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The Day The Football Died


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The day the Bills fired Bill Polian the best G.M. in the league. Anyone else agree!

Agreed. The Bills had no choice but to let those guys go when they did. We were so far over the cap, it was ridiculous. Somehow, I think BP would have managed that situation so much better than it was.

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I disagree. Butler's (mis-)handling of this, as well as the RJ/DF situation, I believe led to his decision to leave the team. In the process he totally tanked the 2000 draft, knowing he was out of here. Then the dominoes started falling - Donahoe's arrival shortly followed by Gregg Williams, etc etc etc.

I remember watching the Paul Maquire show on Empire one day, John Butler was on, and Steve Christie made an appearance also. Paul mentions to John that Steve's contract was up that year, and then said something about money. Steve is laughing, putting his arm around John, and John had this shocked expression on his face, that you could tell his brain was saying "oh crap".

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Actually, Reed was completely in bounds- Don Beebe was out of bounds



They both stunk, that's why we kept changing QBs. The whole debate was ludicrous. I take Van Pelt over either


If it's not broke, don't fix it. The Bills were 10-5 with Flutie that season. Just ask the 2000 Ravens led by Trent Dilfer, look what happened the next season, they brought in a supposedly better QB and failed!!!



Just ask the Miami Dolphins- That fumble defined his career and the lives of his fans- all losers


That's right, Flutie is the only QB in the league to fumble a ball when a D-linemen tee's off and drills him in the armpit area while attempting to throw (sarcasm). Blaming Flutie for that game is just like another thread on this forum saying it was stupid to fire Jauron. The blame on the dolphins game needs to be shared between Moulds & Reed, their actions cost us 11 points.

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