. We've got nothing but time here.

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Agree...he'll be back more quickly that if he tore a ligament or a ruptured a tendon.


Of course, none of us knows what kind of a break it is, where it's located on the bone, what soft-tissue damage was also done...


He could be fine to go for next year...he may never play again and need a cane for the rest of his life. I doubt the doctors even know at this point.


Ugly injury, though.

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When it rains, it pours.

No kidding- I had already given up on the season, so I thought gut-punch time was over. I doubt we'll see him next year, perhaps 2011 if we're lucky, and it'd take a near miracle for him to be the same player he was. Just a horrible blow to an area of such need on this team.

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Of course, none of us knows what kind of a break it is, where it's located on the bone, what soft-tissue damage was also done...


He could be fine to go for next year...he may never play again and need a cane for the rest of his life. I doubt the doctors even know at this point.


Ugly injury, though.

none of us knows what kind of a [b]break[/b]s they are,


I am pretty sure both lower and upper leg bones were broken

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Wood's injury is devastating. He seemed to be playing well and was a building block for the future. Can he recover and play after this injury? Early, but it seems to be a legitimate question. How bad were Mitchell's and Butler's injuries? Will they be back for training camp and the pre-season next year?


This team will have a lot of holes to fill in the offseason, and the injury situation will make it that much more difficult. I have never seen so many injuries at this point in a season. Very depressing.

Agree, Wood's injury is a disaster for this young kid. You could see that he knew how bad it was and what it may mean for him as they were driving off and you could see him yell "F**K!"


Mitchell is injured? Hmm. Figured he was just taking some more plays off.

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Last three yrs with have had too many injuries....never have I have seen a Bills teams get hit so hard.


That being said they played hard, I would like to see them with all the players healthy, you expect them to have some injuries but damn.


When they were at full strength they had NE beat.....


Seems like this year was fate.... Football gods are just not feeling us right now.

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You're pretty sure he broke his femur?

seemed the lower leg shattered then the guy rolled up and the upper leg broke also, albeit less severly/more cleanly. That was my impression from the only time I watched it.


You disagree?

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seemed the lower leg shattered then the guy rolled up and the upper leg broke also, albeit less severly/more cleanly. That was my impression from the only time I watched it.


You disagree?


I've seen enough broken limbs in my life to not indulge the viewing of another one...I merely point out that you're the only person reporting a broken femur.


I also point out that you're pointing it out from a TV replay...and it would have to be a very bad break to be obvious on video.

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